Immediate Family
About Engelbrecht IV Seigneur van Peteghem Cysoing
Fm fmgMedlands
ENGELBERT [IV] van Peteghem (-after 1135).
m [--- van Gent, daughter of BOUDEWIJN van Gent & his wife Oda ---]. The name of Engelbert’s wife is not known. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Inglebertum…de Petinghem" as brother of "Balduinus cognomento Grossus sive Magnus"[2281]. It is possible that the relationship was through Engelbert’s wife. Engelbert [V] & his wife had three children:
a) JAN [I] van Peteghem (-1154 or before). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1177 which records the approval by "Everardus…Tornacensis episcopus" of an agreement between Cysoing abbey and [his daughter] "Petronilla eiusdem ecclesie tunc temporis advocatrix", relating to their rights to use the forest of Cysoing, which refers to events in 1135, during the lifetime of "domino Ingelberto advocato", and after the death of "domno Ingelberto et Johanne filio eius" when "Petronilla eiusdem Johannis filia" inherited her father’s property[2282]. “Alardus de Eversbeka” donated “allodium suum de parte matris sue” to Eename abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Mathildis et filius eius Gerardus: Hugo de Adengem, Johannes de Petengem...”[2283]. Delporte discusses this charter, recording that it has been dated to [1110-15?] but suggesting that the witness list indicates a later date (in particular because the estimated date of death of Jan [I] van Peteghem, shown above)[2284]. There may be some, as yet unascertained, family relationship between the donor and the witnesses. "Evrardus…Tornacensis episcopus" confirmed the donation by "Johannes advocatus Cisonii" to Cysoing, in the presence of "fratrum meorum Nicolai…de Avesnis et Gossuini advocati Tornacensis", by charter dated to [1174/86], confirmed after the donor’s death by "domna Petronilla uxor eius soror mea et Petrus supradicti Johannis frater"[2285]. m as her first husband, PETRONILLE d’Oisy, daughter of GAUTHIER [I] d’Oisy Seigneur d’Avesnes & his wife Ida de Mortagne (-after 1174). The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis records "quatuor filias [advocationem Tornacensem =Gualterus]" who were married, but does not name them[2286]. "Evrardus…Tornacensis episcopus" confirmed the donation by "Johannes advocatus Cisonii" to Cysoing, in the presence of "fratrum meorum Nicolai…de Avesnis et Gossuini advocati Tornacensis", by charter dated to [1174/86], confirmed after the donor’s death by "domna Petronilla uxor eius soror mea et Petrus supradicti Johannis frater"[2287]. She married secondly Roger de Landas. Jan [I] & his wife had one child:
i) PETRONILLE (-[1177/88]). A charter dated 1177 records the approval by "Everardus…Tornacensis episcopus" of an agreement between Cysoing abbey and "Petronilla eiusdem ecclesie tunc temporis advocatrix", relating to their rights to use the forest of Cysoing, which refers to events in 1135, during the lifetime of "domino Ingelberto advocato", and after the death of "domno Ingelberto et Johanne filio eius" when "Petronilla eiusdem Johannis filia" inherited her father’s property, and adds that "Petronilla et Joannes filius eius" renounced certain rights[2288]. m ---. Two children:
(a) JAN [II] van Peteghem (-1220 or after). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Iohanni filio Petronille de Chisonio" as husband of Mabile, daughter of Baudouin Comte de Guines[2289]. - see below.
(b) MARIA van Peteghem (-after 22 Jan 1220). The genealogy written by Baudouin d’Avesnes records that Henri de Hainaut Seigneur de Sebourg married “la suer mon signeur Jehan de Cysoing”[2290]. Her name is confirmed by the Dec 1219/22 Jan 1220 charters quoted below. Le Boucq’s mid-17th century Histoire de Sebourcq names “Dame Ienne de Cisoing” as wife of “Henry de Hainault...Seigneur de Sebourcq, Angre et Fayt” and mother of Philippe who is named below[2291], the name being disproved by the same two charters. “Henricus patruus comitis dominus de Seuorc” founded Vaucelles abbey, with the consent of “Marie uxoris mee et Philippi primogeniti mei”, by charter dated Dec 1219, confirmed by Jeanne Ctss of Flanders by charter dated 22 Jan 1220 (N.S.) which names “Henricus dominus de Seborgh et domina Maria uxor eius et Philippus eorum primogenitus”[2292]. m as his first wife, HENRI de Hainaut Seigneur de Sebourg, son of BAUDOUIN IV “le Bâtisseur” Comte de Hainaut & his wife Alix de Namur (-after 22 Jan 1220, bur Douai Saint-Pierre).
b) PETER van Peteghem . "Evrardus…Tornacensis episcopus" confirmed the donation by "Johannes advocatus Cisonii" to Cysoing, in the presence of "fratrum meorum Nicolai…de Avesnis et Gossuini advocati Tornacensis", by charter dated to [1174/86], confirmed after the donor’s death by "domna Petronilla uxor eius soror mea et Petrus supradicti Johannis frater"[2293].
c) GISELA van Peteghem . The Historia Fundationis Ecclesiæ Ninivensis names "Gisla…filia…domini Ingelberti de Petenghem" as the wife of "Gerardus cognomento Constabularius, filius Amelrici Flandrensis constabularii" and adds that they had two daughters "Machtildem de Ninive et Ermengardem de Wome"[2294]. The Balduini Ninovensis Chronicon records the same information without stating Gisela’s parentage[2295]. m GERARD Heer van Ninove, son of AMAURY Constable of Flanders & his wife ---.
Engelbrecht IV Seigneur van Peteghem Cysoing's Timeline
1075 |
Petegem-aan-de-Schelde, Wortegem Petegem, Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
1110 |
Petegem-aan-de-Schelde, Wortegem Petegem, Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
1115 |
Petegem-aan-de-Schelde, Wortegem Petegem, Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
1124 |
Petegem-aan-de-Schelde, Wortegem Petegem, Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
1136 |
Age 61
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