Matching family tree profiles for Elizabeth Pierrpont, Duchess of Kingston
Immediate Family
ex-partner's daughter
ex-partner's daughter
ex-partner's daughter
ex-husband's son
About Elizabeth Pierrpont, Duchess of Kingston
Elizabeth Pierrepont (née Chudleigh), Duchess of Kingston (08 March 1721 – 26 August 1788), sometimes called Countess of Bristol, was an English courtier and courtesan, known by her contemporaries for her adventurous life style. She was the daughter of Colonel Thomas Chudleigh (died 1726), and was appointed maid of honour to Augusta, Princess of Wales, in 1743, probably through the good offices of her friend William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath. Having married again while her first husband was still living, in 1776 Chudleigh was found guilty of bigamy at a trial by her peers at Westminster Hall that attracted 4,000 spectators.
Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via father Thomas Chudleigh by SmartCopy: Jan 20 2015, 9:08:05 UTC
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О Elizabeth Pierrpont, Duchess of Kingston (русский)
Элизабет Чадли (1721—1788), в браке Элизабет Пьерпонт, герцогиня Кингстон — английская авантюристка XVIII века, фигурантка нескольких громких процессов о двоебрачии, владелица участка на берегу Невы в Петербурге и Чудлейских мыз в Эстляндии.
Elizabeth Pierrpont, Duchess of Kingston's Timeline
1721 |
March 8, 1721
Of, London, Greater London, United Kingdom
1788 |
August 26, 1788
Age 67
Château de Sainte-Assise / Castle of Sainte Assise, Seine-Port, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France
???? |
convicted of bigamy