Fernán Ruiz Vermuis

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Fernán Ruiz Vermuis

Immediate Family:

Son of Rodrigue Bermudez de Castrogeriz and NN Usco Soares
Husband of Mrs. Unknown Vermuis
Father of Pedro Fernández and Elo Vermuis
Half brother of Unisco Sisnandes

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Fernán Ruiz Vermuis

NFP ttº PEREIRAS CONDE D.VERMUIS FORJAZ f.° of D. Forjaz, or D. Freulla Mendes N 2. Successor in the lands of Trastamara de Seu Pay; they say that from this D. Vermuis the name was taken from the Tale of Vermoim that was Judged, which is given by term to Villa de Barcellos in the Province of Entre Douro e Minho. Married With D. Aldonca Rz his mother D. Rodrigo Romays Count of Monterrozo Brother of his grandmother D. Joanna Romay. Sources: ARIH-pg. 111

Acerca de Fernán Ruiz Vermuis (Español)

NFP ttº PEREIRAS CONDE D.VERMUIS FORJAZ f.° de D. Forjaz, ou D. Freulla Mendes N 2. Sucedeo nas terras de Trastamara de seu Pay; dizem q deste D. Vermuis tomara o nome o Conto de Vermoim q foi Julgado, o qual se deo por termo a Villa de Barcellos na Provincia de Entre Douro e Minho. Cazou Com D. Aldonca Rz sua Pr.ª fª de D. Rodrigo Romays Conde de Monterrozo Irmão de sua avo D. Joanna Romay. Fontes: ARIH-pg. 111

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