Historical records matching Ermentrude of Orléans, queen of the Franks
Immediate Family
About Ermentrude of Orléans, queen of the Franks
CHARLES II “le Chauve
s/o Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & Judith [Welf]
x (Quierzy, Aisne 13 Dec 842, separated 867) ERMENTRUDIS (d/o EUDES Comte [ d’Orléans ] &Engeltrudis) (27 Sep [830]-Saint-Denis 6 Oct 869, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis)
The Annales Bertiniani record the marriage in 842 of "Ermendrud neptem Adalardi comitis" and "Karolus" at "Carisiacum palatium"[242]. Nithard names "Hirmentrude, daughter of Odo and Ingiltrud" as wife of Charles[243]. She was crowned in Aug 866 at Saint-Médard de Soissons. After she was separated from her husband, she retired to a monastery. The Annales Bertiniani record the death "869 II Non Oct in monasterio Sancti Dyonisii" of "Hyrmentrudem uxorem suam [=Karoli]" and her burial at Saint-Denis[244]. The Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris records the death "Non Oct" of "Irmentrudis regina uxor Caroli"[245]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "Non Oct" of "Hirmentrudis regina"[246].
1.JUDITH ([844]-after 870)
2.LOUIS (1 Nov 846-Compiègne 10 Apr 879, bur Compiègne, église collégiale Saint-Corneille)
3.CHARLES ([847/48]-near Buzançais, Indre 29 Sep 866, bur Bourges, église de Saint-Sulpice).
4.CARLOMAN (-[877/78])
5.LOTHAIRE (-14 Dec 865)
7. ERMENTRUDIS (-after 11 Jul 877)
9. ROTRUDIS ([850]-)
xx (12 Oct 869, confirmed Aix-la-Chapelle 22 Jan 870) RICHILDIS (d/o comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & NN d'Arles (-[30 Jan] [910 or >])
10. ROTHILDIS ([871]-22 Mar 929
11.DROGO ([872/73]-[873/74], bur Abbaye de Saint-Amand, Flanders)
12.PEPIN([872/73]-[873/74], bur Abbaye de Saint-Amand, Flanders)
13.son (23 Mar 875-soon after)
14.CHARLES (10 Oct 876-877 before 7 Apr, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis)
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia.
She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842.
Their children were:
- Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders
- Louis the Stammerer (846–879)
- Charles the Child (847–866)
- Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain
- Carloman (849–876)
- Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde
- Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon.
- Hildegard (born 856, died young)
- Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans (ou Hermentrude), (825-869), fille de Eudes d'Orléans (ou Vodon d'Orléans) et d'Engeltrude de Fézensac, descendante de Charles Martel[r%C3%A9f. nécessaire], elle épousa Charles II le Chauve en 846 à Quierzy-sur-Oise, et fut couronnée à Saint-Médard de Soissons. Son mariage ne fut pas heureux car le roi vouait une passion à sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, sœur de Boson de Provence, duc de la Bourgogne-Cisjurane.
Ermentrude, séparée de Charles en 867, mais non répudiée, se retire à l'abbaye de Hasnon, près de Valenciennes, où elle meurt le 6 octobre 869 à l'âge de 44 ans. Après sa mort, le roi Charles le Chauve épousera sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, en 870.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
* Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders
* Louis the Stammerer (846–879)
* Charles the Child (847–866)
* Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain
* Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876)
* Rotrud (852–912), a nun
* Ermentrud (854–877), a nun
* Hildegard (born 856, died ?)
* Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-Denis[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Preceded by Judith of Bavaria First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ermentrude Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orl%C3%A9ans" Categories: 823 births | 869 deaths | Carolingian dynasty | Frankish women | Frankish queens consort | Burgundian queens consort | Aquitainian queens consort | Lotharingian queens consort
Ermentrude of Orléans
Ermentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 823 – 869 AD) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the nunnery of Chelles. She died in 869.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
Preceded by Judith, daughter of Welf First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-DenisErmentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellous brother, retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Kejsarinna i Frankrike.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orléans
Married Judith of France, daughter of Charles of France and Ermentrude of Orleans. When Flanders became part of Charlemagne’s Empire, Baldwin I was created the 1st Count of Flanders, and kept Flanders free of Vikings. He was named “Bras de Fer” due to his strong arms. Their son was Baldwin II “The Bald”.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irmentrud Irmentrud aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Grab von Königin Irmentrud
Irmentrud (* 27. September 825; † 6. Oktober 869 in der Abtei Hasnon), Tochter des Grafen Odo von Orléans und der Ingeltrud von Fezensac. Zu ihren Vorfahren zählen Karl Martell, Pippin I., der Ältere und der Langobardenkönig Desiderius.
Am 13./14. Dezember 842 heiratete sie in Quierzy Karl den Kahlen, König des westfränkischen Reiches. 867 trennte sie sich von ihrem Mann (Grund war die Scheidung Lothars II. von seiner Frau Theutberga wegen der Mätresse Waldrada) und zog sich in die Abtei von Hasnon bei Valenciennes zurück, wo sie zwei Jahre später starb. Sie wurde in der Basilika von Saint-Denis beigesetzt. Kinder [Bearbeiten]
* Judith (* 844 † 870), ∞ 1. 856 König Æthelwulf von Wessex († 858); ∞ 2. 858 König Æthelbald von Wessex († 860), ∞ 3. nach einer Entführung 862 Graf Balduin I. von Flandern († 879)
* Ludwig II. der Stammler (* 846; † 879) König des Westfränkischen Reiches
* Karl das Kind (* 847/848; † 866), König von Aquitanien
* Karlmann († 876), Abt von St. Médard in Soissons, 874 Abt von Echternach
* Lothar († 865), 861 Mönch, später Abt von Saint-Germain d'Auxerre
* Ermentrud († 877), Äbtissin von Hasnon bei Valenciennes
* Rotrud († 889), Äbtissin von Andlau
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger Judith von Bayern Westfränkische Königin 843–867 Richildis von der Provence Normdaten: LCCN: nr98031516 | VIAF: 76231876 | WP-Personeninfo Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 8. August 2010 um 18:51 Uhr geändert.
Ermentrude de Orleans1 b. 27 September 830, d. 6 October 869, #24196 Pop-up Pedigree
Father Eudes Comte de Orleans b. circa 800, d. circa 834 Mother Engeltrude of Paris1 b. circa 805
Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Ermentrude Queen of the Franks.2 Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Hermintrudis. Birth circa 825 Two sources only say that Ermentrude was born circa 825.3,4 Birth* 27 September 830 And several give a date of on 27 September 830 for her birth.5,1,6 Marriage* 14 December 842 Ermentrude de Orleans, 12 years old, married Charles II The Bald, King of France, who was 19 years old, , son of Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor and Judith of Bavaria & Swabia, 14 December 842 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Ile-de-France, France. This was a first marriage for both parties. Other than the children listed in this data base, many sources include daughter Gisele, and two more children than are sometimes said to have been twins that died young, Pippin and Drogo.7,8,3,4 research* 850 Find at Internet 850. !AInfoNew* 866 In 866 Ermentrude was crowned the Queen of France. By this time she had produced a number of children including 6 sons but none of them was satisfactory as far as Charles Le Chauve was concerned. By September 866, four of them were dead.9 Death* 6 October 869 Ermentrude died on 6 October 869 at age 39.1,3,4
Family Charles II The Bald, King of France b. 13 June 823, d. 6 October 877 Children 1. Rothildis d' Aquitaine+ b. c 844, d. c 92810,11
2. Judith Princess of the Franks+ b. 844, d. a 8702
3. Louis II "The Stammerer", King of France+ b. 1 Nov 846, d. 10 Apr 879
4. Charles of Aquitaine b. c 847, d. c 86612
5. Carloman Abbott of St Médard Soiss b. 849, d. 87613
6. Hildegarde b. c 850
7. Ermentrude Abbess of Hasnon 14
8. Lothar d. 86514
Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
* Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders
* Louis the Stammerer (846–879)
* Charles the Child (847–866)
* Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain
* Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876)
* Rotrud (852–912), a nun
* Ermentrud (854–877), a nun
* Hildegard (born 856, died ?)
* Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
1. Judith Princess of Franks, Queen of England
Born: ABT 0844 - , , , France
Marr: 856 - Ethelwulf (Aehelwulf) King of Wessex (other spouses)
Died: AFT 0870
2. Louis II King of the Franks
Born: 1 Nov 0846 - , , , France
Marr: 862 - Ansgarde Princess of Burgundy, [Queen of the Fr (other spouses)
Died: 10 Apr 0879 - , Compiegne, Oise, France
3. Charles King of Aquitaine
Born: 0847/0848 - , , , France
Marr: 862 - Miss
Died: 29 Sep 0866 - (sp), Buzancois, Indrey, France
4. Lothaire "The Lame" Prince of Franks
Born: ABT 0847 - of, , , France
Died: 0865 -
5. Carloman Prince of Franks, Born: ABT 0849 - , , , France
Died: 0876 - Epternac, Marne, France
6. Rotrude Princess of Franks, [Abbes of St. Ra
Born: ABT 0850 - , , , France
Died: 0889/0912 -
7. Ermentrud Princess of Franks [Abbess O
Born: ABT 0854 - of, , , France
Died: -
8. Hildegarde Princess of Franks
Born: ABT 0856 - of, , , France
Died: -
9. Gisele (Gisla) Princess of Franks
Born: ABT 0858 - , , , France
Died: 1 Jul 0874 -
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
* Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders
* Louis the Stammerer (846–879)
* Charles the Child (847–866)
* Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain
* Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876)
* Rotrud (852–912), a nun
* Ermentrud (854–877), a nun
* Hildegard (born 856, died ?)
* Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d' Orléans, Reine de France (823 - 869) Gift 19.12.842Karl II le Chauve av Frankrike. Tysk-romersk keiser. Født 13.06.823. Død 06.10.877.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to life in a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans F, #103214, d. 869 Last Edited=13 Jul 2005
Ermentrude d'Orléans was the daughter of Odo, Comte de Orléans. (1) She married Charles I, Roi de France, son of Louis I, Roi de France and Judith von Bayern, in 842. She died in 869. Children of Ermentrude d'Orléans and Charles I, Roi de France -1. Charles, Roi d'Aquitaine d. 866 -2. Carloman (?) d. 876 -3. Judith, Princesse de France+ b. bt 843 - 8441 -4. Louis II 'the Stammerer', Roi de France+ b. 1 Nov 843, d. 10 Apr 879
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10322.htm#i103214
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans (ou Hermentrude), (825-869), fille de Eudes d'Orléans (ou Vodon d'Orléans) et d'Engeltrude de Fézensac, descendante de Charles Martel[réf. nécessaire], elle épousa Charles II le Chauve en 846 à Quierzy-sur-Oise, et fut couronnée à Saint-Médard de Soissons. Son mariage ne fut pas heureux car le roi vouait une passion à sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, sœur de Boson de Provence, duc de la Bourgogne-Cisjurane.
Ermentrude, séparée de Charles en 867, mais non répudiée, se retire à l'abbaye de Hasnon, près de Valenciennes, où elle meurt le 6 octobre 869 à l'âge de 44 ans. Après sa mort, le roi Charles le Chauve épousera sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, en 870.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-Denis[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Preceded by Judith of Bavaria First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ermentrude Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orl%C3%A9ans" Categories: 823 births | 869 deaths | Carolingian dynasty | Frankish women | Frankish queens consort | Burgundian queens consort | Aquitainian queens consort | Lotharingian queens consort
Ermentrude of Orléans
Ermentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 823 – 869 AD) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the nunnery of Chelles. She died in 869.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
Preceded by Judith, daughter of Welf First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-DenisErmentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellous brother, retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Kejsarinna i Frankrike.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orléans
Married Judith of France, daughter of Charles of France and Ermentrude of Orleans. When Flanders became part of Charlemagne’s Empire, Baldwin I was created the 1st Count of Flanders, and kept Flanders free of Vikings. He was named “Bras de Fer” due to his strong arms. Their son was Baldwin II “The Bald”.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irmentrud Irmentrud aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Grab von Königin Irmentrud
Irmentrud (* 27. September 825; † 6. Oktober 869 in der Abtei Hasnon), Tochter des Grafen Odo von Orléans und der Ingeltrud von Fezensac. Zu ihren Vorfahren zählen Karl Martell, Pippin I., der Ältere und der Langobardenkönig Desiderius.
Am 13./14. Dezember 842 heiratete sie in Quierzy Karl den Kahlen, König des westfränkischen Reiches. 867 trennte sie sich von ihrem Mann (Grund war die Scheidung Lothars II. von seiner Frau Theutberga wegen der Mätresse Waldrada) und zog sich in die Abtei von Hasnon bei Valenciennes zurück, wo sie zwei Jahre später starb. Sie wurde in der Basilika von Saint-Denis beigesetzt. Kinder [Bearbeiten]
- Judith (* 844 † 870), ∞ 1. 856 König Æthelwulf von Wessex († 858); ∞ 2. 858 König Æthelbald von Wessex († 860), ∞ 3. nach einer Entführung 862 Graf Balduin I. von Flandern († 879) * Ludwig II. der Stammler (* 846; † 879) König des Westfränkischen Reiches * Karl das Kind (* 847/848; † 866), König von Aquitanien * Karlmann († 876), Abt von St. Médard in Soissons, 874 Abt von Echternach * Lothar († 865), 861 Mönch, später Abt von Saint-Germain d'Auxerre * Ermentrud († 877), Äbtissin von Hasnon bei Valenciennes * Rotrud († 889), Äbtissin von Andlau Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger Judith von Bayern Westfränkische Königin 843–867 Richildis von der Provence Normdaten: LCCN: nr98031516 | VIAF: 76231876 | WP-Personeninfo Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 8. August 2010 um 18:51 Uhr geändert.
Ermentrude de Orleans1 b. 27 September 830, d. 6 October 869, #24196 Pop-up Pedigree
Father Eudes Comte de Orleans b. circa 800, d. circa 834 Mother Engeltrude of Paris1 b. circa 805
Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Ermentrude Queen of the Franks.2 Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Hermintrudis. Birth circa 825 Two sources only say that Ermentrude was born circa 825.3,4 Birth* 27 September 830 And several give a date of on 27 September 830 for her birth.5,1,6 Marriage* 14 December 842 Ermentrude de Orleans, 12 years old, married Charles II The Bald, King of France, who was 19 years old, , son of Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor and Judith of Bavaria & Swabia, 14 December 842 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Ile-de-France, France. This was a first marriage for both parties. Other than the children listed in this data base, many sources include daughter Gisele, and two more children than are sometimes said to have been twins that died young, Pippin and Drogo.7,8,3,4 research* 850 Find at Internet 850. !AInfoNew* 866 In 866 Ermentrude was crowned the Queen of France. By this time she had produced a number of children including 6 sons but none of them was satisfactory as far as Charles Le Chauve was concerned. By September 866, four of them were dead.9 Death* 6 October 869 Ermentrude died on 6 October 869 at age 39.1,3,4
Family Charles II The Bald, King of France b. 13 June 823, d. 6 October 877 Children 1. Rothildis d' Aquitaine+ b. c 844, d. c 92810,11
2. Judith Princess of the Franks+ b. 844, d. a 8702 3. Louis II "The Stammerer", King of France+ b. 1 Nov 846, d. 10 Apr 879 4. Charles of Aquitaine b. c 847, d. c 86612 5. Carloman Abbott of St Médard Soiss b. 849, d. 87613 6. Hildegarde b. c 850 7. Ermentrude Abbess of Hasnon 14 8. Lothar d. 86514 Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
1. Judith Princess of Franks, Queen of England
Born: ABT 0844 - , , , France Marr: 856 - Ethelwulf (Aehelwulf) King of Wessex (other spouses) Died: AFT 0870 2. Louis II King of the Franks
Born: 1 Nov 0846 - , , , France Marr: 862 - Ansgarde Princess of Burgundy, [Queen of the Fr (other spouses) Died: 10 Apr 0879 - , Compiegne, Oise, France 3. Charles King of Aquitaine Born: 0847/0848 - , , , France Marr: 862 - Miss Died: 29 Sep 0866 - (sp), Buzancois, Indrey, France 4. Lothaire "The Lame" Prince of Franks Born: ABT 0847 - of, , , France Died: 0865 - 5. Carloman Prince of Franks, Born: ABT 0849 - , , , France
Died: 0876 - Epternac, Marne, France 6. Rotrude Princess of Franks, [Abbes of St. Ra Born: ABT 0850 - , , , France Died: 0889/0912 - 7. Ermentrud Princess of Franks [Abbess O Born: ABT 0854 - of, , , France Died: - 8. Hildegarde Princess of Franks Born: ABT 0856 - of, , , France Died: - 9. Gisele (Gisla) Princess of Franks
Born: ABT 0858 - , , , France Died: 1 Jul 0874 -
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d' Orléans, Reine de France (823 - 869) Gift 19.12.842Karl II le Chauve av Frankrike. Tysk-romersk keiser. Født 13.06.823. Død 06.10.877.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to life in a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France
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From the Geni profile ...
- Added by: Jean-Jacques CHACUN on February 8, 2007
- Managed by: Margaret, (C) and 422 others
- Curated by: Jason Wills, Away on holiday in Thailand Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France. -------------------- Ermentrude d'Orléans F, #103214, d. 869 Last Edited=13 Jul 2005
Ermentrude d'Orléans was the daughter of Odo, Comte de Orléans. (1) She married Charles I, Roi de France, son of Louis I, Roi de France and Judith von Bayern, in 842.
She died in 869. Children of Ermentrude d'Orléans and Charles I, Roi de France -1. Charles, Roi d'Aquitaine d. 866 -2. Carloman (?) d. 876 -3. Judith, Princesse de France+ b. bt 843 - 8441 -4. Louis II 'the Stammerer', Roi de France+ b. 1 Nov 843, d. 10 Apr 879
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10322.htm#i103214
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans (ou Hermentrude), (825-869), fille de Eudes d'Orléans (ou Vodon d'Orléans) et d'Engeltrude de Fézensac, descendante de Charles Martel[réf. nécessaire], elle épousa Charles II le Chauve en 846 à Quierzy-sur-Oise, et fut couronnée à Saint-Médard de Soissons. Son mariage ne fut pas heureux car le roi vouait une passion à sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, sœur de Boson de Provence, duc de la Bourgogne-Cisjurane.
Ermentrude, séparée de Charles en 867, mais non répudiée, se retire à l'abbaye de Hasnon, près de Valenciennes, où elle meurt le 6 octobre 869 à l'âge de 44 ans. Après sa mort, le roi Charles le Chauve épousera sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, en 870.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-Denis[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Preceded by Judith of Bavaria First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ermentrude
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orl%C3%A9ans" Categories: 823 births | 869 deaths | Carolingian dynasty | Frankish women | Frankish queens consort | Burgundian queens consort | Aquitainian queens consort | Lotharingian queens consort
Ermentrude of Orléans
Ermentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 823 – 869 AD) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the nunnery of Chelles. She died in 869.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
Preceded by Judith, daughter of Welf First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-DenisErmentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellous brother, retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Kejsarinna i Frankrike.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orléans
Married Judith of France, daughter of Charles of France and Ermentrude of Orleans. When Flanders became part of Charlemagne’s Empire, Baldwin I was created the 1st Count of Flanders, and kept Flanders free of Vikings. He was named “Bras de Fer” due to his strong arms. Their son was Baldwin II “The Bald”.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irmentrud Irmentrud aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Grab von Königin Irmentrud
Irmentrud (* 27. September 825; † 6. Oktober 869 in der Abtei Hasnon), Tochter des Grafen Odo von Orléans und der Ingeltrud von Fezensac. Zu ihren Vorfahren zählen Karl Martell, Pippin I., der Ältere und der Langobardenkönig Desiderius.
Am 13./14. Dezember 842 heiratete sie in Quierzy Karl den Kahlen, König des westfränkischen Reiches. 867 trennte sie sich von ihrem Mann (Grund war die Scheidung Lothars II. von seiner Frau Theutberga wegen der Mätresse Waldrada) und zog sich in die Abtei von Hasnon bei Valenciennes zurück, wo sie zwei Jahre später starb. Sie wurde in der Basilika von Saint-Denis beigesetzt. Kinder [Bearbeiten]
- Judith (* 844 † 870), ∞ 1. 856 König Æthelwulf von Wessex († 858); ∞ 2. 858 König Æthelbald von Wessex († 860), ∞ 3. nach einer Entführung 862 Graf Balduin I. von Flandern († 879) * Ludwig II. der Stammler (* 846; † 879) König des Westfränkischen Reiches * Karl das Kind (* 847/848; † 866), König von Aquitanien * Karlmann († 876), Abt von St. Médard in Soissons, 874 Abt von Echternach * Lothar († 865), 861 Mönch, später Abt von Saint-Germain d'Auxerre * Ermentrud († 877), Äbtissin von Hasnon bei Valenciennes * Rotrud († 889), Äbtissin von Andlau
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger Judith von Bayern Westfränkische Königin 843–867 Richildis von der Provence Normdaten: LCCN: nr98031516 | VIAF: 76231876 | WP-Personeninfo Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 8. August 2010 um 18:51 Uhr geändert.
Ermentrude de Orleans1 b. 27 September 830, d. 6 October 869, #24196 Pop-up Pedigree
Father Eudes Comte de Orleans b. circa 800, d. circa 834 Mother Engeltrude of Paris1 b. circa 805
Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Ermentrude Queen of the Franks.2 Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Hermintrudis. Birth circa 825 Two sources only say that Ermentrude was born circa 825.3,4 Birth* 27 September 830 And several give a date of on 27 September 830 for her birth.5,1,6 Marriage* 14 December 842 Ermentrude de Orleans, 12 years old, married Charles II The Bald, King of France, who was 19 years old, , son of Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor and Judith of Bavaria & Swabia, 14 December 842 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Ile-de-France, France. This was a first marriage for both parties. Other than the children listed in this data base, many sources include daughter Gisele, and two more children than are sometimes said to have been twins that died young, Pippin and Drogo.7,8,3,4 research* 850 Find at Internet 850. !AInfoNew* 866 In 866 Ermentrude was crowned the Queen of France. By this time she had produced a number of children including 6 sons but none of them was satisfactory as far as Charles Le Chauve was concerned. By September 866, four of them were dead.9 Death* 6 October 869 Ermentrude died on 6 October 869 at age 39.1,3,4
Family Charles II The Bald, King of France b. 13 June 823, d. 6 October 877 Children 1. Rothildis d' Aquitaine+ b. c 844, d. c 92810,11
2. Judith Princess of the Franks+ b. 844, d. a 8702 3. Louis II "The Stammerer", King of France+ b. 1 Nov 846, d. 10 Apr 879 4. Charles of Aquitaine b. c 847, d. c 86612 5. Carloman Abbott of St Médard Soiss b. 849, d. 87613 6. Hildegarde b. c 850 7. Ermentrude Abbess of Hasnon 14 8. Lothar d. 86514
Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
1. Judith Princess of Franks, Queen of England
Born: ABT 0844 - , , , France Marr: 856 - Ethelwulf (Aehelwulf) King of Wessex (other spouses) Died: AFT 0870
2. Louis II King of the Franks
Born: 1 Nov 0846 - , , , France Marr: 862 - Ansgarde Princess of Burgundy, [Queen of the Fr (other spouses) Died: 10 Apr 0879 - , Compiegne, Oise, France
3. Charles King of Aquitaine Born: 0847/0848 - , , , France Marr: 862 - Miss Died: 29 Sep 0866 - (sp), Buzancois, Indrey, France
4. Lothaire "The Lame" Prince of Franks Born: ABT 0847 - of, , , France Died: 0865 -
5. Carloman Prince of Franks, Born: ABT 0849 - , , , France
Died: 0876 - Epternac, Marne, France
6. Rotrude Princess of Franks, [Abbes of St. Ra Born: ABT 0850 - , , , France Died: 0889/0912 -
7. Ermentrud Princess of Franks [Abbess O Born: ABT 0854 - of, , , France Died: -
8. Hildegarde Princess of Franks Born: ABT 0856 - of, , , France Died: -
9. Gisele (Gisla) Princess of Franks
Born: ABT 0858 - , , , France Died: 1 Jul 0874 -
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d' Orléans, Reine de France (823 - 869) Gift 19.12.842Karl II le Chauve av Frankrike. Tysk-romersk keiser. Født 13.06.823. Død 06.10.877.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to life in a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans F, #103214, d. 869 Last Edited=13 Jul 2005
Ermentrude d'Orléans was the daughter of Odo, Comte de Orléans. (1) She married Charles I, Roi de France, son of Louis I, Roi de France and Judith von Bayern, in 842. She died in 869. Children of Ermentrude d'Orléans and Charles I, Roi de France -1. Charles, Roi d'Aquitaine d. 866 -2. Carloman (?) d. 876 -3. Judith, Princesse de France+ b. bt 843 - 8441 -4. Louis II 'the Stammerer', Roi de France+ b. 1 Nov 843, d. 10 Apr 879
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10322.htm#i103214
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: •Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans (ou Hermentrude), (825-869), fille de Eudes d'Orléans (ou Vodon d'Orléans) et d'Engeltrude de Fézensac, descendante de Charles Martel[réf. nécessaire], elle épousa Charles II le Chauve en 846 à Quierzy-sur-Oise, et fut couronnée à Saint-Médard de Soissons. Son mariage ne fut pas heureux car le roi vouait une passion à sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, sœur de Boson de Provence, duc de la Bourgogne-Cisjurane.
Ermentrude, séparée de Charles en 867, mais non répudiée, se retire à l'abbaye de Hasnon, près de Valenciennes, où elle meurt le 6 octobre 869 à l'âge de 44 ans. Après sa mort, le roi Charles le Chauve épousera sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, en 870.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: •Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-Denis[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Preceded by Judith of Bavaria First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ermentrude Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orl%C3%A9ans" Categories: 823 births | 869 deaths | Carolingian dynasty | Frankish women | Frankish queens consort | Burgundian queens consort | Aquitainian queens consort | Lotharingian queens consort
Ermentrude of Orléans
Ermentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 823 – 869 AD) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the nunnery of Chelles. She died in 869.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
Preceded by Judith, daughter of Welf First following the Treaty of Verdun Queen of Western Francia 843–869 Succeeded by Richilde of Provence
Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
Ermentrude buried in front of Carloman I (751-771), Basilique Saint-DenisErmentrude Of Orleans (also Hirmentrude, Irmintrud, 27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was a Frankish noblewoman. Daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and Engeltrude, she married Charles the Bald, King of France in 842. She was a gifted embroiderer and was interested in religious foundations. Charles gave her the abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellous brother, retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Her known children include Judith, Louis the Stammerer, and Charles of Aquitaine.
[edit] References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Kejsarinna i Frankrike.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orléans
Married Judith of France, daughter of Charles of France and Ermentrude of Orleans. When Flanders became part of Charlemagne’s Empire, Baldwin I was created the 1st Count of Flanders, and kept Flanders free of Vikings. He was named “Bras de Fer” due to his strong arms. Their son was Baldwin II “The Bald”.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irmentrud Irmentrud aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Grab von Königin Irmentrud
Irmentrud (* 27. September 825; † 6. Oktober 869 in der Abtei Hasnon), Tochter des Grafen Odo von Orléans und der Ingeltrud von Fezensac. Zu ihren Vorfahren zählen Karl Martell, Pippin I., der Ältere und der Langobardenkönig Desiderius.
Am 13./14. Dezember 842 heiratete sie in Quierzy Karl den Kahlen, König des westfränkischen Reiches. 867 trennte sie sich von ihrem Mann (Grund war die Scheidung Lothars II. von seiner Frau Theutberga wegen der Mätresse Waldrada) und zog sich in die Abtei von Hasnon bei Valenciennes zurück, wo sie zwei Jahre später starb. Sie wurde in der Basilika von Saint-Denis beigesetzt. Kinder [Bearbeiten] •Judith (* 844 † 870), ∞ 1. 856 König Æthelwulf von Wessex († 858); ∞ 2. 858 König Æthelbald von Wessex († 860), ∞ 3. nach einer Entführung 862 Graf Balduin I. von Flandern († 879) * Ludwig II. der Stammler (* 846; † 879) König des Westfränkischen Reiches * Karl das Kind (* 847/848; † 866), König von Aquitanien * Karlmann († 876), Abt von St. Médard in Soissons, 874 Abt von Echternach * Lothar († 865), 861 Mönch, später Abt von Saint-Germain d'Auxerre * Ermentrud († 877), Äbtissin von Hasnon bei Valenciennes * Rotrud († 889), Äbtissin von Andlau
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger Judith von Bayern Westfränkische Königin 843–867 Richildis von der Provence Normdaten: LCCN: nr98031516 | VIAF: 76231876 | WP-Personeninfo Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 8. August 2010 um 18:51 Uhr geändert.
Ermentrude de Orleans1 b. 27 September 830, d. 6 October 869, #24196 Pop-up Pedigree
Father Eudes Comte de Orleans b. circa 800, d. circa 834 Mother Engeltrude of Paris1 b. circa 805
Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Ermentrude Queen of the Franks.2 Name Variation Ermentrude de Orleans was also found as Hermintrudis. Birth circa 825 Two sources only say that Ermentrude was born circa 825.3,4 Birth* 27 September 830 And several give a date of on 27 September 830 for her birth.5,1,6 Marriage* 14 December 842 Ermentrude de Orleans, 12 years old, married Charles II The Bald, King of France, who was 19 years old, , son of Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor and Judith of Bavaria & Swabia, 14 December 842 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Ile-de-France, France. This was a first marriage for both parties. Other than the children listed in this data base, many sources include daughter Gisele, and two more children than are sometimes said to have been twins that died young, Pippin and Drogo.7,8,3,4 research* 850 Find at Internet 850. !AInfoNew* 866 In 866 Ermentrude was crowned the Queen of France. By this time she had produced a number of children including 6 sons but none of them was satisfactory as far as Charles Le Chauve was concerned. By September 866, four of them were dead.9 Death* 6 October 869 Ermentrude died on 6 October 869 at age 39.1,3,4
Family Charles II The Bald, King of France b. 13 June 823, d. 6 October 877 Children 1. Rothildis d' Aquitaine+ b. c 844, d. c 92810,11
2. Judith Princess of the Franks+ b. 844, d. a 8702 3. Louis II "The Stammerer", King of France+ b. 1 Nov 846, d. 10 Apr 879 4. Charles of Aquitaine b. c 847, d. c 86612 5. Carloman Abbott of St Médard Soiss b. 849, d. 87613 6. Hildegarde b. c 850 7. Ermentrude Abbess of Hasnon 14 8. Lothar d. 86514 Ermentrude of Orléans From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: •Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
1. Judith Princess of Franks, Queen of England
Born: ABT 0844 - , , , France Marr: 856 - Ethelwulf (Aehelwulf) King of Wessex (other spouses) Died: AFT 0870 2. Louis II King of the Franks
Born: 1 Nov 0846 - , , , France Marr: 862 - Ansgarde Princess of Burgundy, [Queen of the Fr (other spouses) Died: 10 Apr 0879 - , Compiegne, Oise, France 3. Charles King of Aquitaine Born: 0847/0848 - , , , France Marr: 862 - Miss Died: 29 Sep 0866 - (sp), Buzancois, Indrey, France 4. Lothaire "The Lame" Prince of Franks Born: ABT 0847 - of, , , France Died: 0865 - 5. Carloman Prince of Franks, Born: ABT 0849 - , , , France
Died: 0876 - Epternac, Marne, France 6. Rotrude Princess of Franks, [Abbes of St. Ra Born: ABT 0850 - , , , France Died: 0889/0912 - 7. Ermentrud Princess of Franks [Abbess O Born: ABT 0854 - of, , , France Died: - 8. Hildegarde Princess of Franks Born: ABT 0856 - of, , , France Died: - 9. Gisele (Gisla) Princess of Franks
Born: ABT 0858 - , , , France Died: 1 Jul 0874 -
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: •Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874)
Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d' Orléans, Reine de France (823 - 869) Gift 19.12.842Karl II le Chauve av Frankrike. Tysk-romersk keiser. Født 13.06.823. Død 06.10.877.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of the Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to life in a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France
This was found at Geni.com and managed by Margaret (C) and others. Thank you for allowing me to share.
Ermentrude of Orléans (also Hirmentrude or Irmintrud) (September 27, 823 – October 6, 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith (844–870), married firstly with Ethelwulf of Wessex, secondly with Ethelbald of Wessex (her stepson) and thirdly with Baldwin I of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun, Abbess of Saint-Radegunde Ermentrud (854–877), a nun, Abbess of Hasnon Hildegard (born 856, died young) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans F, #103214, d. 869 Last Edited=13 Jul 2005
Ermentrude d'Orléans was the daughter of Odo, Comte de Orléans. (1) She married Charles I, Roi de France, son of Louis I, Roi de France and Judith von Bayern, in 842. She died in 869. Children of Ermentrude d'Orléans and Charles I, Roi de France -1. Charles, Roi d'Aquitaine d. 866 -2. Carloman (?) d. 876 -3. Judith, Princesse de France+ b. bt 843 - 8441 -4. Louis II 'the Stammerer', Roi de France+ b. 1 Nov 843, d. 10 Apr 879 Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10322.htm#i103214
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude d'Orléans (ou Hermentrude), (825-869), fille de Eudes d'Orléans (ou Vodon d'Orléans) et d'Engeltrude de Fézensac, descendante de Charles Martel[réf. nécessaire], elle épousa Charles II le Chauve en 846 à Quierzy-sur-Oise, et fut couronnée à Saint-Médard de Soissons. Son mariage ne fut pas heureux car le roi vouait une passion à sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, sœur de Boson de Provence, duc de la Bourgogne-Cisjurane.
Ermentrude, séparée de Charles en 867, mais non répudiée, se retire à l'abbaye de Hasnon, près de Valenciennes, où elle meurt le 6 octobre 869 à l'âge de 44 ans. Après sa mort, le roi Charles le Chauve épousera sa concubine Richilde d'Ardennes, en 870.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermentrude_of_Orl%C3%A9ans
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (854–877), a nun Hildegard (born 856, died ?) Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were:
- Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders * Louis the Stammerer (846–879) * Charles the Child (847–866) * Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain * Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) * Rotrud (852–912), a nun * Ermentrud (854–877), a nun * Hildegard (born 856, died ?) * Gisela (857–874) Ermentrude had a gift for embroidery and an interest in religious foundations. Her husband gave her the Abbey of Chelles. She separated from her husband after he executed her rebellious brother William in 866, and retreated to the life of a nunnery. Ermentrude was buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis, Paris, France. References Dutton, P E, Charlemagne's Mustache Riche, Pierre, The Carolingians
Ermentrude of Orléans (27 September 823 – 6 October 869) was Queen of Franks by her marriage to Charles the Bald, Holy Roman Emperor and King of West Francia. She was the daughter of Odo, Count of Orleans and his wife, Engeltrude.
She and Charles married in 842. Their children were: Judith of Flanders, consort of Æthelwulf of Wessex, Æthelbald of Wessex, and Baldwin I, Count of Flanders Louis the Stammerer (846–879) Charles the Child (847–866) Lothar (848–865), monk in 861, became Abbot of Saint-Germain Carloman, son of Charles the Bald (849–876) Rotrud (852–912), a nun Ermentrud (85
Ermentrude of Orléans, queen of the Franks's Timeline
830 |
September 27, 830
Orléans, Loiret, Centre, France
844 |
October 844
Orléans, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France
845 |
June 845
Orléans, Loiret, Centre, France
846 |
November 1, 846
847 |
848 |
850 |
869 |
October 6, 869
Age 39
St. Denis, Paris, France