Annals of Inisfallen -- [https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T100004.html]
Annal A |1014
AI1014.1: The Kalends of January on Friday, and the twenty-sixth of the moon thereon.
AI1014.2: Great warfare between Brian and the foreigners of Áth Cliath, and Brian then brought a great muster of the men of Ireland to Áth Cliath. After that the foreigners of Áth Cliath gave battle to Brian, son of Cennétig, and he was slain, with his son Murchad, royal heir of Ireland, and Murchad's son, namely, Tairdelbach, as also the princes of Mumu round Conaing, son of Donn Cúán, and round Domnall son of Diarmait, king of Corcu Bascinn, and round Mac Bethad son of Muiredach, king of Ciarraige Luachra, and also Tadc Ua Cellaig, king of Uí Maine, and many others. There were also slain in that battle Mael Mórda son of Murchad, king of Laigin, together with the princes of the Laigin round him, and the foreigners of the western world were slaughtered in the same battle.
AI1014.3: The coarb of Ciarán, i.e. Flaithbertach, son of Domnall, and the coarb of Caemgen, i.e. Conn.
AI1014.4: Death of Cian son of Mael Muad, and his brother.
AI1014.5: Death of Cathal son of Domnall, royal heir of Uí Echach.
AI1014.6: Death of Cairpre son of Clérchíne, king of Uí Chairpri.
AI1014.7: Death of Ruaidrí Ua Donnacain, and of Finn, son of Ócán.
AI1014.8: Death of Menma son of Aed, king of Uí Chaisíne.
LORCÁN . King of Caisel. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Flaithbheartach son of Inmhainen king of Caiseal” was killed in 920 and that “Lorcan son of Conlingan assumed the kingship of Caiseal”[953]. m ---. The name of Lorcán´s & his wife is not known. Lorcán & his wife had one child: a) CEINNÉITIG (-951). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record that "Brian son of Ceinnéitig son of Lorcán king of Ireland and Mael Sechnaill son of Domnall king of Temair" led an army to “Áth Cliath” in 1014[954]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Ceallachan of Caiseal” defeated “Ceinneidigh son of Lorcan at Magh-duin” in 942[955]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 951 of "Cennétig son of Lorcán, royal heir of Caisel”[956]. m ---. The name of Ceinnéitig & his wife is not known. Ceinnéitig & his wife had six children: i) ECHTIGERN (-killed 948). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Conghalach” killed “two sons of Ceinneidigh son of Lorcan…Echtighern and Donnchuan” in 948[957]. ii) DONN CUAN (-killed 948). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Conghalach” killed “two sons of Ceinneidigh son of Lorcan…Echtighern and Donnchuan” in 948[958]. m ---. The name of Donn Cuan´s wife is not known. Donn Cuan & his wife had three children: (a) CONANG (-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the princes of Mumu round Conaing son of Donn Cúán” were killed at the battle of Clontarf in 1014[959]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Conaing son of Donncuan, the son of Brian´s brother” was killed in 1013 in the battle [of Clontarf][960]. m ---. The name of Conang´s wife is not known. Conang & his wife had [three] children: (1) MATHGAMAIN (-[1017/19]). Crown Prince of Munster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Mathgamain son of Conang son of Donn Cuan, crownprince of Munster” died in [1017/18][961]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1019 of "Mathgamain son of Conaing”[962]. m ---. The name of Mathgamain´s wife is not known. Mathgamain & his wife had one child: a. AEDH (-1011). The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1011 of "Aed son of Mathgamain”[963]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 1010 of “Aedh son of Mathgamain, royal heir of Caiseal”[964]. (2) [--- . m ---.] a. [EDRU Hua Conaing (-killed 1032). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Edru Hua Conaing crownprince of Munster” was killed by “the community of Emly” in 1032[965].] (3) DUNADACH . The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Ua Dúnchada and Dúnadach son of Conang” plundered “Cell Mo-Chellóc” in 1015[966]. (b) CEINNETIG . His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which names "Aed son of Ceinnétig son of Donn Cuan, chief of the Clann Tairdelbaig” when recording his death[967]. m ---. The name of Ceinnetig´s wife is not known. Ceinnetig & his wife had one child: (1) AEDH (-killed 1054). The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1054 of "Aed son of Ceinnétig son of Donn Cuan, chief of the Clann Tairdelbaig…killed by the Connachta”[968]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1054 of "Aed son of Cennétig…slain” when “Aed Ua Conchobuir” raided “Tratraige” in 1054[969]. (c) CEILEACHAIR (-1007). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 1007 of “Ceileachair son of Donncuan son of Ceinneidigh, Abbot of Tir-da-ghlas”[970]. iii) LACHTNA (-953). The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 953 of "Lachtna son of Cennétig son of Lorcán”[971]. iv) MATHGAMUIN (-killed 976). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Mathgamain son of Cennétig” defeated “the foreigners…at Sulchuait” in 967[972]. King of Munster. The Annals of Ulster record that "Mathgamuin son of Cennétig king of Caisel” was killed in 976 by “Mael Muad son of Bran”[973]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Mathgamain son of Cenn-étig king of Munster” was killed in [974/75] by “Mael-Muad son of Bran king of the Húi Echach (Iveagh)” after being “treacherously delivered up by Donnában son of Cathal king of the Húi Fidgenti”[974]. The name of Mathgamuin´s & his wife is not known. Mathgamuin & his wife had one child: (a) AEDH (-1011). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Aed son of Mathgamain” was imprisoned by “Brian son of Cennétig” in 986[975]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1011 of "Aed son of Mathgamain, heir designate of Caisel”[976]. v) BRIAN Boroma ([941]-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of Ulster record the birth in 941 of "Brian son of Cennéitig”[977]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Brian mac Cendéidigh” attacked “Inis Cathaig (Scattery Island)…[and] therein the Foreigners of Limerick…Imar, and Olaf one of his sons and Dubchenn his other son” in [975/76][978]. The Annals of Ulster record that "Brian son of Cennétig” killed “Mael Muad king of Desmumu” in battle in 978[979]. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Brian son of Cennétig” defeated and killed “Mael Muad son of Bran king of Caisel” at “the battle of Belach Lechta” in 978[980]. King of Munster. High King of Ireland 1002. - see below. vi) MARCAIN (-1010). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Marcán son of Cennétig took the abbacy of Imlech Ibuir” in 990[981]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1010 of "Marcáin son of Cennétig, coarb of Colum son of Crimthann”[982].