Immediate Family
About Ermengarde Flaitel
Ermentrude Flaitel (some list her name as Agnes)
son of Osbern de Bolbec:
GAUTHIER Giffard (-before 1085). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gunnor" had “excepta Sainfria...duas sorores Wewam et Avelinam”, adding that “tertia...sororum Gunnoris comitissæ” [Aveline, from the context] married “Osberno de Bolebec”, by whom she had “Galterium Giffardum primum et Godefridum patrem Willelmi de Archis”[19]. “...Walterius Gyfardus...” subscribed the charter under which Guillaume Duke of Normandy donated the church of Arques to Saint-Wandrille, dated to [1035/55][20]. Seigneur de Longueville, Normandy. "…Walterius Giffardus…" witnessed the charter dated 29 Aug 1060 under which "milite…Richardo…fratribus Willelmo…atque Balduino" donated "Gausberti Villa" to Chartres Saint-Père[21]. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Waltero Giffardo" contributed 60 ships towards the invasion of England in 1066[22]. Orderic Vitalis names “...Galterius Giphardus et Radulphus Toenites...” among those who took part in the battle of Hastings[23]. He received grants of 107 lordships (48 in Buckinghamshire) as his reward[24]. Orderic Vitalis records that King William installed “Guillermum Osberni filium” at his new fortress at Winchester (“intra mœnia Guentæ”) and appointed him “vice sua toti regno versus Aquilonem”, while he granted “Doveram...totamque Cantiam” to “Odoni fratri suo”, and thus he entrusted “his duobus præfecturam Angliæ”, seconded by “Hugonem de Grentemaisnilio et Hugonem de Monteforti, Guillelmumque de Garenna”, dated to 1067[25]. Orderic Vitalis states that the king "gave [Walter Giffard] the county of Buckinghamshire", in the chronicler's description of post-conquest grants made by King William, without specifying that he was created earl[26].
m ERMENGARDE, daughter of GERARD Flaitel & his wife ---. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Galterium Giffardum primum” married “unam filiarum Girardi Flatelli”[27]. [The necrology of Longueville records the death 13 May of “domina Hermengauda comitissa condam hujus loci” and her confirmation of the donation made by “illos de Saukervilla” of “molendino de Longa Villa”[28]. It is not certain whether this entry refers to the wife of Gauthier Giffard or to the wife of his grandson Walter Giffard.] Gauthier & his wife had [five or more] children:
i) WALTER Giffard (-in England 15 Jul 1102, bur Longueville, Normandy[29]). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Galterium Giffardum primum” as father of “secundum Galterium Giffardum...”[30]. He succeeded his father in his lands. Orderic Vitalis records that King William I granted "comitatum Buchingeham" to "Gualterio...cognomento Gifardo"[31]. Domesday Book records land held by “Walter Giffard” in West Hanney in Wantage Hundred in Berkshire[32]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Rodbertus Aucensium comes et Gauterius Gifardus et Radulfus de Mortuomari” and nearly all the seigneurs who lived “trans Sequanam usque ad mare” joined King William II against his brother Robert Duke of Normandy and received considerable sums to fortify their castles, dated to [1089/90][33]. He was created Earl of Buckingham [after 1093] by King William II, although known contemporarily as Earl Giffard[34]. - EARLS of BUCKINGHAM.
ii) WILLIAM Giffard . Bishop of Winchester. The History of the foundation of St John’s abbey, Colchester names “Rohaisam…soror Willielmi Giffardi episcopi Wintoniæ” as wife of “Ricardi…filius Gilberti comitis”[35]. "…Willelmi Giffardi episcopi…" subscribed a charter dated 14 Sep 1101 under which Henry I King of England donated property to Bath St Peter[36].
iii) ROHESE Giffard (-after 1113, bur [Colchester]). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Galterium Giffardum primum” as father of “secundum Galterium Giffardum et filias plures” of whom “una...Rohais” married “Richardo filio comitis Gisleberti”[37]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Gisleberti comitis [filium] Ricardum” married “Roaldem Gualterii Gifardi filiam”[38]. Domesday Book records “Rohais wife of Richard son of Gilbert” holding Standon in Braughing Hundred in Hertfordshire[39]. According to the Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, ”Rohesia” married secondly “Eudoni dapifero Regis Normanniæ” after the death of “Ricardo filio comitis Gisleberti” and that they were both buried “tempore Henrici primi” in “castrum Clecestriæ…cœnobio in honore sancti Johannis” which Eudo constructed[40]. According to the Complete Peerage, this genealogy is “probably erroneous” but it does not explain the basis for the doubts[41]. From a chronological point of view, the connection would be tight, assuming that the death date of Richard FitzGilbert is correctly estimated to [1090] and the birth of Rohese’s granddaughter by her alleged second marriage, Beatrix, is correctly assessed at [1105]. This supposed second parentage is disproved by sources quoted in the section dealing with Eudes de Rie. m [firstly] RICHARD FitzGilbert de Brionne, son of GILBERT de Brionne "Crespin" Comte d'Eu & his wife --- (before 1035-[1090], bur St Neots, Huntingdonshire). [Incorrect supposed second marriage: m secondly EUDES de Rie dapifer, son of HUBERT [I] de Rie & his wife ---(-1 Mar 1120, bur Colchester).]
iv) daughters . Guillaume de Jumièges names "Galterium Giffardum primum” as father of “secundum Galterium Giffardum et filias plures” of whom “una...Rohais” married “Richardo filio comitis Gisleberti”[42].
v) [AMFRIDA (-2 Jan [1099/1100]). The Chronicon Beccensis Abbatiæ records that "tempore S. Anselmi abbatis Becci tres matronæ nobiles…Basilia uxor Hugonis de Gornaco, et Amfrida neptis ipsius Basiliæ, et Eva uxor Guillelmi Crispini" entered Bec and lived at the abbey, adding that they died on three consecutive Sundays "Amfrida Basiliæ neptis...minor...ætate, virgo…IV Non Jan, qua sepulta…Basilia domina eius…XVII Kal Feb…tertia Eva…X Kal Feb...post mortem...viri sui Guillermi Crispini...Beccique usque ad finem vitæ...perseuerauit"[43]. Gurney dates the passage to [1099/1100][44]. The parentage of Amfrida is uncertain. However, Ermengarde is the only sibling of Basilie Flaitel who is known to have had children, so it is possible that she was the daughter of Gauthier Giffard.]
See D, below. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#ErmengardeFla...
GERARD Flaitel (-before 1047). "Girardus cognomento…Flagitellus" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Wandrille by charter dated to before 1047[2753]. m ---. Gérard & his wife had [five or more] children:
a) GUILLAUME Flaitel (-1066). Orderic Vitalis names "…Willermus episcopus Ebroicensis, filius Gerardi Fleitelli…" among the subscribers of a charter of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy dated to [1050][2754]. Bishop of Evreux 1046. "Willelmus…Ebrocassine civitatis episcopus" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Wandrille, in memory of "patris mei Girardi" and for the souls of "fratrum meorum", by undated charter[2755].
b) ANSCHER Flaitel . "Anscherius filius Gerardi Fleitel" subscribed an undated charter under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated property to the abbey of Saint-Wandrille[2756].
c) son[s] (-[after 1047]). "Willelmus…Ebrocassine civitatis episcopus" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Wandrille, in memory of "patris mei Girardi" and for the souls of "fratrum meorum", by undated charter[2757].
d) ERMENGARDE . Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gautier-Giffard 1er" married an unnamed daughter of "Girard Flatel", his other daughter "Basilie veuve de Raoul de Gacé" marrying Hugues de Gournay[2758]. m WALTER Giffard, son of OSBERN de Bolbec & his wife Wevia --- (-before 1085). m (after 1051) as her second husband,
e) BASILIE (-16 Jan [1099/1100]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gautier-Giffard 1er" married an unnamed daughter of "Girard Flatel", his other daughter "Basilie veuve de Raoul de Gacé" marrying Hugues de Gournay[2759]. "Domino meo Hugone Gurnacensi et filio eius Girardo et uxore eius Basilia" consented to the donation by "Radulfus cognomine Havoth" to Jumièges by charter dated to [1040][2760], although presumably the document is misdated. Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury wrote to "Basiliæ amicæ Filiæ in Domino", dated to after 1093[2761]. The Chronicon Beccense records a donation by "tres matronæ nobiles…Basilia uxor Hugonis de Gornaco, et Amfrida neptis ipsius Basiliæ, et Eva uxor Guillelmi Crispini", who lived at the abbey, adding that they died on three Sundays, "Amfrida…IV Non Jan…Basilia…XVII Kal Feb…Eva…X Kal Feb" [dating the passage to 1099 or 1100][2762]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Bec, including donations by "Hugonis de Gornaco et Girardi filii…Girardi de Gornaio et Basilie matris sue", by charter dated to [1181/89][2763]. m firstly RAOUL de Gacé, son of ROBERT Comte d'Evreux Archbishop of Rouen [Normandy] & his mistress Herleva --- (-1051). m secondly HUGUES [III] Seigneur de Gournay, son of --- (- [1093]).
- [2753] Gurney (1845), p. 55, quoting Cartulaire de Saint-Wandrille, Rouen Archives.
- [2754] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. II, Liber III, p. 39.
- [2755] Gurney (1845), p. 56, quoting Cartulaire de Saint-Wandrille, Rouen Archives.
- [2756] Gurney (1845), p. 56, no citation reference given.
- [2757] Gurney (1845), p. 56, quoting Cartulaire de Saint-Wandrille, Rouen Archives.
- [2758] WJ VIII.37, p. 302.
- [2759] WJ VIII.37, p. 302.
- [2760] Jumièges XXI, p. 66.
- [2761] Gurney (1845), p. 61, quoting Sancti Anselmi Opera, p. 415, lib. iii, ep. 138.
- [2762] Gurney (1845), p. 52, quoting Achery, L. d´ Lanfranci Opera, fo. 1648, Appendix, Chronicon Beccense, p. 5.
- [2763] Actes Henri II, Tome II, DCCXLIV, p. 375.
ID: I93176367
Name: Agnes Ermentrude FLAITEL
Given Name: Agnes Ermentrude
Surname: FLAITEL
Sex: F
Birth: 1014 in Longueville, Normandy, FRANCE
Death: ?? in FRANCE
Father: Girard FLAITEL b: ABT. 984 in Longueville, Normandy, FRANCE
Mother: ?? D'EVEREUX b: ?? in ??
Marriage 1 (Earl) Walter I GIFFARD b: ABT. 1013 in Longueville, Normandy, ENGLAND
Rohese GIFFARD b: 1034 in Longueville, Normandy, FRANCE
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p60.htm#i7347 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Sources 1.[S265] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans
2.[S289] Betty and Dick Field's Family History, Richard Field
Ermengarde Flaitel's Timeline
1014 |
Longueville-sur-Scie, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
1034 |
April 13, 1034
Longueville, Calvados, Normandy, France
1038 |
Longueville-sur-Scie, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
Longueville, Normandy, France
Age 24
Longueville-sur-Scie, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
1935 |
April 17, 1935
Age 24
April 17, 1935
Age 24