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Elo Vermuis

Spanish: Da. Froiloba Vermúdez
Also Known As: "Engilona Vermuis", "Eylo Fernandez"
Birthplace: Castilla-Leon, Spain
Death: Castilla-Leon, Spain
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Fernán Ruiz Vermuis and Mrs. Unknown Vermuis
Wife of Conde Nuño Laínez
Mother of Lain Núñez
Sister of Pedro Fernández

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Elo Vermuis

doña Eilo Fernández DE CASTILLA, daughter of don Fernando Rodrígez DE CASTILLA, married don Nuño Laínez DE CASTILLA, son of don Laín Fernández DE CASTILLA.


According to the Historia Roderici :

This [Lain Calvo] seems to have been the origin of his lineage: Laín Calvo fathered several children; Among them were Fernando Laínez and Bermudo Laínez. Fernando Laínez in turn fathered Laín Fernández and Bermudo Laínez fathered Rodrigo Bermúdez. Laín Fernández in turn fathered Nuño Laínez, and Rodrigo Bermúdez fathered Fernando Rodríguez, Fernando Rodríguez in turn fathered Pedro Fernández and a daughter named Eylo. Nuño Laínez took this Eylo as his wife and fathered Laín Núñez in her. Laín in turn fathered Diego Laínez, and this Diego Laínez fathered Rodrigo Díaz, the Champion, in the daughter of Rodrigo Álvarez.

Research notes

The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Pero Ferrandiz et una fija…don Elo" as the children of "Ferrant Rodríguiz", stating that the latter married "Nuyno Laniz" although it does not state directly the parentage of the latter. The Historia Roderici names “Pedro Fernández and a daughter named Eylo” as the children of “Fernán Rodríguez”, adding that Eilo married “Nuño Laínez”. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Fernando Rodriguez, D. Ello" as the children of "D. Fernando Rodriguez", adding in an earlier passage that "Nuño Lainez" married "D. Ello". 1


Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Eilo Fernández. < link >

  • NUÑO Laínez, son of [LA%C3%8DN Fernández & his wife ---] . The Historia Roderici names “Nuño Laínez” as the son of “Laín Fernández”[372]. … m EILO Fernández, daughter of [FERN%C3%81N Rodríguez & his wife ---]. The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Pero Ferrandiz et una fija…don Elo" as the children of "Ferrant Rodríguiz", stating that the latter married "Nuyno Laniz" although it does not state directly the parentage of the latter[375]. … Nuño & his wife had [one child]:
    • 1. [LAIN Núñez (-after 1063). The "Corónicas" Navarras name "Layn Nunyz" as the son of "Nuyno Laniz" and his wife[378]. The Historia Roderici names Laín Núñez as son of “Nuño Laínez…[and] Eylo”[379]. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Lain Nuñez" as the son of "Nuño Lainez" and his wife[380]. He subscribed charters of Fernando I King of Castile between 1049 and 1063[381].] m ---. The name of Lain's wife is not known. Lain & his wife had [two] children:
      • a) DIEGO Laínez (-[1058]). … married "D. Teresa Nuñez" ..
      • b) [FERNANDO Laínez . The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Diego Lainez, D. Fernando Lainez" as the children of "Lain Nuñez"[415].] m JIMENA Núñez, daughter of NUÑO Alfonso de Amaya & his wife ---.

Acerca de Da. Froiloba Vermúdez (Español)

Elo Vermuis (* c. 0980)

Padre: Fernán Ruiz Vermuis (* c. 0960)

Madre: N

Matrimonio: (c. 1000) Nuño Laínez (* c. 0980)

Hijo: Lain Nuñez * (c. 1000)

- - -

According to the Historia Roderici :

This [Lain Calvo] seems to have been the origin of his lineage: Laín Calvo fathered several children; Among them were Fernando Laínez and Bermudo Laínez. Fernando Laínez in turn fathered Laín Fernández and Bermudo Laínez fathered Rodrigo Bermúdez. Laín Fernández in turn fathered Nuño Laínez, and Rodrigo Bermúdez fathered Fernando Rodríguez, Fernando Rodríguez in turn fathered Pedro Fernández and a daughter named Eylo. Nuño Laínez took this Eylo as his wife and fathered Laín Núñez in her. Laín in turn fathered Diego Laínez, and this Diego Laínez fathered Rodrigo Díaz, the Champion, in the daughter of Rodrigo Álvarez.


< Medlands >

MUNIO Flaínez, son of FLAÍN Díaz & his wife --- (-[31 Oct 961/19 Jun 962]). "Osorio Monniz, Monnio Gudesteiz, Diaco Romaniz, Monnio Flainiz, Veremudus Flainiz" confirmed the charter dated 1 Jan 943 under which King Ramiro II granted to “Vermudo Nunniz” property confiscated from “Dom Patre”[962]. … m (before 13 Aug 947) FROILOBA Vermúdez, daughter of VERMUDO Núñez Conde en Cea & his first wife Argila -- . …

Munio & his wife had [five] children:

  • 1. [FRUELA Muñoz (-after 1 Mar 973). ..
  • 2. FLAÍN Muñoz (-[998/11 Mar 1003]). … [m firstly ([before 975]) his first cousin, JUSTA Fernández, daughter of conde FERNANDO Vermúdez de Cea [Leon] & his wife condesa Elvira Díaz (before [955]-). [m firstly ([before 975]) his first cousin, JUSTA Fernández, daughter of conde FERNANDO Vermúdez de Cea [Le%C3%B3n] & his wife condesa Elvira Díaz (before [955]-). m [secondly] (before 1 May 987) JUSTA Pépiz, daughter of [983][PEPI Alfonso/PEPI Garvísiz & his wife ---] (-after 15 Jul 1009).
  • 3. [ANSUR Muñoz (-after 1 Jan 1002).
  • 4. [VELASCO Muñoz (-after 6 Sep 986).
  • 5. JIMENA Muñoz (-after 4 Nov 1009). m GONZALO Gómez, son of GÓMEZ Miréllez & his wife --- (-before 8 May 984).


  • Torres Sevilla-Quiñones de León, Margarita Cecilia, "El linaje del Cid", Annals of the University of Alicante. Medieval History. n.º 13 (2000-2002). ISSN 0212-2480, pp. 343-360. < PDF >
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Elo Vermuis's Timeline

Castilla-Leon, Spain
Castilla-Leon, Spain