Immediate Family
About Driva Snaersdotter Snødatter
Driva norr. Drífa Snæsdóttir, datter av Snø den gamle og søster til Torre.
Vanlandi or Vanlande was a Swedish king at Uppsala of the House of Yngling in Norse mythology. He was the son of Sveigðir whom he succeeded as king. He married a girl from Finnland (territories inhabited by Finno-Ugric peoples), but forgot about her. In revenge, the girl arranged so that Vanlandi was hag ridden to death. He was succeeded by his son Visbur.
Vanlande, Swegde's son, succeeded his father, and ruled over the Upsal domain. He was a great warrior, and went far around in different lands. Once he took up his winter abode in Finland with Snae the Old, and got his daughter Driva in marriage; but in spring he set out leaving Driva behind, and although he had promised to return within three years he did not come back for ten. Then Driva sent a message to the witch Huld; and sent Visbur, her son by Vanlande, to Sweden. Driva bribed the witch- wife Huld, either that she should bewitch Vanlande to return to Finland, or kill him. When this witch-work was going on Vanlande was at Upsal, and a great desire came over him to go to Finland; but his friends and counsellors advised him against it, and said the witchcraft of the Finn people showed itself in this desire of his to go there. He then became very drowsy, and laid himself down to sleep; but when he had slept but a little while he cried out, saying that the Mara was treading upon him. His men hastened to him to help him; but when they took hold of his head she trod on his legs, and when they laid hold of his legs she pressed upon his head; and it was his death. The Swedes took his body and burnt it at a river called Skytaa, where a standing stone was raised over him
Driva norr. Drífa Snæsdóttir, datter av Snø den gamle og søster til Torre.
Vanlandi or Vanlande was a Swedish king at Uppsala of the House of Yngling in Norse mythology. He was the son of Sveigðir whom he succeeded as king. He married a girl from Finnland (territories inhabited by Finno-Ugric peoples), but forgot about her. In revenge, the girl arranged so that Vanlandi was hag ridden to death. He was succeeded by his son Visbur.
Vanlande, Swegde's son, succeeded his father, and ruled over the Upsal domain. He was a great warrior, and went far around in different lands. Once he took up his winter abode in Finland with Snae the Old, and got his daughter Driva in marriage; but in spring he set out leaving Driva behind, and although he had promised to return within three years he did not come back for ten. Then Driva sent a message to the witch Huld; and sent Visbur, her son by Vanlande, to Sweden. Driva bribed the witch- wife Huld, either that she should bewitch Vanlande to return to Finland, or kill him. When this witch-work was going on Vanlande was at Upsal, and a great desire came over him to go to Finland; but his friends and counsellors advised him against it, and said the witchcraft of the Finn people showed itself in this desire of his to go there. He then became very drowsy, and laid himself down to sleep; but when he had slept but a little while he cried out, saying that the Mara was treading upon him. His men hastened to him to help him; but when they took hold of his head she trod on his legs, and when they laid hold of his legs she pressed upon his head; and it was his death. The Swedes took his body and burnt it at a river called Skytaa, where a standing stone was raised over him
Driva var gift med Vanlande och bodde i Finland. Vanlande hade lovat att åtevända till Finland efter tre år men det gick tio år utan att han kom. Driva skickade då iväg deras son till sin far och hoppas att han skulle förmå sin far att antigen återvända eller att han skulle hjälpa till med att döda sin far. Vanlande dog av Mara.
Om Driva Snødatter, Prinsesse av Kvenland (Norsk)
Driva Snødatter, Dronning av Uppsala
Driva (norrønt Drífa, «snødrev») er ei gyger, en kvinnelig jotne, som representerer en form for eldre naturguddom som er vagt definert i norrøn mytologi. Hun er datter av Snø, som synes å være en personifisering av snø, søster av Torre («Barfrost»), Fonn («snøfonn»), og Mjoll («fint snøfokk»), som alle er aspekter av Snøs personifisering. Snø nedstammer fra Fornjot.
Driva nevnes i den første delen av Snorre Sturlasons Ynglingesaga som er en senere redegjørelse av de eldre mytene. Snorres hensikt er å forklare mytene og verdsliggjøre dem.
Her fortelles det at en av de mytiske konge i Uppsala, Vanlande, sønn av Sveigde, reiste til Finland hvor han overvintret hos Snø den gamle. Der fikk han gifte seg med Driva, Snøs datter, men om våren reiste han fra henne. Han lovte å komme igjen før tre år var gått, men etter ti år sendte bud på Huld seidkone som skulle seide Vanlande tilbake til Finland eller drepe ham. Seiden førte til at Sveigde fikk maredrøm, hvor mara tråkket på ham til han døde.
Driva hadde en sønn med Vanlande, Visbur («sikker sønn»), som hun sendte til Svitjod.
Om Driva Snaersdotter Snødatter (svenska)
Driva norr. Drífa Snæsdóttir, datter av Snø den gamle og søster til Torre.
Vanlandi or Vanlande was a Swedish king at Uppsala of the House of Yngling in Norse mythology. He was the son of Sveigðir whom he succeeded as king. He married a girl from Finnland (territories inhabited by Finno-Ugric peoples), but forgot about her. In revenge, the girl arranged so that Vanlandi was hag ridden to death. He was succeeded by his son Visbur.
Vanlande, Swegde's son, succeeded his father, and ruled over the Upsal domain. He was a great warrior, and went far around in different lands. Once he took up his winter abode in Finland with Snae the Old, and got his daughter Driva in marriage; but in spring he set out leaving Driva behind, and although he had promised to return within three years he did not come back for ten. Then Driva sent a message to the witch Huld; and sent Visbur, her son by Vanlande, to Sweden. Driva bribed the witch- wife Huld, either that she should bewitch Vanlande to return to Finland, or kill him. When this witch-work was going on Vanlande was at Upsal, and a great desire came over him to go to Finland; but his friends and counsellors advised him against it, and said the witchcraft of the Finn people showed itself in this desire of his to go there. He then became very drowsy, and laid himself down to sleep; but when he had slept but a little while he cried out, saying that the Mara was treading upon him. His men hastened to him to help him; but when they took hold of his head she trod on his legs, and when they laid hold of his legs she pressed upon his head; and it was his death. The Swedes took his body and burnt it at a river called Skytaa, where a standing stone was raised over him
Driva norr. Drífa Snæsdóttir, datter av Snø den gamle og søster til Torre.
Vanlandi or Vanlande was a Swedish king at Uppsala of the House of Yngling in Norse mythology. He was the son of Sveigðir whom he succeeded as king. He married a girl from Finnland (territories inhabited by Finno-Ugric peoples), but forgot about her. In revenge, the girl arranged so that Vanlandi was hag ridden to death. He was succeeded by his son Visbur.
Vanlande, Swegde's son, succeeded his father, and ruled over the Upsal domain. He was a great warrior, and went far around in different lands. Once he took up his winter abode in Finland with Snae the Old, and got his daughter Driva in marriage; but in spring he set out leaving Driva behind, and although he had promised to return within three years he did not come back for ten. Then Driva sent a message to the witch Huld; and sent Visbur, her son by Vanlande, to Sweden. Driva bribed the witch- wife Huld, either that she should bewitch Vanlande to return to Finland, or kill him. When this witch-work was going on Vanlande was at Upsal, and a great desire came over him to go to Finland; but his friends and counsellors advised him against it, and said the witchcraft of the Finn people showed itself in this desire of his to go there. He then became very drowsy, and laid himself down to sleep; but when he had slept but a little while he cried out, saying that the Mara was treading upon him. His men hastened to him to help him; but when they took hold of his head she trod on his legs, and when they laid hold of his legs she pressed upon his head; and it was his death. The Swedes took his body and burnt it at a river called Skytaa, where a standing stone was raised over him
Driva var gift med Vanlande och bodde i Finland. Vanlande hade lovat att åtevända till Finland efter tre år men det gick tio år utan att han kom. Driva skickade då iväg deras son till sin far och hoppas att han skulle förmå sin far att antigen återvända eller att han skulle hjälpa till med att döda sin far. Vanlande dog av Mara.
Driva Snaersdotter Snødatter's Timeline
280 |
Kvenland, Finland
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Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
360 |
Age 80
Kvenland, Finland
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