Immediate Family
About Erlend Thorfinsson, Jarl of Orkney and Caithness
Flatøybok IV, Orkenøytotten ss 61, 63-65, 68, 69, 71, 74, 86, 129, 161-175, 177 og 180. Illustrert stamtavle side 128.
Possibly a twin, as he and his brother were joint rulers and always mentioned together.
ERLEND Thorfinnsson (-in prison Trondheim [Nidaros] 1098, bur Trondheim). Orkneyinga Saga names “Paul and…Erlend” as the two sons of Jarl THORFINN II and his wife Ingibjörg who survived childhood[902]. He succeeded his father in [1065] as Joint Jarl of Orkney, jointly with his brother. Morkinskinna records that Harald III King of Norway sailed to Orkney en route for his invasion of England in 1066 and “recruited the aid of Jarl Thorfinn´s sons Páll and Erlendr”[903]. Orkneyinga Saga records that Magnus "Barelegs" King of Norway “seized the Earls, Paul and Erlend” on his arrival in Orkney, “sent them east to Norway, and made his own son Sigurd overlord of the islands with regents to govern the earldom”, adding in a later passage that Erlend “had died and been buried at Trondheim”[904]. He was deposed and imprisoned in 1098 by Magnus "Barelegs" King of Norway, and "died of sickness at Nidaros and is buried there" according to Snorre[905]. (Cawley's Medlands)
m THORA, daughter of SOMERLED Uspaksson & his wife ---. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson” married “Thora, the daughter of Sumarlidi Ospaksson”, adding that “the mother of this Ospak was Thordis, daughter of Hall of Sida”[906]. She married secondly Sigurd of Paplay. Orkneyinga Saga records that “his mother was married…to a man called Sigurd” when her son Magnus returned to Orkney, adding that she and her second husband had a son “Hakon Karl…[and] a farm at Paplay”[907]. (Cawley's Medlands)
Erlend & his wife had four children: (Cawley's Medlands)
a) ERLING (-[Ulster [May] 1103]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Erling and Magnus” as the two sons of “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson” and his wife “Thora, the daughter of Sumarlidi Ospaksson”[908]. Jarl of Orkney. Orkneyinga Saga states that “according to some people, Erling, the son of Earl Erlend, was killed in the battle of the Menai Straits, but Snorri Sturluson says that he met his death with King Magnus in Ulster”[909]. (Cawley's Medlands)
b) St MAGNUS Erlendsson (-murdered Egilsay 16 Apr [1117], bur Christchurch at Birsay, transferred to Kirkwall Cathedral). Orkneyinga Saga names “Erling and Magnus” as the two sons of “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson” and his wife “Thora, the daughter of Sumarlidi Ospaksson”[910]. He was installed as Jarl of ½ Orkney in Spring 1108 by Eistein I Magnusson Joint King of Norway. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Magnus” was killed on the orders of his cousin Hakon “two days after St Tiburtius´ Mass…1091”, after ruling Orkney jointly for seven years, and was buried on “Mainland…at Christ Church”[911]. He was put to death by his cousin Hakon Paulsson Joint Jarl of Orkney, with whom he had quarrelled. Canonised.
m ---. Orkneyinga Saga records that “St Magnus Earl of Orkney” married “a girl from the noblest family there in Scotland” but that they lived together for ten years without consummating the marriage[912]. (Cawley's Medlands)
c) GUNHILD. Orkneyinga Saga names “Gunnhild and Cecilia” as the two daughters of “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson” and his wife “Thora, the daughter of Sumarlidi Ospaksson”[913]. Orkneyinga Saga records that Magnus "Barelegs" King of Norway “gave Earl Erlend´s daughter Gunnhild in marriage to Kol, son of Kali Sæbjarnarson, in compensation for the death of his father”, adding that her dowry was “some property in Orkney including a farm at Paplay” and that the couple “settled down on his estate at Agder”[914].
m (Spring 1099) KOL Kalisson, son of KALI of Agdir in Norway & his wife ---. Lenderman in Agder.
Kol & his wife had two children: (Cawley's Medlands)
i) KALI [Rognvald] ([1100]-murdered Force, Calder, Caithness 20 Aug 1158, bur St Magnus Cathedral).
m ---. The name of Kali-Rognvald´s wife is not known. Kali-Rognvald & his wife had one child:
m (Sutherland Spring 1156) ERIK Slagbrellir, son of ERIL Streita & his wife Audhild [daughter of Thorliot].
Erik & his wife had [seven] children:
(1) HARALD Eriksson "Ungi" ([1156]-killed in battle Wick 1198).
(2) MAGNUS Mangi (-killed in battle near Fimreite on Sognefjord 15 Jun 1184).
(5) ELIN.
(7) daughter .
m JON Petersson, lenderman in Sogne.
d) CECILIA. Orkneyinga Saga names “Gunnhild and Cecilia” as the two daughters of “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson” and his wife “Thora, the daughter of Sumarlidi Ospaksson”, adding that Cecilia married “Isaac” and that they had “two sons Eindridi and Kol”[929].
m ISAAC, son of ---. (Cawley's Medlands)
Erlend had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
e) JADDVOR . Orkneyinga Saga names “Jaddvor” as “natural daughter” of “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson”, adding that she “had a son…Borgar”[930]. m ---. (Cawley's Medlands)
Erlend Thorfinsson, Jarl of Orkney and Caithness's Timeline
1050 |
Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland
1076 |
Orkney, Orkney Islands, UK
1077 |
Orkney Island
1098 |
Age 48
Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
???? |
Orkney Islands.
???? | |||
???? |