Feiga Horodenker, [the Prophetess]

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Feiga Horodenker (Ashkenazi), [the Prophetess] (1755 - 1801)

Hebrew: פייגא הורדנקר, [the Prophetess]
Also Known As: "the Prophetess"
Birthplace: Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Death: March 04, 1801 (41-50)
Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Place of Burial: Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Yechiel of Mezhibuzh and Rbzn. Udel Ashkenazi, dau. Baal Shem Tov
Wife of Rabbi Simcha Horodenker, [Breslaver father]
Mother of Yechiel Tzvi Horodenker, [Breslaver brother]; Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav; Perel Horodenker, [Breslaver sister] and Rabbi Yisrael "Der Toiter" Hordenker, [Breslaver brother]
Sister of David Ashkenazi; Moshe Haim Ephraim Ashkenazi, of Sudilkov, Gdson of BESHT; Yitzchak Ashkenazi; Yisrael Ashkenazi and Rabbi Baruch Ashkenazi, of Medzhybizh

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Feiga Horodenker, [the Prophetess]

Feigi, Reb. Nachman of Breslov's mother, was born in Medzeboz to her parents, R. Yechiel Ashkenazi and Adil, the Baal Shem Tov's daughter.

Feigi married R. Simcha in 1763. This match had been agreed upon by the Baal Shem Tov and R. Nachman Horodenker, Rabbi Simchas's father, before either Feiga or her husband had been born. It was the "fee" R. Nachaman Horodenker was willing to pay the Baal Shem Tov for his arranging R. Nachman's own marriage to the sister of R. Yitzchok Drovitcher.

Feiga was known for her ruach hakodesh and righteousness. She was called "Feigaleh the prophetess" by her renowned brothers R. Ephriam of Sudylkov and R. Baruch of Medzeboz who were aware of her ability to see into the future and speak of events before they actually came to be.

Feiga's name appears time and again throughout the early history of Breslov Chassidut. Yet, perhaps the greatest tribute to her valor came from the R. Nachman himself who cautioned that any one wising to have a request of heaven answered in his merit should refer to him as R. Nachman, son of Feiga (unlike others who after their passing are recalled by their father's name).

Faiga Ashkanzi was the daughter of Ysrael Baal Shem Tov and his second wife, Hannah Gershon. She was the grand daughter of Eliezar and Sarah.


R'Nachman observed both 19 Adar I and 19 Adar II as yortzeit of his mother



Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. MH:S5


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Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. MH:S5


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Feiga Horodenker, [the Prophetess]'s Timeline

Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Medziboz, Ukraine
April 4, 1772
Medzhybizh, Letychiv, Letichevskiy Rayon, Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Medzhibozh, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine
March 4, 1801
Age 46
Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine
Age 46
Medzhybizh, Khmel'nyts'ka oblast, Ukraine