Historical records matching Edward Gallop
Immediate Family
About Edward Gallop
Arrived in Western Australia 6 October1829 with brothers Richard & James on the Lotus.
Western Australian marriage record for Edward Gallop marrying Ellen Kelly, 24 June 1837, Guilford Church of England.
Is this him?
Inquirer Perth (WA) Wed 26 Oct 1842
THE undersigned hereby gives notice, that he I will not be answerable for any debts incurred by his wife, and hereby cautions all persons from giving her credit in his name.
E. GALLOP, Oct. 10, 1842.
Inquirer (Perth WA) Wed 28 Feb 1849
EDWARD GALLOP, of Glen Irwin, in the Avon district, having executed a deed on the sixteenth instant, making over in trust all his property, of whatsoever kind, and debts due to him, to Mr. J. H. Monger, of York, and Mr. Walter Sleep, to be collected and disposed of for the equal benefit of all his creditors;
Notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the creditors of the said E. Gallop will take place at the Shepherd's Arms, York, on Friday, the ninth day of March next, at three o'clock p.m , when all persons having claims are requested to attend, or send in the same.
All persons indebted to the said E. Gallop are requested to pay their accounts to Mr. J.H. Monger, or Mr. W. Sleep, without delay. York, February 21, 1849.
The West Australian (Perth WA) Fri 22 Oct 1880
York Agricultural Society... (snip)... The following gentlemen are solicited to act as Judges :-Hobs -Messrs. E. Brockman, H. Lukin, and E. T. Hooley. Shkip-Messrs. J. H. Monger, E. Scott, and W. Padbury. Cattle Messrs. J. Taylor, J. Lott. and E. Gallop.
J. W. PARKER, Acting Hon. Secretary. York, October, 1880.
Edward Gallop's Timeline
1814 |
1852 |
Age 38
South Australia, Australia