Immediate Family
About Duchess Gisele, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire Swabia
or 11 November 999
Gisela of Swabia (989 or 990 – February 14, 1043 in Goslar) was the daughter of Herman II of Swabia and Gerberga of Burgundy.
She first married Bruno I, Count of Brunswick, in 1002. Her second marriage was to Ernest I, Duke of Swabia, and she became regent for their son Ernest II after his death in 1015. She was then removed from the regency on grounds of her being too closely related to her late husband.
Her third marriage, in 1016 or 1017, was to Conrad, who later became Emperor. She played an active part in politics, attending imperial councils and having her relative Rudolph III of Burgundy transfer the succession of his realm to her husband. Also, she participated in several synods of the church.
Gisela died of dysentery in the royal palace in Goslar in 1043. She is interred in the grotto of the Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, Germany along with several emperors and other members of the imperial family. Her tomb was opened in 1900 and Gisela's mummified body was found to be 172 cm tall, with long blond hair.
Children Gisela and Bruno I, Count of Brunswick had:
Liudolf, Margrave of Frisia (c. 1003 – 1038) and one other son and two daughters Gisela and Ernest I, Duke of Swabia were parents to two sons:
Ernest II, Duke of Swabia (c. 1010 – August 17, 1030) Herman IV, Duke of Swabia (c. 1015 – July 28, 1038) Gisela and Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor were parents to three children:
Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (October 29, 1017 – October 5, 1056) Mathilde (1027 – January, 1034) Beatrix (c. 1030 – September 26, 1036)
References "Women in power 1000-1100" from Guide2womenleaders.com, last accessed January 15, 2007 Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon, Appelhans 2006, ISBN 3-937664-46-7
Prinsessa av Schwaben, Bayern, Tyskland Markgrevinna av Sachsen, Tyskland Kejsarinna av Tysk-romerska riket
Gisela van Zwaben, geb. (mogelijk 11-11) ca. 990; bereikt na de dood van haar tweede gemaal, dat keizer Hendrik II haar dan nog minderjarige zoon uit dat huwelijk benoemt tot hertog van Zwaben (Ernst II) en haar, naast de voogdij, het feitelijk bestuur van Zwaben opdraagt juni 1015; wordt na haar (mogelijk door ontvoering tot stand gekomen?) huwelijk met Konrad, met wie zij binnen de (door Hendrik II extreem gehandhaafde) verboden kanonieke graden verwant was, door Hendrik II als voogdes èn als regentes afgezet; wordt (vanwege die verwantschap?) bij de koningskroning van Konrad door de aarts-bisschop van Mainz niet méégekroond, waarop de aartsbisschop van Keulen haar in zijn kathedraal alsnog tot koningin kroont 21-9-1024 en daarmee het recht tot koningskroningen (gewoonlijk in Aken) bereikt; vergezelt haar gemaal op de (eerste) tocht naar Italië en wordt tot keizerin gekroond Rome 26-3-1027; bewerkt dat haar oom Rudolf III van Bourgondië haar gemaal (en zo nodig hun jonge zoon Hendrik) als erfgenaam van dit koninkrijk designeert Basel aug. 1027; is dieper religieus voelend dan haar gemaal en heeft grote invloed op (kerkelijke) benoemingen; treedt herhaaldelijk in oorkonden op als interveniënte; bereikt verscheidene malen voor haar telkens tegen zijn stiefvader in opstand komende zoon Ernst vergiffenis, doch laat hem uiteindelijk vallen (hij sneuvelt 17-8-1030); vergezelt haar gemaal ook op diens tweede tocht naar Italië 1037-38 en bezoekt dan (anders dan hij) nogmaals Rome ter verering der apostelgraven; treedt nadat zij weduwe is geworden nog vrij vaak als inter-veniënte op in de oorkonden van haar zoon Hendrik III, maar heeft met hem toch een moeilijker verhouding; overl. Goslar 15-2-1043, begr. Spiers (Dom), tr. (3) na 31-5-1015, uiterlijk jan. 1017 Konrad van Frankenland, geb. ca. 990; gekozen tot Duits koning Kamba 4-9, gezalfd en gekroond (Konrad II) tot Duits koning Mainz 8-9-1024 (met daarop volgende intronisatie te Aken); gekroond tot koning van Italië Milaan maart 1026; door paus Johannes X1X gekroond tot keizer Rome Pasen (26-3) 1027; volgt Rudolf III van Bourgondië na diens dood (6-9-1032) op; gekozen en gekroond tot koning van Bourgondië Payerne (Peterlingen) 2-2-1033, algemeen erkend door huldiging te Genève 1-8-1034; overl. Utrecht 2de Pinksterdag (4-6) 1039, begr. in de door hem in 1030 gestichte domkerk te Spiers; zn. van Hendrik graaf van Worms en Adelheid van Metz.
Third Generation ----- 3. Duchess Gisele of Swabia - was born on 11 Nov 0999, lived in Schwaben, Bavaria and died on 14 Feb 1043 . She was the daughter of Duke Hermann II of Swabia and Princess Gerberga de Bourgogne. Duchess Gisele married Duke Ernst of Swabia in 1012 while living in Schwaben, Bavaria. Duke Ernst was born about 0985, lived in Poclarn, Niederhosterreich, Austria. He was the son of Margrave Leopold "The Illustrious" of Austria and Countess Richeza of Sualafeld. He died on 31 May 1015 .
Then Duchess Gisele married Count Bruno of Brunswick in 1015. Count Bruno was born in 0960, lived in Derlingo, westfriesland. He was the son of Count Ekbert "One-Eyed" von Ambergau. He died in 1016 .
Then Duchess Gisele married Emperor Konrad II of Roman Empire on 21 Nov 1017. Emperor Konrad was born in 0990 in Burgundy, France. He died on 4 Jun 1039 in Utrecht, Netherlands
Gisela of Swabia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gisela of Swabia (November 11, 995-February 14, 1043) was the daughter of Herman II of Swabia and Gerberga of Burgundy. She first married Ernest I and became regent for their son Ernest II after his death in 1015. She was then removed from the regency on grounds of her being too closely related to her late husband. Her second marriage was to Bruno of Braunschweig, who died soon after. (Or alternatively, her marriage to Bruno may have come before that to Ernest.) Her third marriage was to Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor. She played an active part in politics, attending imperial councils and having her relative Rudolph III of Burgundy transfer the succession of his realm to her husband. Also, she participated in several synods of the church. She is interred in the grotto of the Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, Germany along with several emperors and other members of the imperial family. [edit]Children
Gisela and Ernest I, Duke of Swabia were parents to two sons: Ernest II, Duke of Swabia (c. 1010 - August 17, 1030). Herman IV, Duke of Swabia (c. 1015 - July 28, 1038). Gisela and Bruno, Duke of Saxony had: Liudolf, Margrave of Frisia Gisela and Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor were parents to three children: Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (October 29, 1017 - October 5, 1056). Mathilde of Germany (1027 - January, 1034). Beatrix of Germany (c. 1030 - September 26, 1036). [edit]References
" Women in power 1000-1100" from Guide2womenleaders.com, last accessed January 15, 2007
Gisela of Swabia (989 or 990 – February 14, 1043 in Goslar) was the daughter of Herman II of Swabia and Gerberga of Burgundy.
She first married Bruno I, Count of Brunswick, in 1002. Her second marriage was to Ernest I, Duke of Swabia, and she became regent for their son Ernest II after his death in 1015. She was then removed from the regency on grounds of her being too closely related to her late husband.
Her third marriage, in 1016 or 1017, was to Conrad, who later became Emperor. She played an active part in politics, attending imperial councils and having her relative Rudolph III of Burgundy transfer the succession of his realm to her husband. Also, she participated in several synods of the church.
Gisela died of dysentery in the royal palace in Goslar in 1043. She is interred in the grotto of the Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, Germany along with several emperors and other members of the imperial family. Her tomb was opened in 1900 and Gisela's mummified body was found to be 172 cm tall, with long blond hair.
Children Gisela and Bruno I, Count of Brunswick had:
Liudolf, Margrave of Frisia (c. 1003 – 1038) and one other son and two daughters
Gisela and Ernest I, Duke of Swabia were parents to two sons:
Ernest II, Duke of Swabia (c. 1010 – August 17, 1030) Herman IV, Duke of Swabia (c. 1015 – July 28, 1038)
Gisela and Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor were parents to three children:
Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (October 29, 1017 – October 5, 1056) Mathilde (1027 – January, 1034) Beatrix (c. 1030 – September 26, 1036)
Det er uenighet om Giselas fødselsår og rekkefølgen av hennes 3 ekteskap. Ifølge «Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen» av Erich Brandenburg var hun født i 999 og gift 1. gang i 1013-14 med Ernst som var hertug av Schwaben og døde i 1015, 2. gang i 1015 med Bruno I av Braunschweig og 3. gang i begynnelsen av 1017 med keiser Konrad.
Ifølge «Die Grafen von Werl» av Hermann Bollnow var hun imidlertid gift 1. gang før 1002 med Bruno som skulle være død før 1010 og 2. gang ca. 1010 med Ernst. Hun må i så fall ha vært født lenge før år 999.
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Kilder: Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen, Leipzig 1935. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 240. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 63, 91.
Gisela of Swabia (989 or 990 – February 14, 1043 in Goslar) was the daughter of Herman II of Swabia and Gerberga of Burgundy.
She first married Bruno I, Count of Brunswick, in 1002. Her second marriage was to Ernest I, Duke of Swabia, and she became regent for their son Ernest II after his death in 1015. She was then removed from the regency on grounds of her being too closely related to her late husband.
Her third marriage, in 1016 or 1017, was to Conrad, who later became Emperor. She played an active part in politics, attending imperial councils and having her relative Rudolph III of Burgundy transfer the succession of his realm to her husband. Also, she participated in several synods of the church.
Gisela died of dysentery in the royal palace in Goslar in 1043. She is interred in the grotto of the Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, Germany along with several emperors and other members of the imperial family. Her tomb was opened in 1900 and Gisela's mummified body was found to be 172 cm tall, with long blond hair.
Gisela and Bruno I, Count of Brunswick had:
Liudolf, Margrave of Frisia (c. 1003 – 1038)
and one other son and two daughters
Gisela and Ernest I, Duke of Swabia were parents to two sons:
Ernest II, Duke of Swabia (c. 1010 – August 17, 1030)
Herman IV, Duke of Swabia (c. 1015 – July 28, 1038)
Gisela and Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor were parents to three children:
Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (October 29, 1017 – October 5, 1056)
Mathilde (1027 – January, 1034)
Beatrix (c. 1030 – September 26, 1036)
Gisela of Swabia (989 or 990 – February 14, 1043 in Goslar) was the daughter of Herman II of Swabia and Gerberga of Burgundy.
She first married Bruno I, Count of Brunswick, in 1002. Her second marriage was to Ernest I, Duke of Swabia, and she became regent for their son Ernest II after his death in 1015. She was then removed from the regency on grounds of her being too closely related to her late husband.
Her third marriage, in 1016 or 1017, was to Conrad, who later became Emperor. She played an active part in politics, attending imperial councils and having her relative Rudolph III of Burgundy transfer the succession of his realm to her husband. Also, she participated in several synods of the church.
Gisela died of dysentery in the royal palace in Goslar in 1043. She is interred in the grotto of the Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, Germany along with several emperors and other members of the imperial family. Her tomb was opened in 1900 and Gisela's mummified body was found to be 172 cm (5' 8") tall, with long blond hair.
Gisela and Bruno I, Count of Brunswick had:
Liudolf, Margrave of Frisia (c. 1003 – 1038)
and one other son and two daughters
Gisela and Ernest I, Duke of Swabia were parents to two sons:
Ernest II, Duke of Swabia (c. 1010 – August 17, 1030)
Herman IV, Duke of Swabia (c. 1015 – July 28, 1038)
Gisela and Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor were parents to three children:
Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor (October 29, 1017 – October 5, 1056)
Mathilde (1027 – January, 1034)
Beatrix (c. 1030 – September 26, 1036)
Identified as the father of Liudolf von Braunschweig and wife of Bruno von Braunschweig in FMG Medlands:
Chapter 12. MARCH of FRISIA
The March of Frisia was presumably established by the kings of Germany as a response to the activities of Dirk III Count of Holland, whom Thietmar records (as "Dietrich the empress's nephew") attacked Adalbold Bishop of Utrecht in 1018, before his forces were attacked by the Frisians and suffered numerous casualties[815].
The precise date when the March was first established is not known. Liudolf von Braunschweig is the first person who appears with the title, from 1028.
His candidature was presumably approved because his paternal grandfather, Ekbert [I] "der Einäugige", held counties in Frisia (see the introductions to Chapters 8 and 9 above). According to Vanderkindere, Liudolf's son and grandson, both named Ekbert, were also installed in the march of Frisia[816]. Although the primary sources indicate that they held land in Frisia, their march was Meissen.
Heinrich Graf von Northeim, whose wife was heiress of the Brunswick family, was installed as Markgraf in Frisia in 1101 but was killed while trying to subdue the territory.
1. LIUDOLF von Braunschweig, son of BRUNO [I] [von Braunschweig] & his wife Gisela of Swabia ([1003/05]-23 Apr 1038).
- The Annalista Saxo names "Liudolfus comes Saxonicus, filius Brunonis de Bruneswic et Gisle inperatricis", when recording his death[817].
- His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1051 under which "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated "comitatum quem Brun eiusque filius noster frater Liutolfus nec non et eius filius Echbreht comites…in pagis Northduringen, Darlingen, Valen, Salthga, Grethe, Mulbeze" to the church of Hildesheim[818].
- [815] Thietmar 8.27, p. 380.
- [816] Vanderkindere, Vol. 2, p. 288.
- [817] Annalista Saxo 1038.
- [818] D H III 279, p. 380.
Duchess Gisele, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire Swabia's Timeline
989 |
September 11, 989
Schwaben, Kelheim, Bayern, Germany
1003 |
October 11, 1003
Brunswick, Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
1006 |
1012 |
Braunschweig, Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany
1013 |
Schwaben, Kelheim, Bayern, Germany
1015 |
Lorraine, France
Schwaben, Bayern, Deutschland (Germany)
1016 |
October 28, 1016
(HRR), Swaben, Bayern, Deutschland (Germany)