Immediate Family
About Ermentrude of Burgundy
Medilands (Jun 2021) Burgundy Kingdom: Counts of Burgundy Ermentrude de Bourgogne
1. ERMENTRUDE de Bourgogne ([1050/55]-1106 or after, bur Autun Cathedral). Her birth date is estimated from her possible marriage date, bearing in mind the probable dates of birth of her oldest children. If it correct, it is likely that Ermentrude was one of her parents’ oldest children. "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…Lodewico, Sophia eius uxore, et filiis eorum Brunone, Theoderico, Lodewico, Friderico, filiabus vero Mathilde, Sophia, Beatrice, filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone", witnessed by "Henricus de Suarca cum genero suo Gerunch, Gotefridus filius avunculi eiusdem comitis [Friderici]"[45]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theodericum [filius comiti Montionis Ludovico]" specifying that she was heiress to Montbéliard[46]. She retired to the château de Montbéliard after the death of her husband. She subscribed a sale act of her son Renaud in 1106[47].
m ([1065]%29 THIERRY de Mousson, son of LOUIS Comte de Mousson & his wife Sophie of Upper Lotharingia ([1045]-1/2 Jan 1103, bur Autun Cathedral).
Medilands (Mar 2022) Bar "Thierry de Mousson
THIERRY de Mousson, son of LOUIS Comte de Mousson & his wife Sophie of Upper Lotharingia ([1045]-1/2 Jan 1103, bur Autun Cathedral). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Theodericum" as son of "comiti Montionis Ludovico" and his wife Sophie[67]. "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis…" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…Lodewico, Sophia eius uxore, et filiis eorum Brunone, Theoderico, Lodewico, Friderico, filiabus vero Mathilde, Sophia, Beatrice…"[68]. On his marriage, he entered into possession of the château and seigneurie de Montbéliard[69]. He succeeded his father in [1071/76] in his territories of Altkirch, Ferrette, and around Hagenau. He was present at the 1076 enfranchisement of the chapel in the castle of Amance[70]. He inherited the region of the future county of Bar from his mother in 1093. He had taken a vow to join the First Crusade but was released from it due to illness. He was invested as Comte de Verdun after 1096 by Richer Bishop of Verdun[71]. He dictated his testament in 1102 at the castle of Altkirch[72]. The Obituaire de Saint-Mansuy-lès-Toul records the death "1 Jan" of "Henricus et Theodoricus comites"[73].
m ([1065]%29 ERMENTRUDE de Bourgogne heiress of Montbéliard, daughter of GUILLAUME I "le Grand" Comte Palatin de Bourgogne & his wife Etiennette --- ([1050/55][74]-1106 or after, bur Autun Cathedral). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theodericum [filius comiti Montionis Ludovico]" specifying that she was heiress to Montbéliard[75]. "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…Lodewico, Sophia eius uxore, et filiis eorum Brunone, Theoderico, Lodewico, Friderico, filiabus vero Mathilde, Sophia, Beatrice, filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone", witnessed by "Henricus de Suarca cum genero suo Gerunch, Gotefridus filius avunculi eiusdem comitis [Friderici]"[76]. It is assumed from the expression "suis antecessoribus" that all those so described were deceased at the date of the foundation. She subscribed her son Renaud's act of sale of the fortress of Commercy to the abbé de Saint-Mihiel in 1106[77].
Comte Thierry & his wife had ten children:
- FREDERIC de Mousson ([1074/78]-19 Jul [1160], bur Oelenberg).
- RENAUD de Mousson ([1075/77]-1149).
- THIERRY de Mousson ([1076/78]-[mid-Jan] 1163).
- LOUIS de Mousson ([1077/79]-murdered 1102).
- ETIENNE de Mousson (-Metz 29 Dec 1162, bur Metz Cathedral).
- GUILLAUME de Mousson (-before 8 Mar 1105).
- HUGUES de Mousson (-before 8 Mar 1105).
- GUNTHILDE de Mousson (-21 Feb 1131).
- AGNES de Mousson (-after 1140).
- MATHILDE de Mousson.
Ermentrude of Burgundy's Timeline
1050 |
Burgundy, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
1070 |
Of Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
1077 |
Bar-le-duc, Meuse, France
Bar-le-Duc, Lorraine, France
1079 |
Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
1080 |
Bar-Le-Duc Argone Loraine, Bar Le Duc, Meuse, Grand Est, France
1082 |
Montbéliard, Franche-Comté, France
1083 |
Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
1085 |
Of Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France