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Immediate Family
About Fernando Laínez, Señor de Castro Jerez
FERNANDO Laínez, son of LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). Husband of JIMENA Núñez
< Medlands >
- 1. [LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Layn Nunyz" as the son of "Nuyno Laniz" and his wife[378]. The Historia Roderici names Laín Núñez as son of “Nuño Laínez…[and] Eylo”[379]. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Lain Nuñez" as the son of "Nuño Lainez" and his wife[380]. He subscribed charters of Fernando I King of Castile between 1049 and 1063[381].] m ---. The name of Lain's wife is not known. Lain & his wife had [two] children:
- a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … He captured the castles of Ubierna, Urbel and La Piedra from Navarre, probably after 1054[386]. m TERESA Rodríguez, daughter of RODRIGO Álvarez & his wife Teresa Núñez. Diego & his wife had [three] children:
- i) [daughter . If "sobrinis" can be interpreted as nephew in the charter dated below, the mother of Álvaro Yáñez was the sister of Rodrigo Díaz. If that is correct, the chronology suggests that she must have been his older sister.] m JUAN ---, son of ---. One child
- (a) ÁLVARO Yáñez
- ii) [daughter . If "sobrinis" can be interpreted as nephew in the charter dated below, the mother of Álvaro Alvárez was the sister of Rodrigo Díaz. If that is correct, the chronology suggests that she must have been his older sister.] m ÁLVARO ---, son of ---. One child:
- (a) ÁLVARO Alvárez (-after 19 Jul 1074).
- iii) RODRIGO Díaz de Vivar (Vivar near Burgos [1043]-Valencia [10] Jul 1099, bur monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña) [EL CID] . … The Chronicon Burgense records the death in 1099 of “Rodericus Campidoctor”[401]. m ([19 Jul] 1074) JIMENA Díaz, daughter of conde DIEGO Fernández & his second wife Cristina Fernández (-1106). Rodrigo & his wife had three children:
- i) [daughter . If "sobrinis" can be interpreted as nephew in the charter dated below, the mother of Álvaro Yáñez was the sister of Rodrigo Díaz. If that is correct, the chronology suggests that she must have been his older sister.] m JUAN ---, son of ---. One child
- b) [FERNANDO Laínez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Diego Lainez, D. Fernando Lainez" as the children of "Lain Nuñez"[415].] m JIMENA Núñez, daughter of NUÑO Alfonso de Amaya & his wife ---. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Enxamea Nuñez, D. Teresa Nñez" as the children of "D. Nuño Alvarez de Maya", illegitimate son of Alfonso V King of León, and his wife, and in a later passage records that "D. Fernando Lainez" married "D. Ximena Nuñez"[416]. Fernando & his wife had one child:
- i) [Alvaro Fernández Minaya . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" as the child of "D. Fernando Lainez" and his wife "D. Ximena Nuñez"[417].] m [MILIA Ansúrez, daughter of Conde PEDRO Ansúrez & his second wife Eilo Alfonso. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos records that "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" married "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[418].] Álvaro & his wife had one child:
- (a) MARÍA Álvarez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Maria Alvarez" as the child of "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" and his wife "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[419].
- (a) MARÍA Álvarez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Maria Alvarez" as the child of "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" and his wife "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[419].
- i) [Alvaro Fernández Minaya . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" as the child of "D. Fernando Lainez" and his wife "D. Ximena Nuñez"[417].] m [MILIA Ansúrez, daughter of Conde PEDRO Ansúrez & his second wife Eilo Alfonso. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos records that "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" married "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[418].] Álvaro & his wife had one child:
- a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … He captured the castles of Ubierna, Urbel and La Piedra from Navarre, probably after 1054[386]. m TERESA Rodríguez, daughter of RODRIGO Álvarez & his wife Teresa Núñez. Diego & his wife had [three] children:
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Eilo Fernández. < link >
- NUÑO Laínez, son of [LAIN Fernández & his wife ---] . The Historia Roderici names “Nuño Laínez” as the son of “Laín Fernández”[372]. … m EILO Fernández, daughter of [FERNAN Rodríguez & his wife ---]. The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Pero Ferrandiz et una fija…don Elo" as the children of "Ferrant Rodríguiz", stating that the latter married "Nuyno Laniz" although it does not state directly the parentage of the latter[375]. … Nuño & his wife had [one child]:
- 1. [LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Layn Nunyz" as the son of "Nuyno Laniz" and his wife[378]. The Historia Roderici names Laín Núñez as son of “Nuño Laínez…[and] Eylo”[379]. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Lain Nuñez" as the son of "Nuño Lainez" and his wife[380]. He subscribed charters of Fernando I King of Castile between 1049 and 1063[381].] m ---. The name of Lain's wife is not known. Lain & his wife had [two] children:
- a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … married "D. Teresa Nuñez" ..
- b) [FERNANDO Laínez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Diego Lainez, D. Fernando Lainez" as the children of "Lain Nuñez"[415].] m JIMENA Núñez, daughter of NUÑO Alfonso de Amaya & his wife ---. Fernando & his wife had one child:
- i) [ALVARO Fernández Minaya . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" as the child of "D. Fernando Lainez" and his wife "D. Ximena Nuñez"[417].] m [MILIA Ansúrez, daughter of Conde PEDRO Ansúrez & his second wife Eilo Alfonso. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos records that "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" married "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[418].] Álvaro & his wife had one child:
- (a) MARÍA Álvarez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Maria Alvarez" as the child of "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" and his wife "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[419].
- (a) MARÍA Álvarez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Maria Alvarez" as the child of "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" and his wife "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[419].
- i) [ALVARO Fernández Minaya . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" as the child of "D. Fernando Lainez" and his wife "D. Ximena Nuñez"[417].] m [MILIA Ansúrez, daughter of Conde PEDRO Ansúrez & his second wife Eilo Alfonso. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos records that "Conde D. Alvaro Fernandez Minaya, que tuvo del Rey en tenencia a Castroxerez" married "D. la Condesa D. Milia Anzores, hija del Conde Don Pedro Anzores de Caton"[418].] Álvaro & his wife had one child:
- 1. [LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Layn Nunyz" as the son of "Nuyno Laniz" and his wife[378]. The Historia Roderici names Laín Núñez as son of “Nuño Laínez…[and] Eylo”[379]. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Lain Nuñez" as the son of "Nuño Lainez" and his wife[380]. He subscribed charters of Fernando I King of Castile between 1049 and 1063[381].] m ---. The name of Lain's wife is not known. Lain & his wife had [two] children:
- http://www.geneall.net/H/per_page.php?id=7945
- Torres Sevilla-Quiñones de León, Margarita Cecilia, "El linaje del Cid", Annals of the University of Alicante. Medieval History. n.º 13 (2000-2002). ISSN 0212-2480, pp. 343-360. < PDF >
- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigo_D%C3%ADaz_de_Vivar
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Cid
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