Immediate Family
About Fastre II d'Oisy, châtelain et avoué de Tournai
FASTRE [I d'Oisy], son of --- (-<1092). Avoué de Tournai. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Fastredum eiusdem urbis advocatus" when recording his marriage[754].
m IDA d'Avesnes, daughter of WEDRICUS d'Avesnes & his wife ---. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Idam, germanam Theoderic de Asvensis" as wife of "Fastredus"[755].
Fastre [I] & his wife had [four] children:
1. GOSSUIN d'Oisy (-1127). The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Gosceguinus, filius domine Ida", specifying that he succeeded "avunculo suo Teoderico"[756]. Seigneur d'Avesnes, de Condé et de Leuze. "Gossuini de Montibus, Gossuini de Avesnis, Widonis de Cervia, Hugonis de Lens" subscribed the charter dated 1117 under which Baudouin III Comte de Hainaut donated property to the monastery of Saint-Denis[757]. “...Gossuinus Avesnensis et frater eius Isembardus...” witnessed the charter dated 1117 under which Bouchard Bishop of Cambrai confirmed a donation made to the abbey of Saint-Denis near Mons[758]. A charter dated to [1145] records commitments by the abbot of Anchin to the inhabitants of Avesnes and names "Gozewinus Avesnensis castri dominus [et] uxore sua Agnete…Walterus successor et nepos suus [et] uxore sua Ida et filio suo Teoderico"[759]. The Chronicon Lætiense records the death of "dominus Gozvinus" and his burial "ante hostium basilice sancte Marie"[760]. m AGNES de Ribemont, daughter of ANSELME [II] de Ribemont & his wife Berthe ---. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Agnes" as daughter of "Anselmus de Ribodimonte", and names her son "Gossuino"[761]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Agne…filia Anselmi de Ribotmont" as wife of "Gosceguinus, filius domine Ida", specifying that they were childless, that he appointed his nephew Gauthier as his successor, and that Agnes became a nun after her husband's death[762]. The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that "Agnetem…filiam Anselmi comitis de Ribodimonte" married "Goswinus de Oysiaco, castellanus Cameracensis" but was childless[763].
2. FASTRE [II d'Oisy (-after 1111)]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Fastridus filius eius [=Fastredus]", and in a later passage specifies that he was "filius illius Ide" and "advocatus Tornacensis"[764]. Another perspective on the parents of Gauthier [I] d’Oisy is provided by the late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis which records that "nepos suus ex sorore Walterus cognomina Plukellus" succeeded "Goswinus de Oysiaco, castellanus Cameracensis"[765]. It is not known which version might be correct. Avoué of Tournai.] m RICHILDE, daughter of ---. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Richilde" as wife of "Fastradus", without giving her origin, specifying that she became a nun at Tournai after her husband's death[766]. Her family origin has not been traced. However, the [1205] Chronicle of Liessies abbey records that Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut was guardian of “trois Gillion, enfants nobles, dont les pères étaient morts...de Chimay...de Bousignies [Bouchain] et...de Trazegnies”, noting that the last named was claimed by “Gautier d’Avesnes avec lequel il était plus proche parent qu’avec le comte”[767]. The precise family relationship between Gilles [I] de Trazegnies and Gauthier [I] d’Oisy Seigneur d’Avesnes has not been ascertained: maybe it was through Gauthier’s mother.] Fastre [II] & his wife had three children:
a) GAUTHIER [I] d'Oisy (-1147). The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Galterum…germani sui [=Gosceguinus] Fastradi filium", specifying that his paternal uncle appointed him as his successor, and that he succeeded in "castrum Avesniense totamque pene regionem illam que dicitur Bracbantus"[768]. The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that "nepos suus ex sorore Walterus cognomina Plukellus" succeeded "Goswinus de Oysiaco, castellanus Cameracensis"[769]. Seigneur d'Avesnes, de Condé et de Leuze 1127. A charter dated to [1145] records commitments by the abbot of Anchin to the inhabitants of Avesnes and names "Gozewinus Avesnensis castri dominus [et] uxore sua Agnete…Walterus successor et nepos suus [et] uxore sua Ida et filio suo Teoderico"[770]. m IDA [de Mortagne, daughter of EVERARD [I] Radoul Châtelain de Tournai, Seigneur de Mortagne & his wife Richilde de Hainaut]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Idam, filiam Everardi castellani Tornacensis" wife of "Gualterus"[771]. The chronology for her parentage as reported in the Liber is very tight. Her paternal grandmother must have been born in [1107] at the earliest, while Ida apparently gave birth to ten children by her marriage, before her husband died in 1147. It would make more sense if Ida was the sister, not daughter, of Everard [II], assuming that she was related to this family at all. A charter dated to [1145] records commitments by the abbot of Anchin to the inhabitants of Avesnes and names "Gozewinus Avesnensis castri dominus [et] uxore sua Agnete…Walterus successor et nepos suus [et] uxore sua Ida et filio suo Teoderico"[772]. Gauthier [I] & his wife had ten children:
i) THIERRY d'Oisy (-[before 1106]). A charter dated to [1145] records commitments by the abbot of Anchin to the inhabitants of Avesnes and names "Gozewinus Avesnensis castri dominus [et] uxore sua Agnete…Walterus successor et nepos suus [et] uxore sua Ida et filio suo Teoderico"[773]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "filio suo [=Gualterus] Teoderico", specifying that he married "sororem Balduini comitis Montensis"[774]. Seigneur de Mortagne. m --- de Hainaut, daughter of [BAUDOUIN II Comte de Hainaut & his wife Ida de Louvain]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "filio suo [=Gualterus] Teoderico", specifying that he married "sororem Balduini comitis Montensis"[775]. The text does not specify which "Balduini comitis Montensis" is intended. However, if Thierry's date of death is correct as shown above, it is likely that the marriage took place only shortly before this date. If that is correct, then the text most probably refers to Count Baudouin III, who succeeded his father in 1098. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[776], Thierry's wife was Richildis, daughter of Baudouin III Comte de Hainaut, who later married Everard [II] Raoul Châtelain de Tournai. However, this is chronologically impossible (assuming that Thierry did die before 1106) as Baudouin III's marriage is dated to [1107].
ii) NICOLAS d'Oisy (-[1169/71]). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Nicolaum, Yvonem, Fastradum et episcopum Everardum Tornacensem" as the sons of "Galterum de Avennis" & his wife Ida[777]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "altero filio suo [=Gualterus] Nicholao", specifying that he succeeded in "castrum Avesniense et Bracbantum"[778]. Seigneur d'Avesnes, de Condé et de Leuze.
- see below.
iii) [IVES] d'Oisy . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Nicolaum, Yvonem, Fastradum et episcopum Everardum Tornacensem" as the sons of "Galterum de Avennis" & his wife Ida[779]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis records that "tercio vero filio advocationem Tornacensem [=Gualterus] tradidit", without naming him[780]. It is not known whether this is the "Yvonem" named by Alberic.
iv) EVERARD d'Oisy (-28 Sep 1190). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Nicolaum, Yvonem, Fastradum et episcopum Everardum Tornacensem" as the sons of "Galterum de Avennis" & his wife Ida[781]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "quarto [filio advocationem Tornacensem =Gualterus] Everardo, postea episcopo Tornacensi", specifying that he was archdeacon at Cambrai and Tournai[782]. Canon at Tournai 1145, archdeacon 1150. Bishop of Tournai 1173. "Evrardus…Tornacensis episcopus" confirmed the donation by "Johannes advocatus Cisonii" to Cysoing, in the presence of "fratrum meorum Nicolai…de Avesnis et Gossuini advocati Tornacensis", by charter dated to [1174/86], confirmed after the donor’s death by "domna Petronilla uxor eius soror mea et Petrus supradicti Johannis frater"[783]. The Continuatio Aquicinctina of Sigebert's Chronica records the death in 1190 of “Evrardus Tornacensis episcopus”[784]. The necrology of Tournai Saint-Nicolas-des-Prés records the death “IV Kal Oct” of “dominus Evrardus episcopus noster”[785].
v) PETRONILLE d'Oisy (-after 1174). The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis records "quatuor filias [advocationem Tornacensem =Gualterus]" who were married, but does not name them[786]. "Evrardus…Tornacensis episcopus" confirmed the donation by "Johannes advocatus Cisonii" to Cysoing, in the presence of "fratrum meorum Nicolai…de Avesnis et Gossuini advocati Tornacensis", by charter dated to [1174/86], confirmed after the donor’s death by "domna Petronilla uxor eius soror mea et Petrus supradicti Johannis frater"[787]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. m firstly JAN [I] van Peteghem en Cysoing, son of --- (-before 1154). m secondly (before 1154) ROGER de Landas, son of ---.
vi) GOSSUIN d'Oisy . "Evrardus…Tornacensis episcopus" confirmed the donation by "Johannes advocatus Cisonii" to Cysoing, in the presence of "fratrum meorum Nicolai…de Avesnis et Gossuini advocati Tornacensis", by charter dated to [1174/86], confirmed after the donor’s death by "domna Petronilla uxor eius soror mea et Petrus supradicti Johannis frater"[788].
vii) FASTRE d'Oisy . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Nicolaum, Yvonem, Fastradum et episcopum Everardum Tornacensem" as the sons of "Galterum de Avennis" & his wife Ida[789].
viii) three daughters. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis records "quatuor filias [advocationem Tornacensem =Gualterus]" who were married, but does not name them[790].
b) SARA d'Oisy . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m GOSSUIN, son of ---.
c) AELIS d'Oisy . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m ARNOUL [III] Seigneur de la Hamaide, son of ---.
3. ISEMBARD (-after 1117). “...Gossuinus Avesnensis et frater eius Isembardus...” witnessed the charter dated 1117 under which Bouchard Bishop of Cambrai confirmed a donation made to the abbey of Saint-Denis near Mons[791].
4. daughter . The Annales Cameracenses refer to the wife of "Elbodo [filius Evrardi de Watterlos [et] coniuge sua Disdelde]" as "Gossuini de Avesnes sororem, materteram Galteri Puluchat"[792]. m ELBODO, son of EVRARD de Watterlos & his wife Disdelda ---.
Fastre II d'Oisy, châtelain et avoué de Tournai's Timeline
1080 |
Oisy-lez-Avesnes, Hainaut, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1105 |
Oizy-lez-Avesnes, Hainaut, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1107 |
Oizy, Namur, Belgium
1111 |
August 5, 1111
Age 31
Avesnes, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
???? | |||
???? |