Immediate Family
ex-husband's daughter
ex-husband's son
ex-husband's son
ex-husband's daughter
About Eupheme MacRuaridh (Macruari)
Amie, daughter of Ranald, Lord of Garmoran, heiress of Clan Ruairi, of Glengarry. John divorced Amie to m2nd Margaret, daughter of Robert the Second, King of Scotland. ___________________________________________
Amie MacRuari1 F, #146979 Last Edited=7 Jun 2014
Amie MacRuari is the daughter of Ruari MacRuari of Gamorgan.1 She married Iain Macdonald, Lord of the Isles, son of Angus 'Oig' Macdonald, Lord of the Isles and Agnes O'Cathan, circa 1337, by Papal dispensation.1 She and Iain Macdonald, Lord of the Isles were divorced.2
After her divorce she returned to her fatehr's lands, and built Castle Tioram and Castle Clanranald on Loch Moidart.2 She was also known as Eupham.1 From circa 1337, her married name became Macdonald.1 Children of Amie MacRuari and Iain Macdonald, Lord of the Isles Iain Macdonald+1 d. c 1369 Godfrey Macdonald+1 Reginald MacDonald, 1st of Clanranald and 1st of Glengarry+2 d. 1386 Citations [S37] BP2003 volume 1, page 449. See link for full details for this source. Hereinafter cited as. [S37] [S37] BP2003. [S37] _________________________________________________________
Euphemia MacRuare1,2 Last Edited 4 Apr 2020 F, #37487 Father Roderick MacRuare Charts Pedigree of James Irvine
Euphemia MacRuare and Ian (John) MacDonald, 7th Lord of the Isles obtained a marriage license on 4 June 1337; Date of Papal Dispensation being related in the 4th degree of kindred. They had 3 sons (John; Reynold; & Godfrey).2,3 Euphemia MacRuare and Ian (John) MacDonald, 7th Lord of the Isles were divorced before 14 June 1350. Family Ian (John) MacDonald, 7th Lord of the Isles d. 1387 Children Agnes MacDonald+ d. b Mar 1414 Ranald MacDonald, 1st Lord Moydart & Glengarry+ d. 1386 Citations [S575] Unknown author, The Complete Peerage, by Cokayne, Vol. VII, p. 76. [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 552. [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. I, p. 628. ____________________________________________________
http://archive.org/stream/clandonald03macduoft#page/180/mode/2up The clan Donald
States that John "the good of Isla" and Amy had 8 sons. 1- John 2- Reginald or Randall 3- Godfrey 4- Donald, the successor, 5- John Mor Tanistear 6- Angus 7- Alexander was known as Alastair Carrach 8- Hugh whos ancestor name changed to McIntoshes
This is just a list of Amy's sons. Amy was John's 2nd wife. There are other children listed for John to include a natural son named Donald, a hostage in the hands of the king. And 2 daughters Mary and Margaret. John's family by his 1st wife cut off from succession to the lordship of the Isles. _______________________________________________________
page 59-60
Eupheme MacRuaridh (Macruari)'s Timeline
1327 |
Moidart, Kingdom of the Isles, Scotland
1334 |
Perthshire, Scotland
1337 |
Ardtornish Castle, Morvern, Argyll, Scotland
1350 |
Age 23
1358 |
???? |