Elias d’Aubeney, 1st Baron Daubeney, seigneur de Landal

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Elias d’Aubeney, 1st Baron Daubeney, seigneur de Landal's Geni Profile

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Elias d'Aubeney, Lord Daubeney of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme (b. - 1305)

Also Known As: "de Aubigne", "Helie", "de Albini"
Death: before April 08, 1305
Immediate Family:

Son of Ralph Daubeny, Lord Daubeney of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme and Isabel or Isolde de Sulney
Husband of Joan D'Aubeney and Hawyse D'aubeney
Father of Oliver D'aubeney; John D'aubeney; Elias D'aubeney; William De DeAubeney, Twin; Sir Ralph Daubeney, Kt., MP and 1 other
Brother of Phillip de Aubigne, Lord Daubeney of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme
Half brother of Guillaume d'Aubigné

Managed by: Susanna Barnevik
Last Updated:

About Elias d’Aubeney, 1st Baron Daubeney, seigneur de Landal


Elias (Helie) d' ALBINI, 1st Baron Daubeny, seigneur de Landal

Born: Before 1264, Landal, Bretagne, France
Died: Shortly before 8 Apr 1305, South Ingleby, Lincolnshire, England Orthographic variations: de ALBANIACO, de ALBINIACO, DAUBENEY

General Notes: Relationship to Compiler: 21 x great grandfather

Research Notes: Named in the Inquisition Post Mortem of his elder brother Philip de Albaniaco (1294) as next heir, aged 26/30 and more at his brother's death. He did homage and had livery of his brother's lands, 26 August 1294. He was in the Army of Wales, in the retinue of William de Valence in 1294, and was sent to Scotland on special affairs by the Earl of Surrey in June 1297. Having been born beyond seas he was naturalized in 1295. He was summoned for Military Service from 16 December 1295 to 7 November 1302, to attend the King at Salisbury, 26 Jan. 1296/7 and to Parliament from 24 June 1295 to 22 January 1304/5, by writs directed Elye de Alblniaco or Daubeny, whereby he is held to have become Lord Daubeney.... Elias Daubeney was summoned to parliament as a Baron from 2 Novermber, 1295, to 22 January, 1305. His lordship was s. at his decease in 1305 by his son, by Hawise, his wife, Sir Ralph Daubeney, 2nd Baron.

Inquisition Post Mortem (abridged) 324. Elias de Albiniaco Writ. 8 April, 33 Edw. I [1305] Somerset. Inq. 24 April, 33 Edw. I (defaced) Suthperton. The manor with the underwritten hamlets, held of the king in chief by service of a knight's fee, including Racchich, Est Stratton, Litel Lopene, Drayton and Suthperton, Hassokmore, Little Stratton, More, Sutthampton and 'la Worth.' Barington. The hamlet. Cheleton. The hamlet, including a tenement in Chubbeleye Bruges. The hamlet. Ralph his son, born on 3 March last, is his next heir. Somerset. Inq. made at Somerton, 26 April, 33 Edw. I (defective) Kynemeresdon. The manor held of the king in chief by service of ½ and ¼ knight's fee, including the hamlets of Asshwyk, Murifelde, Holecoumbe. Ralph his son is his next heir. Lincoln. Inq. 20 April, 33 Edw. I. Suth Engleby. A manor with certain lands &c. pertaining thereto in the hamlets of Saxeby, Broxholm, North Engleby and Torqeseye, held jointly with Joan his wife of William de Ros in chief, as of the barony of Belvoir as in free socage, by service of 13s. 4d.; which lands &c. they had of the gift &c. of Walter Thurgar, chaplain, to hold to them and the heirs of the said Elias, by a fine made in the king's court. North Engleby. 12 acres of the aforesaid demesne lands held jointly as above of Thomas de Multon in chief by service of 10s. Ralph, son of the said Elias and Joan, aged 7 weeks, is his next heir. C. Edw. I. File 120. (2.)

Marriage Information: Elias married Joan. (Joan was born in Channel Islands, England and died about 1311.)

Sources: Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England, 1883, p. 160, Daubeney, Barons Daubeney, Earl of Bridgewater; Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem - and other analogous documents, preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward I, Vol. IV, pp. 221-222

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Elias d’Aubeney, 1st Baron Daubeney, seigneur de Landal's Timeline

Of, Guernsey, , Channel Islands
Of, Guernsey, , Channel Islands
Of, Guernsey, , Channel Islands
March 3, 1304
Guernsey, , Channel Islands
March 3, 1305
Bailiwick of Guernsey, Channel Islands
April 8, 1305
Walgrave, Northamptonshire, , England