14. ELVIRA Pérez de Traba (-[after Dec 1159]). The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Eva, D. Estevaina Perez, D. Elvira Perez" as the daughters of "Conde D. Pedro Fernandez de Trava que pobló el castillo de Trava"[2810]. "Maior Roderici…cum filiis et filiabus meis Roderico Petriz, Velasco Petriz, Garsia Petriz, Tota Petriz, Urraca Petriz, Sancia Petriz, Gelvira Petriz, Alduara Petriz" donated property in Valdunquillo to Sahagún monastery, for the soul of "mariti mei comitis domni Petri de Gallecia", by charter dated 1125[2811]. Barton names Elvira Pérez, daughter of Conde Pedro Fróilaz de Traba and Mayor Rodríguez, as wife of Gómez Núñez but does not cite the corresponding primary source[2812]. ["Garcia Garciez filius comite Garcie…cum uxore mea Sancia" donated part of "albergeria de Oterdaios sicut mater mea et fratres mei dederunt" to Burgos Cathedral by charter dated Dec 1159, witnessed by "…Diago Fernandez, Gonzaluo Padiela, comdessa domna Eluira, dona Maria ermana de la condesa…"[2813]. It is not certain that "condessa domna Eluira" was Elvira Pérez de Traba. However, as the donor´s wife was Sancha Pérez de Traba this co-identity is a possibility.]
m (before 1117) conde GÓMEZ Núñez, son of conde NÚÑO Menéndez & his wife Sancha Viegas (-after 1141).
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