Emich IX, count of Leiningen-Dagsburg

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Emich zu Leiningen-Dagsburg, Graf zu Leiningen-Dagsburg (1461 - 1535)

Death: February 18, 1535 (73-74)
Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Place of Burial: Bad Dürkheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Emich VIII, count of Leiningen-Dagsburg and Anna von Elter
Husband of Agnes, Gräfin von Eppenstein-Münzenberg
Father of Emich X, count of Leiningen-Hartenburg; Philippa Gräfin zu Leiningen-Dagsburg; Appolonia von Nassau-Saarbrücken; Johann Heinrich von Leiningen-Hartenburg; Christoph von Leiningen-Hartenburg and 5 others
Brother of Hesso IV von Leiningen, Graf von Dachsburg

Occupation: Graf von Leiningen
Managed by: Cecilie Nygård
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