Elvide de Brienne

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About Elvide de Brienne

GAUTHIER [II], Comte de Brienne
s/o ERARD [I] Comte de Brienne & Alix de Montdidier (-<1161)
x ? NN
xx [repudiated <1147]) HUMBELINE de Baudémont
1 [AGNES (c1122/25- >c1191])
3 EUSTACHE (->1133)
4 ERARD [II] (-8 Feb [1190/91])
5 EUSTACHE (-1166 or >)
6 ANDRE (-killed in battle Acre Oct 1189)
9 ELVIDE (-1202 or >)
xxx< 1147 ADELAIS

9. ELVIDE de Brienne (-1202 or after). "Walterus comes Brenensis" made donations to the priory of Jully-les-Nonnains with the consent of "Adelaidis uxor suæ et filiorum meorum Arardi et Andree et filiarum mearum Marie et Helvidis" by charter dated [1150][85]. same person as…? ELVIDE (-1202 or after). The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. m BARTHELEMY Seigneur de Vignory, son of GUY [V] de Vignory & his wife Tiphaine --- (-Acre 1190).



  1. Ismail, Dana Celest Asmoui. A History of the Counts of Brienne (950 – 1210) (2013) < PDF > And yet another daughter would marry Barthélemy, lord of Vignory, a crusader who died along with his brother Guy of Vignory, at the siege of Acre in 1191. 66
  2. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chambrien.htm 9. ELVIDE de Brienne (-1202 or after). ELVIDE (-1202 or after). The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. m BARTHELEMY Seigneur de Vignory, son of GUY [V] de Vignory & his wife Tiphaine --- (-Acre 1190).

Gauthier's wives and children in Charters

Humbeline is alive in 1138:
A charter dated 1138 notes that "Galterum Brennensem comitem" donated property to the hospitals of Chalette and Brienne with the consent of "uxoris sue Hubeline"

his wife Hubeline

22 January 1143 charter with only Children
"Walterus Brenensis comes" granted "decimam reddituum suorum de Brena Castello" to the abbey of Basse-Fontaine by charter dated 22 Jan 1143, subscribed by "Airardi filii sui, Andree filii sui, Marie filie sue…Johannis de Brena clerici…Guidonis fratris comitis"

Airard his son, Andrew his son, Marie his daughter [no mother mentioned]

Humbeline appears still to be alive in 1144:
A charter dated 1144 under which "Aelidis uxor Widonis domini de Brana post mortem viri sui…Guidonis" donated "census…Branæ castri et Branellæ villæ" to the Premonstré abbey, with the consent of "patre eorum Andrea de Baldimento et matre eorum Agnetis et ipsorum fratre Waleranno Vrsicampi abbate et sororibus eorum Helwide et Hubelina et earum maritis Waltero comiti de Brienna et Guidone de Dampierre"

Aelid, wife of Lord Widon of Bran after the death of her husband...Guidonis" donated "census…Branæ castri et Branellæ villæ" to the Premonstré abbey, with the consent of their father Andrea de Baldimento and their mother Agnetis and their brother Waleranno the abbot of Vrsicampi and their sisters Helwide and Hubelina and their husbands Walter the Count of Brienne and Guy de Dampierre.

The first reference to Adelais as Gauthier's wife is in 1147
"G comes Brene" donated property to ecclesie Sancte Marie de Rameruco" "uxoris Adelisis, Erardi, Andreæ filium meorum atque Marie filie mee" by charter dated 1147

with the consent of "my wife Adelis, Erard, my son Andrew, and my daughter Marie"

The second reference to Adelais as Gauthier's wife is in c1150
"Walterus comes Brenensis" made donations to the priory of Jully-les-Nonnains with the consent of "Adelaidis uxor suæ et filiorum meorum Arardi et Andree et filiarum mearum Marie et Helvidis" by charter dated [1150].

"Adelaide my own wife and of my sons Arard and Andrea and of my daughters Marie and Helvid"

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