Duncan Bohannon, Sr.

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Duncan Bohannon, Sr.

Also Known As: "Dunkin", "Duncan Bohannon I"
Birthplace: Perhaps of, Scotland
Death: between circa 1678 and 1704 (32-71)
Gloucester County, Virginia
Place of Burial: Gloucester, Gloucester, Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:

Husband of Cecily Bohannon and Sarah Bohannon
Father of Joseph Paul Bohannon; John Bohannon; Henry Bohannon; Elizabeth Neville; Ambrose Bohannon and 5 others

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Duncan Bohannon, Sr.


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Duncan Bohannon who emigrated from England to Barbados about 1650, and then to Maryland.

Duncan Bohannon was born circa 1637, probably in Scotland. He died after 1678 and probably before 1704 in Gloucester County, VA after having lived some time in Barbados, Maryland, and then Virginia. He is believed to be the Duncan Bohannon that married Cecily Collmore at St. Michael's, Barbados on July 5, 1658. Duncan was somehow associated with John Neville of St. Mary's Co. (now Calvert Co.), Maryland. Neville sued Duncan for debt by attachment in 1662. This suit was continued in by counsel in 1664 due to the death of the plaintiff (Testamentary Proc., 1657-1666, Liber 1E, folio 102)

Some family historians believe Dunkin may have come from County Cork, Ireland as an indentured servant to work in the sugar plantations, as there are no ships passage list for him.

The parents of Duncan Bohannon,, who reputedly came to Virginia from Weyznouth, Dorsetshire, England,1 have not been determined. The parents of Cicely Coilmore are not known, but she may have been related to Thomas Cullamore who was transported to Maryland in 1637.2

The surname Bohannon is an alternate spelling for Buchanan and the spellings appear interchangeably, with numerous variations, in old records. The family descended from Macaiim de Boquhanari, whose name is on the Ragman's Roll in 1296. There is a Buchanan Parish in Stirlingshire. Scotland.3 This surname is also considered a local name in Fifeshire, Scotland.4

Wherever his place of birth, Duncan Bohannon came to America via l3arbados and lived in Maryland before he settled in Virginia. He and Cicely Coilmore were married in St. Michael Parish, Barbados, on 05 July 1658 and their son John was born there and baptized on 30 January 1658/9:

1658 July 5 Dunkin Behonnan & Sisicy Coilmore, Cert. of Pub. 1658 Jan 30 Jno: son of Dunkin Bewhannon

Prepared by WILLIAM G SCROGGINS 30 Jan 1997, 718 Mill Valley Drive, Taylor MIII KY 5

According to Ed Dittmer, "The elder Bohannon [Duncan Bohannon, the immigrant] was reportedly of Scottish ancestry living at or near Wymouth, Dorcetshire, England," before emigrating to Barbados. Duncan was married in Barbados July 5, 1658, as St. Michael's Parish records show. So, he had to have left the British Isles before then, and was born well before 1675.


Wills: Orange County, VA

Synopsis of the Will of Dunkin Bohanon (Bohannon)

As gleaned by Glenn Gohr, April 1997

Dunkin Bohanon,
of the Parish of St. Thomas, Orange County, Virginia, has land in King William County, Virginia. Devisees of his will:

  • wife Sarah--given a Negro woman named Phillis (or one named Jenny if Phillis becomes disabled) and 21 pounds a year out of the estate until her death
  • 1) son Dunkin & heirs receive 1/7 of estate
  • Franky (Frances?) Bohanon, daughter of son Dunkin, and her heirs--to have one Negro girl named Lucy
  • 2) son William (already deceased?)--his children under age to receive 1/7 of estate
  • 3) son Robert (already deceased?)--his children under age to receive 1/7 of estate
  • 4) son Elliott and heirs to receive 1/7 of estate
  • Mary Bohanon , daughter of son Elliott, and her heirs--to have one Negro girl named Judy
  • 5) daughter Sarah Saymor and heirs to receive 1/7 of estate
  • 6) daughter Judith Askue, her second husband, and children under age by first husband to receive 1/7 of estate
  • 7) daughter Margaret Gollorshun to receive 1/7 of estate
  • Sons Dunkin and Elliot Bohanon, executors.

Will signed 2nd of March 1753.

The will of Dunkin Bohanon, deceased, was presented to the court on Friday 1 March 1755.

Will of Dunkin Bohanon Orange County, Virginia, Wills, 1754, pp. 188-190.

In the Name of God Amen I Dunkin Bohanon of the Parish of St. Thomas in the County of Orange, do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament, hereby utterly revoking and disanulling all former Will or Wills by me heretofore made, and first and principal- ly, I give my soul to Almighty God trusting in and by the Merrits of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain everlasting Life, and my Body to the Earth to be decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Named, and for what worldly Estate it hath pleased God to bless me with, after my just Debts paid I give and bequeath in man- ner and form following viz. Impr. I give unto Sarah my beloved wife Twenty one pounds a Year, out of my Estate during her natural Life, and no longer, to be kept in my son Dunkins hands for her support and I further lend to my said wife During her natural life one Negro Woman named Phillis to wait upon her, and in case the said Phillis should die or be disabled, it is my desire that one other Negro Wench Named Jenny shall wait upon my said wife as aforesaid Provided that my said wife accepts of this bequest in liew of her Dower, I desire my Land in King William County may be sold by my Executors or either of them, and the money arising from such sale to go in my Estate and to be Subject to the several Divisions hereafter expressed. Item I Give the children of my Son William one seventh part of my Estate to be equally Divided among them and their heirs and to be paid by my Executors as they shall come of age. Item I give my son Dunkin one seventh Part of my Estate to him & his heirs forever. Item I Give the-- children of my son Robert one seventh part of my Estate to be-- Equally Divided among them and their heirs and to be paid to-- them by my Executors as they shall come of age. Item I Give my son Elliott one seventh part of my Estate to him and heirs forever. Item I Give to my Daughter Sarah Saymor, one seventh part of my Estate during her Natural life, & then to her heirs forever. Item I Lend to my Daughter Judith Askue one seventh part of my Estate during her Natural life, and then to the heirs Law- fully begotten of her Body by her present Husband provided He Gives good security for the said Estate, to Return to her said children at her decease, and if He shall Refuse to give good Security then the said Estate to be Equally Divided among her abovesaid Children, and to be paid to them as they shall come of age.-- Item I Lend to my Daughter Margaret Gollorshun one seventh part of my Estate during her Natural life, and then to the children Lawfully begotten of her Body by her former husband Henry Rice, Provided He gives good Security for the said Estate to go to her said children at her decease, and if He shall refuse to give good-- Security then the said Estate to be Equally Divided among her abovesaid Children and paid to them as they shall come of age

it is my Desire to have a Funeral Sermon for my self and a Funeral Sermon for my wife the expences of which to be paid out of my Estate. And lastly I do appoint my two sons Dunkin Bohanon and Elliott Bohanon Executors of my said Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this second day of March one Thousand seven hundred & fifty three Signed sealed published & delivered In presence of ---- his Joseph Thomas Dunkin X Bohanon (LS) David Harris mark Richd. Thomas Richd. Vernon George Fraser

Upon Examining my said Will and before signing it I find that two Lagacys which I purposed to give to two of my Grand-children hereafter Named in this-- codicil have been omitted. I therefore Give unto Franky Bohanon Daughter of my son Dunkin Bohanon one Negro Girl named Lucy to her & heirs as a Lagacy. I Give unto Mary Bohanon Daughter of my son Elliott-- Bohanon One Negro Girl Named Judy to her & her heirs as a Legacy-- and it is my Will and desire that these Lagacys shall be deemed and Taken as part of my Last Will, and first satisfied out of my Estate-- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this second day of March one Thousand seven hundred & fifty three Signed seald published and his Declared in presence of Dunkin X Bohanon (LS) Joseph Thomas mark David Harris Richd. Thomas Richd. Vernon George Fraser

At a court continued & held for Orange County on Fryday the first day of March 1754 This Last Will & Testament & Codicil of Dunkin Bohanon Deced was presented into Court by Dunkin Bohanon one of the Executors therein named and-- proved by the Oaths of Joseph Thomas David Harris Richard Thomas-- Richard Vernon and George Fraser Witnesses thereto & ordered to be Recorded and on the motion of the said Dunkin who made oath thereto according to Law Certificate is granted him for obtaing. probate thereof in due form he giving security whereupon he with Zachary Taylor & Richard Vernon his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond accordingly. Test Geo. Taylor Co. Clerk

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Glenn Gohr

DESCENDANTS OF DUNCAN BOHANNON, SR (1635-1704) by Bill Scroggins

Generation No. 1 1. DUNCAN1BOHANNON, SR. was born Abt. 1635 in England or Scotland, and died Bef. 1704 in Gloucester Co. Kingston Parish. He married CICELY COLLMORE 05 July 1658 in St. Michael Parish, Barbados. She was born Abt. 1640, and died in Va. Notes for DUNCAN BOHANNON, SR.: Rec'd patent with John Mechen on 20 December 1667 for 220 acres, Gloucester Co. Va. They assigned this tract to Lt. Col. John Armistead. On 6 March 1674 Duncan was granted 340 acres of land in Gloucester Co., Kingston Parish, upon the easternmost River, adj John Nevell, Wm Armistead, and due sd Bohannon by assignment.Dunkin was issued land patents for 220 acres in 1667 and 340 acres in 1674 in Gloucester on Mobjack Bay on the E'most River (Virginia). A United States Post Office, Bohannon ZIP 23021, still stands on that original tract of lands. Some family historians believe Dunkin may have come from County Cork, Ireland as an indentured servant to work in the sugar plantations, as there are no ships passage list for him.


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Duncan Bohannon, Sr.'s Timeline

Perhaps of, Scotland
January 30, 1659
Middlesex, Accomack County, Virginia, United States
January 30, 1659
St. Michael's Parish, Barbadoes, British West Indies
Virginia, British Colonial America
July 5, 1664
Kingston Parish, Gloucester, Virginia, United States
Isle of Wight County, Province of Virginia
December 26, 1668
Kingston Parish, Gloucester, Virginia, United States
September 25, 1671
Kingston Parish, Gloucester, Virginia, United States
Windsor, Isle of Wight County, Province of Virginia