Immediate Family
About Estefanía Pérez de Traba
29. ESTEFÂNIA PERES DE TRAVA, condessa, casou com RODRIGO FERNANDES DE CASTRO, "o Calvo", rico-homem, senhor de Cuéllar, de Toroão e de Orzellón, 9° alcaide-mor de Toledo, príncipe das Milícias, e um dos mais notáveis capitães espanhóis de sua época: "caballero castellano de los mas ilustres dei Reyno, y extremado capitán, de cuyo nombre estan l/enos los privilegios, y de sus hazaõas Ia historia". Filho de Fernando, "o de Castro", morto no cerco de Huesca (1094-096), e de Maria Álvares, esta última, prima-irmã do Cid Campeador.
"But in reality, the successors of the power and wealth of the Trava in Galicia come from the sisters of Fernán Pírez de Trava: Estefanía Pérez de Trava'Bold text', married to Gutierre Ruiz de Castro, mayor of Toledo, a native of Castroxeriz, and ao The clear opinion of King Don Garcia of Galicia, who denaturalized himself from Castela and naturalized in Galicia, and who would aspire to rebuild on our earth all the power and influence of the Trava, of the family of his wife."
Estefanía Pérez de Traba's Timeline
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