Enisan Musard de Plevan, 1st Constable of Richmond Castle

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Enisan Musard de Plevan (1060 - 1130)

Also Known As: "Enisan Musard De Pleven", "Enisan Murdac"
Birthplace: France
Death: circa 1130 (65-75)
Immediate Family:

Son of Roaldus Musard, Norman military leader and Wife of Roaldus Musard
Husband of Wife of Ensian Musard
Father of Garsiana Musard de Pleven and Adeline Musard
Brother of Hasculfus Musard; Rould d'Adoube Musard; Hugh Musard and Peter de St. James

Occupation: constable
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Enisan Musard de Plevan, 1st Constable of Richmond Castle


Stirnet's "MZmisc07" page does not mention this Erisan.

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1st Hereditary Constable of Richmond Castle


Surname has also been reported to be:

Given name has also been reported to be Enisan Musard.

content to clean up

The author of the 'Norman People' (quoting Lobineau, Hist. Bret. ii. 117) says they were the sons of Hasculph, Viscount of Nantes in Brittany

Enisand Musard had vast grants in Yorkshire from Alan le Roux of Brittany, Earl of Richmond, with the feudal dignity of Constable of Richmond.

Enisan Musard, a vassel of Alan Rufus, was given 21 manors previously held by Tor the Saxon. The Richmond castle site occupied a place called Neutone, which was then held by Enisan Musard, Lord of Cleasby, therefore Enisan became the first Heredity Constable of Richmond Castle. Enisan Musard's heirs were two daughters, Garsiana and Adeline.

It was his grandson Roald who founded Easby Abbey in 1152 (Mon. ii. 649); and from him, it is. suggested, descended the Yorkshire families of Richmond and Burton: the latter name having been taken from the seat of their seigneurie. Hasculph, the elder brother, was seated in Derbyshire....


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