Historical records matching Elizabeth Pabodie
Immediate Family
About Elizabeth Pabodie
Elizabeth Throope was born abt. 1672 in Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts and died 14 December 1717 in Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island. She is buried in Old Commons Burial Ground, Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island.
Parents: 3rd child of William Throope (1636/7-1669) and Mary Chapman (1643-1732)
- on 31 Mar 1695 in Bristol, RI to Jonathan Peck (1666-1717)
- on 20 Mar 1715/16 to William Pabodie (1664-1744) as his second wife.
- http://www3.telus.net/throopgenealogy/t1.html
- http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=49509364
Biography ==Children of William and Mary (Chapman) Throope included: Elizabeth, born at Barnstable in about 1670. She married Jonathan Peck at Bristol, 31 March 1695. <ref>The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volumes 35-36; page 124-5; edited by Richard H. Greene et. al, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1904]</ref>
Burial: Old Commons Burial Ground, Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island; Inscription: "Here lyeth y Bodie of Elisabeth ye second wife of William Pabodie who dyed December ye 14 1717 aged about 45 years". <ref> 49509364</ref>
Jonathan and Elizabeth had the following children:<ref>Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford and Williams, Alicia Crane, Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vol. 16 Part 1 of 3, John Alden, Boston, Mass.: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2002. Page 77</ref>
- Mary, 23 January 1697
- Jonathan, 12 September 1698
- Nicholas, 11 November 1700
- William, November 1702
- Isaac, 1703
- Elizabeth, 1707
- Thomas, about 1711
<references />* Alden, Mrs. Charles. Alden Genealogy, The New England Historical & Genealogical Register (NEHGS, Boston, Mass., 1898) Vol. 52, Page 57
- Family Data Collection - Individual Records Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000. Note: APID: 1,4725::0
- Family Data Collection - Marriages Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network,Inc., 2001. Note: APID: 1,5774::0
- Clemens, William Montgomery. American Marriage Records Before 1699.Pompton Lakes, NJ, USA: Biblio Co., 1926.Original data: Clemens, William Montgomery. American Marriag Note: APID: 1,2081::0
- U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.Originally, the information was derived Note: APID: 1,7836::0
Acknowledgements ==* Throope-37 was created by Christopher McKay throughthe import of Cory_s Genealogy Database.ged on Oct 23, 2014.
Elizabeth Pabodie's Timeline
1672 |
March 3, 1672
Barnstable, Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony
1687 |
June 5, 1687
Age 15
Bristol, Bristol, Rhode Island
June 5, 1687
Age 15
Bristol,Bristol,Rhode Island
1697 |
January 23, 1697
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
1698 |
September 12, 1698
Bristol County, Province of Massachusetts
1700 |
November 11, 1700
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
1702 |
November 1702
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
1703 |
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
1707 |
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States