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Ordulf av Sachsen Hertug av Sachsen (1072â??1106) EtterfÃ?lger:
Lotharius av Supplinburg
Regjeringstid: Sachsen: 1072 - 1106 Født: ukjent Død: 1106 Foreldre: Ordulf av Sachsen og Ulvhild av Norge Ektefelle(r): Sophia av Ungarn Barn: Wulfhilde Eilica
Magnus av Sachsen (fødselsår ukjent, død i Erthenburg i 1106) av huset Billung var hertug Ordulf av Sachsen og Ulvhild av Norges eldste sønn. Han etterfulgte faren som hertug i 1072 og vokste til å bli en bitter fiende av erkebiskop Adalbert av Hamburg og Bremen. Før Magnus ble hertug drev han gjennom hans avsettelse i 1066 fordi erkebiskopen hadde utnyttet sin herskermakt til å berike kirken med krongods, men Adalbert av Bremen kom senere tilbake.
Siden Magnus hadde støttet Otto II av Bayerns opprør mot Henrik IV ble han tatt til fange i 1070, og satt fanget i tre år. Han ble på nytt tatt til fange av Henrik IV i 1075, og denne gangen ble han frigitt året etter. Etterhvert kom en forsoning i stand mellom Henrik IV og Magnus, og stod Magnus på Henriks side under kampene mot liutieserne. Huset Billungs herredømme over Sachsen endte i 1106 da Magnus døde uten å etterlate seg mannlige arvinger. Billungernes tid som hertuger av Sachsen hadde spent over fire generasjoner.
Magnus var gift med Sophia av Ungarn (-1095), datter av kong Béla I av Ungarn, enke etter Ulrich I av Weimar, markgreve av Istria, og med henne hadde han barna:
Wulfhilde (1072-1126), gift med Henrik IX av Bayern (-1126) Eilica (-1142), gift med grev Otto av Ballenstedt (-1123) Magnus hadde mange etterkommere, bl.a. i fyrstehuset Oldenburg, og gjennom ham kan det nåværende norske kongehuset regne sine aner tilbake til sagatidens norske konger.
Ordulf av Sachsen Hertug av Sachsen (1072–1106) Etterfølger:
Lotharius av Supplinburg
Other names for Magnus were Magnus of Brunswick and Magnus I von Sachsen.
General Notes: Magnus was the last "Billung". From 1070 on, he was involved in the war between Saxon noblemen and the Salian king Henry IV.
Noted events in his life were:
• Acceded: Duke of Saxony, 1072.
Magnus married Sophie of Hungary, daughter of Béla I of Hungary and Richiza of Poland, in 1071. (Sophie of Hungary died on 18 Jun 1095.)
Wikedia: Magnus (* ca. 1045; † 23. August 1106 auf der Ertheneburg) war Herzog von Sachsen aus der Familie der Billunger. Leben [Bearbeiten]
Magnus war der älteste Sohn Herzog Ordulfs. Er war ein erbitterter Feind Erzbischof Adalberts von Bremen, dessen Stift er mit wiederholten Plünderungszügen heimsuchte. 1070 unterstützte er die Empörung Ottos von Northeim gegen König Heinrich IV., wurde nach deren Beendigung in Haft genommen und auch nach Ordulfs Tod 1072 nicht freigelassen, weil er sich weigerte, die Befreiung mit dem Verzicht auf die Herzogswürde zu erkaufen.
Erst durch den Aufstand der Sachsen 1073 wurde er aus der Harzburg befreit, aber nach dem Sieg Heinrichs IV. bei Homburg an der Unstrut (Langensalza) 1075 von neuem gefangen genommen. Bereits 1076 wieder freigelassen, kämpfte er in den Reihen der Anhänger des Gegenkönigs Rudolf in der Schlacht bei Mellrichstadt (1078), wo er mit Mühe sein Leben rettete. Später versöhnte er sich mit Heinrich und kämpfte gegen die Liutizen. 1093 half er dem mit ihm verbündeten Heinrich in der Schlacht von Schmilau zur Sicherung seiner Macht gegen die heidnischen Küstenslawen. Er starb 1106 ohne Söhne. Mit ihm erlosch in männlicher Linie das Geschlecht der Billunger, deren Herzogtum auf Lothar von Süpplingenburg überging, während die Familiengüter über seine beiden Töchter an die Askanier und die Welfen vererbt wurden. Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
Magnus war seit 1070/1071 mit Sophia von Ungarn († 18. Juni 1095) verheiratet, einer Tochter des ungarischen Königs Béla I. (Arpaden) und der Tuta von Formbach, und Witwe des Ulrich I. von Weimar, Markgraf von Krain und Istrien. Beide, Magnus und Sophia, wurden in der St.-Michaelis-Kirche in Lüneburg begraben.
Das Paar hatte zwei Töchter:
* Wulfhild († 29. Dezember 1126 in Altdorf, begraben in Weingarten ∞ Heinrich IX. der Schwarze, 1120 Herzog von Bayern (Welfen) († 1126)
* Eilika († 18. Januar 1142) ∞ Otto von Ballenstedt († 9. Februar 1123) 1112 Herzog von Sachsen (Askanier)
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* genealogie-mittelalter.de
Magnus, Duke of Saxony From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Magnus (c. 1045–23 August 1106) was the duke of Saxony from 1072 to 1106. Eldest son and successor of Ordulf and Wulfhild of Norway, he was the last member of the House of Billung. In 1070, before he was duke, he joined Otto of Nordheim, duke of Bavaria, in rebellion against the Salian Emperor Henry IV. Otto was accused of being privy to a plot to murder the king, and it was decided he should submit to the ordeal of battle with his accuser. The duke asked for a safe-conduct to and from the place of meeting, and when this was refused he declined to appear, and was consequently deprived of Bavaria, while his Saxon estates were plundered. The rebellion lasted until it was put down in 1071 and Magnus was captured. Magnus was put up in the castle of Harzburg, the imposing imperial fortress which so inflamed the Saxon freemen. He was not released upon his accession to the Saxon duchy until seventy Swabians captured in Lüneburg were released. In 1073, Harzburg was destroyed and the anger of Henry aroused. He renewed the conflict with Saxony once more. At the First Battle of Langensalza in 1075, Magnus was captured again. Released again, he joined Rudolf von Rheinfeld, duke of Swabia and antiking, and was present at the Battle of Mellrichstadt (7 August 1078), where he saved Rudolf's life. However, he and the Saxons never fully supported the Swabian Rudolf and he reconciled with Henry, even fighting the Slavs with the royal forces. Magnus was an embittered enemy of the archbishop of Bremen, Adalbert, whose see he afflicted with repeated plundering raids. In 1106, the same year as Henry IV, he died. His duchy was given to Lothair of Supplinburg and his lands were split between his daughters by Sophia (married 1071), daughter of Béla I of Hungary, going thusly to the houses of Welf and Ascania, for Wulfhilde (1075 – 1126) married Duke Henry IX of Bavaria and Eilika (1080 – 16 January 1142) married Count Otto of Ballenstedt.
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Kilder: Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen. Leipzig 1935. C.M. Munthe: Norske slegtsmerker, NST Bind I (1928), side 343. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 434. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 27.
In 1070, before he was duke, he joined Otto of Nordheim, duke of Bavaria, in rebellion against the Salian Emperor Henry IV. Otto was accused of being privy to a plot to murder the king, and it was decided he should submit to the ordeal of battle with his accuser. The duke asked for a safe-conduct to and from the place of meeting, and when this was refused he declined to appear, and was consequently deprived of Bavaria, while his Saxon estates were plundered. The rebellion lasted until it was put down in 1071 and Magnus was captured. Magnus was put up in the castle of Harzburg, the imposing imperial fortress which so inflamed the Saxon freemen. He was not released upon his accession to the Saxon duchy until seventy Swabians captured in Lüneburg were released.
In 1073, Harzburg was destroyed and the anger of Henry aroused. He renewed the conflict with Saxony once more. At the First Battle of Langensalza in 1075, Magnus was captured again. Released again, he joined Rudolf von Rheinfeld, duke of Swabia and antiking, and was present at the Battle of Mellrichstadt (7 August 1078), where he saved Rudolf's life. However, he and the Saxons never fully supported the Swabian Rudolf and he reconciled with Henry, even fighting the Slavs with the royal forces.
Magnus was an embittered enemy of the archbishop of Bremen, Adalbert, whose see he afflicted with repeated plundering raids. In 1106, the same year as Henry IV, he died. His duchy was given to Lothair of Supplinburg and his lands were split between his daughters by Sophia (married 1071), daughter of Béla I of Hungary, going thusly to the houses of Welf and Ascania, for Wulfhilde (1075 – 1126) married Duke Henry IX of Bavaria and Eilika (1080 – 16 January 1142) married Count Otto of Ballenstedt.
In 1070, before he was duke, he joined Otto of Nordheim, duke of Bavaria, in rebellion against the Salian Emperor Henry IV. Otto was accused of being privy to a plot to murder the king, and it was decided he should submit to the ordeal of battle with his accuser. The duke asked for a safe-conduct to and from the place of meeting, and when this was refused he declined to appear, and was consequently deprived of Bavaria, while his Saxon estates were plundered. The rebellion lasted until it was put down in 1071 and Magnus was captured. Magnus was put up in the castle of Harzburg, the imposing imperial fortress which so inflamed the Saxon freemen. He was not released upon his accession to the Saxon duchy until seventy Swabians captured in Lüneburg were released.
In 1073, Harzburg was destroyed and the anger of Henry aroused. He renewed the conflict with Saxony once more. At the First Battle of Langensalza in 1075, Magnus was captured again. Released again, he joined Rudolf von Rheinfeld, duke of Swabia and antiking, and was present at the Battle of Mellrichstadt (7 August 1078), where he saved Rudolf's life. However, he and the Saxons never fully supported the Swabian Rudolf and he reconciled with Henry, even fighting the Slavs with the royal forces.
Magnus was an embittered enemy of the archbishop of Bremen, Adalbert, whose see he afflicted with repeated plundering raids. In 1106, the same year as Henry IV, he died. His duchy was given to Lothair of Supplinburg and his lands were split between his daughters by Sophia (married 1071), daughter of Béla I of Hungary, going thusly to the houses of Welf and Ascania, for Wulfhilde (1075 – 1126) married Duke Henry IX of Bavaria and Eilika (1080 – 16 January 1142) married Count Otto of Ballenstedt.
In 1070, before he was duke, he joined Otto of Nordheim, duke of Bavaria, in rebellion against the Salian Emperor Henry IV. Otto was accused of being privy to a plot to murder the king, and it was decided he should submit to the ordeal of battle with his accuser. The duke asked for a safe-conduct to and from the place of meeting, and when this was refused he declined to appear, and was consequently deprived of Bavaria, while his Saxon estates were plundered. The rebellion lasted until it was put down in 1071 and Magnus was captured. Magnus was put up in the castle of Harzburg, the imposing imperial fortress which so inflamed the Saxon freemen. He was not released upon his accession to the Saxon duchy until seventy Swabians captured in Lüneburg were released.
In 1073, Harzburg was destroyed and the anger of Henry aroused. He renewed the conflict with Saxony once more. At the First Battle of Langensalza in 1075, Magnus was captured again. Released again, he joined Rudolf von Rheinfeld, duke of Swabia and antiking, and was present at the Battle of Mellrichstadt (7 August 1078), where he saved Rudolf's life. However, he and the Saxons never fully supported the Swabian Rudolf and he reconciled with Henry, even fighting the Slavs with the royal forces.
Magnus was an embittered enemy of the archbishop of Bremen, Adalbert, whose see he afflicted with repeated plundering raids. In 1106, the same year as Henry IV, he died. His duchy was given to Lothair of Supplinburg and his lands were split between his daughters by Sophia (married 1071), daughter of Béla I of Hungary, going thusly to the houses of Welf and Ascania, for Wulfhilde (1075 – 1126) married Duke Henry IX of Bavaria and Eilika (1080 – 16 January 1142) married Count Otto of Ballenstedt.
1045 |
Sachsen, SN, Germany
1075 |
Sachsen, Tyskland, SN, Germany
1080 |
Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
1106 |
August 23, 1106
Age 61
Elben, Altenburg, Thuringia, Germany
Age 61
St. Michaeliskirche, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland (Germany)
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