Immediate Family
About Ekkehard II. von Nellenburg, Bischof von Augsburg
3. EBERHARD(-26 Mar [1076/79]). According to Europäische Stammtafeln, Eberhard was the son of Graf Eberhard [IV], built the castle of Nellenburg before 1050 and was ancestor of the Grafen von Nellenburg[644]. Graf im Zürichgau. “Comes Eberhardus cum domina Hadewiga matre sua” founded Kloster Pfaffen-Schwabenheim bei Kreuznach with his mother’s property “im Rheingau” by charter dated 1034[645]. "Eberhardus comes Turegie provincie" exchanged property with "Bertholdo Carinthiorum duce" by charter dated early Mar 1050, witnessed by "…Burchardus et Eberhardus et Adelbertus, filii Eberhardi comitis…"[646]. This charter is presumably misdated as Berthold did not become Duke of Carinthia until 1061, and his son Marchese in 1072. The Annales Scafhusenses record that "Eberhardus comes de Nellinburc" founded "Scafhusensem locum" in 1052[647]. "Eberhardus comes filius Eberhardi quondam comitis" donated property to Reichenau, for the souls of "patris mei Eberhardi et fratrum meorum Purghardi et Manegoldi" by charter dated 1056[648]. "Heinricus…rex" granted property "in villa Kiricheim in pago Nechargovve in comitatu Eberhardi comitis" to "prefatus Eberhardus comes" by charter dated 22 Nov 1059[649]. "Heinricus…rex" granted property "duas villas Hochfeld et Suueichusen cum foresto Heiligenforst in comitatu Gerhardi comitis in pago Nortcowe" to "Eberhardo comiti" by charter dated 22 May 1065[650]. "Heinricus…rex" granted property "in pagis Cletgowe et Hegowe in comitatibus Gerungi et Lodawici comitis" to "comiti Eberhardo" by charter dated 1067[651]. m ITA, daughter of --- (-26 Feb or 2 May after 1105). The Historia Trevirensis names “ex Alamannorum prosapia oriundus patre Eberhardo comite, matre Ida” as parents of “Udo” Archibishop of Trier, adding that they founded “monasterii…Scafuse”[652]. She became a nuun at St Agnes, Schaffhausen as shown by the charter dated 1 Mar 1080 under which her son "Comes Burchardus de castello Nellenburk" confirmed donations to "monasterium sancti Salvatoris in pago Cletgouve in villa Schafhusa super litus Reni" founded by "progenitoribus meis…Eberhardo, ex religioso comite in eodem monasterio monacho…facto, et Ita…monachicam…in cella sancte Agne in eadem villa"[653]. The necrology of Zwiefalten records the death "VI Non Mai" of "Ita com de Nellinburc"[654]. Graf Eberhard & his wife had [seven] children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
a) UDO (-killed in battle Tübingen 11 Nov 1078, bur Trier St Peter). Archbishop of Trier 1066. The Gesta Treverorum records that "Udo Suevus nobilis" succeeded as archbishop of Trier after the death of "Cuononem"[655]. A continuator of the Gesta Treverorum records that "Uodo…ex Alamannorum prosapia oriundus" was elected at Trier in succession to Kuno, son of "patre Everhardo comite, matre Ita" who founded "cœnobii…Scafuse"[656]. The Historia Trevirensis names “ex Alamannorum prosapia oriundus patre Eberhardo comite, matre Ida” as parents of “Udo” Archibishop of Trier, adding that they founded “monasterii…Scafuse”[657]. The Gesta Treverorum records the death 13 Nov 1078 and burial in "monasterio St Petri" of "domnus Cuono [error for Udo]…ex Alamannorum prosapia oriundus…patre Everhardo comite, matre Ita"[658]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
b) EKKEHARD (-24 Nov 1088). Abbot of Reichenau 1073. “Eggehardus...Augiensium abbas” renewed the market at Allensbach by charter dated 1075, witnessed by “pater eius Eberhardus comes”[659]. Anti-bishop of Augsburg 1088. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
c) BURKHARD [III] (-21 Jan [1106]). "Eberhardus comes Turegie provincie" exchanged property with "Bertholdo Carinthiorum duce" by charter dated early Mar 1050, witnessed by "…Burchardus et Eberhardus et Adelbertus, filii Eberhardi comitis…"[660]. This charter is presumably misdated as Berthold did not become Duke of Carinthia until 1061, and his son Marchese in 1072. Graf von Nellenburg. “Rodulfus Suevorum dux” [Rudolf von Rheinfelden] decided the boundaries between Uri and Glarus as properties of the abbeys of Zürich and Säckingen, in the presence of “Purchardum comitem de Nellenburch, Chononem comitem de Wulvelingen, Arndoldum comitem de Lenzeburch...tunc utriusque monasterii advocatus”, by charter dated 6 May 1003 (misdated, presumably dated to [1060/70])[661]. "Comes Burchardus de castello Nellenburk" confirmed donations to "monasterium sancti Salvatoris in pago Cletgouve in villa Schafhusa super litus Reni" founded by "progenitoribus meis…Eberhardo, ex religioso comite in eodem monasterio monacho…facto, et Ita…monachicam…in cella sancte Agne in eadem villa", by charter dated 1 Mar 1080[662]. Vogt von Allerheiligen 1080. "Comes Burchardus de Nellenburk, monasterii sancti Salvatoris advocatus" exchanged property with "Totoni de villa…Wagenhusa" by charter dated 1083[663]. A charter dated "1086 Kal Apr" quoted in the Fundatio Monasterii S Georgii in Nigra Silva names "comes Burchart de Nellenburg"[664]. Vogt von Beuron 1092. "Burchardus comes cum Adelberto comite advocato predicti monasterii et Theoderico fratre illius" confirmed possessions of Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated to [1100/05], confirmed by "Burchardo comiti cum nepotibus suis…"[665]. "Burchardus comes de Nellenburc" donated property "in villa..:Scafhusa predium…Hemmendal cum silva Randa" to Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated 27 Feb 1100, witnessed by "Berhtolfi ducis de Zaringen, Herimanni marchionis de Linthburch, Theodorici comitis de Nellenburch, Ludwici comitis de Stoffeln, Berhtolfi comitis de Marstetin…"[666]. m HADEWICH, daughter of --- (-26 Feb after 1105). "Burchardus comes et uxor eius Hadewich" donated "curtim…Hemmental cum silva…Rando" to Schaffhausen St Salvator, undated[667]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
d) EBERHARD (-killed in battle Homburg, Unstrut 6 Jun 1075). "Eberhardus comes Turegie provincie" exchanged property with "Bertholdo Carinthiorum duce" by charter dated early Mar 1050, witnessed by "…Burchardus et Eberhardus et Adelbertus, filii Eberhardi comitis…"[668]. This charter is presumably misdated as Berthold did not become Duke of Carinthia until 1061, and his son Marchese in 1072. The Annales Sancti Blasii record the battle in 1075 in which "Ernist marchio et Heinricus et Eberhardus de Nellenburc" were killed[669]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
e) HEINRICH (-killed in battle Homburg, Unstrut 6 Jun 1075). The Annales Wormatienses name "domni Eberhardi de Eberstein et domni E. filii sui, comitis de Sein et domni Ottonis de Eberstein" in 1249[670]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
f) ADALBERT . "Eberhardus comes Turegie provincie" exchanged property with "Bertholdo Carinthiorum duce" by charter dated early Mar 1050, witnessed by "…Burchardus et Eberhardus et Adelbertus, filii Eberhardi comitis…"[671]. This charter is presumably misdated as Berthold did not become Duke of Carinthia until 1061, and his son Marchese in 1072. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
g) [--- .] If the term “nepotibus” was used in its strict sense of “nephews” in the charter quoted below, the brothers Dietrich and Adalbert were sons of a sibling of Burkhard [III] Graf von Nellenburg. m ---. Two children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192i) DIETRICH (-1108 or after). "Burchardus comes cum Adelberto comite advocato predicti monasterii et Theoderico fratre illius" confirmed possessions of Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated to [1100/05], confirmed by "Burchardo comiti cum nepotibus suis…"[672]. Graf von Nellenburg. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192 DIETRICH, son of --- & his wife --- [im Zürichgau] (-1108 or after). "Burchardus comes cum Adelberto comite advocato predicti monasterii et Theoderico fratre illius" confirmed possessions of Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated to [1100/05], confirmed by "Burchardo comiti cum nepotibus suis…"[1868]. Graf von Bürglen 1092. Graf von Nellenburg. "Burchardus comes de Nellenburc" donated property "in villa..:Scafhusa predium…Hemmendal cum silva Randa" to Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated 27 Feb 1100, witnessed by "Berhtolfi ducis de Zaringen, Herimanni marchionis de Linthburch, Theodorici comitis de Nellenburch, Ludwici comitis de Stoffeln, Berhtolfi comitis de Marstetin…"[1869]. m ---. The name of Dietrich's wife is not known. Graf Dietrich & his wife had two children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WURTTEMBERG.htm#DietrichNellenburg...
a) BERTHOLD (-before 12 Jun 1112). Graf von Marstetten {Marstetten am Iller, Württemberg}. "Burchardus comes de Nellenburc" donated property "in villa..:Scafhusa predium…Hemmendal cum silva Randa" to Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated 27 Feb 1100, witnessed by "Berhtolfi ducis de Zaringen, Herimanni marchionis de Linthburch, Theodorici comitis de Nellenburch, Ludwici comitis de Stoffeln, Berhtolfi comitis de Marstetin…"[1870]. m ---. The name of Berthold's wife is not known. Graf Berthold & his wife had two children:https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WURTTEMBERG.htm#DietrichNellenburg...
i) IRMENGARD . 1112. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WURTTEMBERG.htm#DietrichNellenburg...
ii) HADWIG . 1112. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WURTTEMBERG.htm#DietrichNellenburg...b) EBERHARD . patruus and Vogt of Irmengard and Hadwig (see above) in 1112 (primary source not identified). m ---. The name of Eberhard's wife is not known. Graf Eberhard & his wife had [two] children:
i) [EBERHARD [II] . Graf von Nellenburg 1132/1169. The History of Salem Monastery lists those present at a court of "duce Friderico", including "Ebirhardo comite de Nellinburc", undated but dateable to [1152][1871]. "…Eberhardus comes de Nellenburch…" witnessed the charter dated 27 Nov 1155 under which Emperor Friedrich I confirmed possessions of the church of Konstanz[1872].] https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WURTTEMBERG.htm#DietrichNellenburg...
ii) [daughter . The primary source which indicates her possible parentage and marriage has not been identified. m MARQUARD [I] Graf von Veringen, son of --- (-6 May after 1165). 1123/1165.] https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WURTTEMBERG.htm#DietrichNellenburg...ii) ADALBERT (-before 30 Aug 1125). "Burchardus comes cum Adelberto comite advocato predicti monasterii et Theoderico fratre illius" confirmed possessions of Schaffhausen St Salvator by charter dated to [1100/05], confirmed by "Burchardo comiti cum nepotibus suis…"[673]. Graf von Mörsberg [1105]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
Graf Eberhard had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
h) BERNHARD von Rissdorf . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. 1102/1116. m HILTGARD, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
Photo of Nellenburg wappen from Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Abbot von Reichnau.
Eberl, Immo: "Nellenburg, Eggehard von", in: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS), Version vom 01.04.2009. Online: https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/de/articles/012858/2009-04-01/, konsultiert am 03.10.2021.
Ekkehard II. von Nellenburg, Bischof von Augsburg's Timeline
1055 |
Augsburg, Germany
1088 |
November 24, 1088
Age 33
Kloster Reichenau