Ds. Marthinus Postma

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Ds. Marthinus Postma

Birthplace: Zwolle, Overijssel, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: July 26, 1926 (71)
Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng, South Africa
Place of Burial: Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of ds. Dirk / Durk Pieters Postma, SV/PROG and Ida Postma
Husband of Elizabeth Wilhelmina Josina Postma and Hester Johanna de Klerk
Father of Ds. Dirk Postma; Prof. Ferdinand Postma; Adelaide Postma; Ida Postma, x; Johanna Postma and 6 others
Brother of Laurika Stroh; Zwaantje Postma; Ds Petrus Postma and Truitjie Postma
Half brother of Grietje Durks Postma; Adrianus Postma; Martha Du Plessis; Brechtje Van Rooy; Helenius Postma and 18 others

Occupation: Gereformeerde Kerk Predikant
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Ds. Marthinus Postma

in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie

Ds. Marthinus Postma (Zwolle, Nederland, 14 Julie 1855 - Fordsburg, Johannesburg, 26 Julie 1926) was predikant, onder meer die eerste Gereformeerde predikant aan die Witwatersrand, en professor in die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika

Postma was die vierde en jongste kind uit die derde huwelik van die grondlegger van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika, ds. Dirk Postma op 11 Februarie 1850 met Ida Sijpkens (†30 Maart 1857). Sy ouer broer, ds. Petrus Postma, was eweneens 'n Gereformeerde predikant en sy voorganger as literariese professor aan die Gereformeerde Teologiese Skool op Burgersdorp. Hulle het Nederland saam met hul vader, wat toe 'n wewenaar was ná die dood van hul moeder die jaar vantevore, op 22 Mei 1858 verlaat en sit op 9 Julie voet aan wal in Simonstad. Die gesin bly net 'n kort ruk in Kaapstad, waarna hulle na Durban vertrek omdat die predikant se eintlike bestemming Transvaal was, waarheen die 1858-sinode van die Christelike Afgeskeie Gereformeerde Kerk in Leiden hom gestuur het om ondersoek in te stel na die godsdienstige toestand van die Nederlanders se volksgenote in die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek.


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Ds. Marthinus Postma's Timeline

July 14, 1855
Zwolle, Overijssel, Friesland, Netherlands
May 5, 1877
Aliwal North, Drakensberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
July 15, 1879
Aliwal North, Drakensberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
April 26, 1880
Burgersdorp, Drakensberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
November 26, 1882
April 21, 1884
March 7, 1887
Burgersdorp, Drakensberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
June 23, 1888
July 16, 1889
Burgersdorp, Drakensberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa