Hermesinda Gatónez, patrona del monasterio de Santa María de Loio, contrajo matrimonio con el conde Hermenegildo Gutiérrez, magnate gallego, dux de Galicia, conquistador de Coimbra y mayordomo mayor del rey Alfonso el Magno.
De este matrimonio nacieron, entre otros, Elvira Menéndez, esposa de Ordoño II de León, el conde Gutierre Menéndez, padre de san Rosendo, y Adosinda Gutiérrez, probablemente la madre de la reina Velasquita de León.
iii) ERMESINDA Gatónez. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. A charter dated 23 Dec 927 records donations by “Gutier Menendiz comes…cum coniuge sua domna Ylduara” to the monastery of Santa María de Loyo and specifies that he was son of “domne Ermesende comitisse”[176].
m ( [865] ) conde HERMENEGILDO Gutiérrez, son of GUTIERRE --- & his wife Elvira --- (-after 912). A charter dated 6 Jun 878 records judgment in the court of “domini...Adephonsi principis...vel judicum Gatoni et Hermigildi” confirmed the possession of “villa Vimineta”, populated by “comite Gaton” during the reign of “domni Ordonii”[177].
Hermesinda Gatónez
b. circa 850
Father Gatón, conde del Bierzo b. circa 820, d. 866
Mother Egilo (?) b. circa 825
Hermesinda Gatónez was born circa 850. She was the daughter of Gatón, conde del Bierzo and Egilo (?). Hermesinda Gatónez married conde Hermenegildo Gutiérrez, son of Gutiar of Galicia and Elvira (?), circa 865.1
conde Hermenegildo Gutiérrez b. after 850, d. circa 943
Munia Elvira Menéndez+ b. c 878, d. bt Sep 921 - Oct 921
Ildonca Menéndez+ b. c 880, d. 942
Gutierra Menéndez+ b. c 8852
[S1342] Casas Reales, online http://www.abcgenealogia.com/Familias3.html, Casa Real de Asturias y León.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 277-36.
b. circa 880, d. 942
Father conde Hermenegildo Gutiérrez b. after 850, d. circa 943
Mother Hermesenda Gatónez b. circa 850
Ildonca Menéndez was born circa 880. She was the daughter of conde Hermenegildo Gutiérrez and Hermesenda Gatónez. Ildonca Menéndez married Gutierre Osoriz of Galicia, son of Osorio Gutiérrez, before 902. Ildonca Menéndez died in 942.
Gutierre Osoriz of Galicia b. circa 877, d. circa 941
Adosinda Gutiérrez+ b. c 902
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 21-37.
Foi uma figura importante da nobreza galaico-portuguesa dos século IX e século X. Possuía o mosteiro de Santa Maria de Loyo, entre os rios Loyo e Minho perto de Lugo.
840 |
Vierzo, España (Spain)
866 |
Coimbra, Portugal
867 |
Coímbra, Distrito de Coímbra, Portugal
870 |
Lugo, Galicia, Reino de Galicia
874 |
Coimbra, Portugal
882 |
915 |
Age 75
Porto, Porto District, Portugal
???? |