Immediate Family
About Facquilène, comtesse de Bigorre
Facquilène de Bigorre1
- b. circa 795
- Father Mancio, comte de Bigorre2 b. circa 770
Facquilène de Bigorre was born circa 795. She was the daughter of Mancio, comte de Bigorre.2 Facquilène de Bigorre married Donat Lupo, comte de Bigorre, son of Lupus III, Duque de Vasconia, before 815.1,3
Donat Lupo, comte de Bigorre b. circa 795, d. 820
Lupo I, comte de Bigorre+ b. c 815, d. a 9101
- [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 286-39.
- [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 286-40.
- [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/
LOUP . His name is known only from the patronymic attributed to his son. It is possible that he was the same person as Loup [Duke of Gascony] (died after 819) who is shown above. m ---. The name of Loup's wife is not known.
Loup & his wife had one child:
a) DONAT Loup (-[838/65]). Comte [de Bigorre]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Emperor Louis I sent "Elisachar abbatem et Hildebrandum comitem…et Donatum" to suppress the revolt of "Aizone" in the March of Spain [in 827][66]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Emperor Louis I sent "Bonifatius comes et Donatus…comes…et Adrebaldus Flaviniacensis monasterii abbas" as missi to Septimania [in 838][67]. The chronology suggests that he was a different person from Donat, ancestor of the Condes de Bailo, who is shown above.
m FAQUILO, daughter of [MANSIO] & his wife ---. "Dompna Faquilo" donated property to the monastery of Saint-Orens de Lavedan, for the souls of "Mansionis…Donati Lupi comiti…et filiis meis et filias", by charter dated Dec [865], subscribed by "Dattonis Donati comitis, Luponis, Luponis Centuli"[68]. Monlezun names "Faquilène, fille de Mancion qui paraît appartenir à la souche des vicomtes de Lavédan" as the wife of Donat-Loup de Bigorre[69].
Facquilène, comtesse de Bigorre's Timeline
795 |
Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
820 |
Bigorre, Spain
Bigorre, France
???? | |||
???? |