Elizabeth, who is said to be the daughter of Colonel John Alexander, who died in 1677. She 1st married Andrew Monroe who died in Westmoreland County in 1668 then 2nd married before July 30, 1679 George Horner, and a 3rd time before February 23, 1686-7 Edward Mountjoy of Westmoreland County, VA. Her 2nd husband, George Horner had a son from a previous marriage. Elizabeth did not have any children with George Horner or Edward Mountjoy.
Her 1st husband and father of all her children, Andrew Monroe, emigrated from Scotland to America in 1650. He belonged to an ancient highland clan and was Captain in the service of King Charles I of England. He received his first grant of land June 8, 1650 in Northhumberland County, Virginia, and was later (1652) granted land in Westmoreland County, Virginia. In the time of King Charles II of England he returned to Scotland and induced others of his family to emigrate and another extensive grant of land was made to him by the Crown. In 1659/60 he was a Member of the Westmoreland Commission. In July 1661 he was elected to the Vestry of Appromattox Parish, Westmoreland County. He began to write the name Munroe and it finally attained its present form, Monroe.[3]
Andrew Monroe is ancestor of President Monroe, was an early resident of Maryland, where he commanded a pinnace in the service of Cuthbert Fenwick, general agent of Lord Baltimore. He was a Protestant, and when Richard Ingle declared for parliament in 1645, Monroe took sides against Lord Baltimore's government and eventually settled like other refugee Marylanders at Mattox Creek, in Westmoreland county, under the Virginia authority. He died there in 1668."[5]
Her parents are unknown but some reports her Elizabeth, "sometimes called Alexander". [9] others refer to her as Elizabeth, who is said to be the daughter of Colonel John Alexander.[5] another site which is generally reliable gives her father as John Alexander, born about 1603 in England, and died 5 October 1677 in Stafford County, Virginia but acknowledges this is unproven and also gives Elizabeth's mother as Catherine Graham, born before 1620 in Gartmore, Scotland and d. Bef 1663, Stafford County, Virginia.[10]
If Elizabeth was born into this family around 1636, she would have been the eldest child, but there is no reason to believe this family had a daughter Elizabeth. One difficulty with placing her in a John Alexander family is that there was more than one such family in Virginia at this time. Her birth place is also unknown. If she was born into the John Alexander family she might have been born in Virginia or in England. The Alexanders, however, tend to be a Scottish rather than English family, and Elizabeth married a Scotsman.
John Alexander "the Immigrant" (d 1677). {unproven}
Andrew Monroe Sr. "the Immigrant" m. 1635
George Horner m. bef. July 30, 1679 in Northampton Co. VA
Edward Mountjoy m. bef. 23 Feb 1686
Children 7x
Susannah Monroe
Ann Monroe
+Elizabeth Monroe
Mary Monroe
+Andrew Monroe Jr.
George Monroe
+William Monroe Sr.
Evidence needed to support as daughter of John Alexander & Catherine Graham
1. http://www.clanmunrousa.org/gen/getperson.php?personID=I433&tree=1
2. https://familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GS36-JXL FamilySearch Genealogy
3. https://www.geni.com/projects/SmartCopy/18783 SmartCopy]: Sep 18 2020, 18:09:13 UTC
4. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/myff/d007...)
5. Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Volume I, IV--Burgesses and Other Prominent Persons:
6. http://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I02913...
7. Genealogies of VA Families" from Wm. & Mary Quarterly, Vol. V, p.903-907
8. "Genealogies of Virginia Families", Wm & Mary College Qtrly Historical Magazine Vol 3, says that Andrew probably came to Maryland first, then to Virginia.
9. "Ancestors of American Presidents by Gary Roberts
10. Mike Marshall's Colonial Virginia
Fought in the Battle of Preson, 17 May 1648. Taken prisoner and sent to America (Maryland). Settled at Appamatox, VA 1650.
1632 |
North River Mills, Hampshire, Virginia, British Colonial America
1650 |
Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
1656 |
Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
1659 |
Virginia, United States
1661 |
Monroe Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia
1664 |
Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
1666 |
Monroe Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1668 |
Westmoreland, Virginia, United States