Not a known child of William Deane of Chard, Somerset
This is not the profile of Elizabeth Deane, who was a valid daughter of parents William Deane and his wife Elizabeth.
This profile is for the Elizabeth (__) who married Jeremiah Jagger and Robert Usher.
No quality sources have been found to support that Elizabeth Deane is the Elizabeth who married Jeremiah/Jeremy Jagger and Robert Usher. In the Millennium file and online family trees (all lacking quality sources), Elizabeth Deane is shown as marrying Jeremiah Jagger in 1638 in England (however, quality sources place Jagger in New England by 1630, seemingly disqualifying England as the place of marriage). Other unsourced trees show they married 1634 in Stamford, Connecticut. Torrey reports that Elizabeth (___) married Jeremy Jagger by 1646 in Wethersfield or Stamford, Connecticut.[1] As Widow Jagger, Elizabeth married second Robert Usher.[2] However, again, there are no sources showing that Widow Jagger had the last name at birth of Deane; the source immediately above shows her last name as unknown.
Elizabeth's origins are unknown.
Elizabeth (___) married first Jeremiah/Jeremy Jagger, who was born probably about 1600-1610 in England or Holland.[3]
Jeremiah Jagger (no mention of wife Elizabeth being with him) was said to have come to America in 1630 in the ship Arbella, one of Gov. Winthrop's fleet and settled in Watertown, Mass.. From there he went in 1636 to Wethersfield, Conn. He fought in the Pequot Indian War of 1637 and he and his three sons were granted tracts of land in recognition of this service [3]
Per Torrey, Elizabeth's last name was unknown. [1]
Jeremiah Jagger died Aug 14, 1658, leaving widow Elizabeth, sons John, Jeremiah and Jonathan, and daughter, Elizabeth. Jeremiah's widow, Elizabeth, married second Robert Usher.[4]
Elizabeth (___) Jagger, widow of Jeremy Jagger married second Robert Usher at Stamford May 12, 1659. Robert Usher died October 1669. [2]
Known children of Elizabeth ( ) Jagger and Robert Usher were:[2]
Elizabeth ( ) Jagger Usher's death date is unknown. She was living when Robert Usher's estate was closed Oct 31, 1670.[5]
Spouses 1 Elizabeth Marriage Date abt 1641 Marriage Place Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT
1608 |
Seen as, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England (United Kingdom)
1640 |
Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America
1643 |
Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States
1652 |
Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
1657 |
September 18, 1657
Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
1660 |
February 1660
Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
1662 |
Stamford, CT, United States
1681 |
Age 73
Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, Colonial America