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Edward Baker

Birthplace: Virginia, United States
Death: October 16, 1847 (64-65)
Randolph County, Missouri, United States
Place of Burial: Randolph County, Missouri, United States
Immediate Family:

Husband of Mary Baker and Rebecca Burris Baker
Father of Thomas Baker; William Baker; Jane Buster; Tyre Baker; Andrew Jackson Baker and 7 others

Managed by: Tricia Culver Gleichman
Last Updated:

About Edward Baker

Was in Wayne County, Kentucky in 1810 and in Randolph County, Missouri for the 1840 census

William Henry Baker, Letter to Family in Kentucky, 6 July 1828

6 July 1828
Chariton, Missouri, United States

  • * BAKER LETTER: 6TH JULY, 1828

Wayne County Kentucky, Edward Baker, Forwarded by Abram Summers

July the 6th, 1828

Dear father brothers and sisters I wunst more take the opertunity of informing you that we air well at present thankbee to god for his murscies hoaping that these fiew lyings may find yo allwell aun the eight day of march we Read your letter which gave us some satisfaction to wheer that you wair all well but graitly grieved to think that wehad to moarn the los of a deceased mother to think that wee had saw her oulast time in this world We also mourn your lost and desolait strait but myad vise is to you all to dwo the best you can we have had veery good healthsense we have bin here only James Granville he has had a light breek ofSickness But is well at this time We have about twenty one acurs of landunder fence and about nineteen acurs in corn the balance in flax cottonpotatoes cabbage

Dear brother thomas baker I will address a few lines to you I want you toleave that old Rocky wornout country and come to missourie where you can getgood land to tend and venison turkey and honey to eate and drink branchwater for I have experienced this country a nuf to no that you can do betterhere than there and the suner the better you will never get here without youstarte I wish to be remembered to William rice and family and tell him Iwant him to Satisfy him self out of my money for his troble and send thebalance by abram Summers I want you to send us a letter by the barer No moreat present but Remains your loving Sun and daghter until death

William Baker to Edward Baker

And Rodah Baker and family

view all 17

Edward Baker's Timeline

Virginia, United States
June 15, 1801
Lee County, Virginia, USA
October 15, 1802
Lee County, VA or, Wayne County, KY, United States
December 24, 1804
Kentucky, USA
April 22, 1806
Wayne County, Kentucky, USA
December 21, 1807
Wayne County, Kentucky, United States
February 4, 1810
Wayne County, Kentucky, USA
October 1811
Wayne County, Kentucky, USA
August 6, 1815