Dietrich Jansz Putter, SV/PROG

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Dietrich Jansz Putter, SV/PROG

Also Known As: "(Diederick Potter - as per his Marriage Record to Zacharia Visser)", "Dirck Putter", "Diederik Putter", "Diederik Potter", "Diederik", "Didrik"
Birthplace: Zierenberg, Hesse-Cassel, Holy Roman Empire, Deutschland (Germany)
Death: May 13, 1699 (44-53)
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa (Killed by an elephant while hunting)
Immediate Family:

Husband of Zacharia Jans Visser
Father of Anna Margaretha Putter, SM; Anna Catharina Putter, SM; Jannetje Putter; Elizabeth (Elsje) Vlotman. Moller, SM; Susanna Putter, b5 SM and 4 others

Occupation: Hunter/farmer, Hunter
Managed by: Liesel Syfert Barnard
Last Updated:

About Dietrich Jansz Putter, SV/PROG

a1 Dietrich Putter of Potter van Zierenberg, in Hesse-Kassel. Jagter. Genoem as lid v.d. Kaapse gemeenskap voor 1676; gesterf: 1699. getroud: 29 Oct 1679 Zacharia Visser.

b1 Margaretha gedoop: 1 Dec 1680, getroud: Jan Niemand

b2 Anna Catharina gedoop: 11 Jul 1683, getroud: Pieter Roelofs

b3 Jannetje 18 Nov 1685, getroud: Nicolaas Holm (?)

b4 Elsie gedoop: 21 Mar 1688 Johannes Mulder; hertroud: Barend Vlotman

b5 Susanna gedoop: 25 Jun 1690, getroud: Sebastiaan Pyl; hertroud: Hans Kuun; opnuut hertroud: Paarl 12 Oct 1732 Johann Trapp, van Hamburg

b6 Geertruy gedoop: 14 Sep 1692, getroud: Gerrit van der Linde

b7 Alida gedoop: 5 Sep 1694, getroud: Casper Hendrik Badenhorst

b8 Maria gedoop: omstr. 1696, getroud: Joachim Koekemoer

b9 Jan Lodewyk gedoop: omstr. 1696, getroud: Anna van der Swaan

  • Birth Date
  • Death Date 1699
  • First Name Dietrick
  • Last Name Putter/Potter
  • Gender Male
  • Birth Location Zierenberg, Hesse-Kassel, Germany
  • Death Location Cape Town

Dietrich(Dieter) Putter, also named Dietrich Potter, born Zierenberg, Hesse-Kassel;. He was a hunter. He married Zacharia Visser on 29 Oct 1679. He arrived at the Cape before 1676. Zacharia was the daughter of Jan Coenraad Visser and Geertjen Gerrits. She was baptised 28 Aug 1665. They had 9 children ...........

Dietrich (Dieter)PUTTER ook genoem: Dietrich Potter gebore Zierenberg, Hesse-Kassel. Hy was 'n Jagter. Op 29 Oktober 1679 trou hy met Zacharia VISSER. Hy arriveer by die Kaap voor 1676.(Dit kan selfs wees dat hy saam Van Riebeeck aan die Kaap geland het aangesien in die aangetekende geskiedenis van die Oos Indiese Companje vermeld word dat hy die ontdekker was van die " Tulbach basin & Breederivier Vallei in 1658" Zacharia was die dogter van Jan Coenraad VISSER en Geertjen GERRITS, sy was gedoop 28 Augustus 1665. Putter en Visser het nege kinders gehad.

In 1678 het Dietrich Putter asook Hans Melchior Hoffman en Willem Loots 'n kontrak gemaak om die Kompanjie met 2,500 pond wildsvleis per maand te verskaf. Hy word 'n veeboer, en in 1692 besit hy 1,200 skape en 66 beeste.

Children/ KINDERS:

  • b1 Margaretha = 1.12.1680 x Jan Niemand
  • b2 Anna Catharina = 11.7.1683 x Pieter Roelofs
  • b3 Jannetje 18.11.1685 x Nicolaas Holm (?)
  • b4 Elsie = 21.3.1688 x Johannes Mulder xx Barend Vlotman
  • b5 Susanna = 25.6.1690 x Sebastiaan Pyl xx Hans Kuhn xxx Paarl 12.10.1732 Johann Trapp v. Hamburg
  • b6 Geertruy = 14.9 1692 x Gerrit van der Linde
  • b7 Alida = 5.9.1694 x Casper Hendrik Badenhorst
  • b8 Maria = omtrent 1696 x Joachim Koekemoer
  • b9 Jan Lodewyk = omtrent 1696 x Anna van der Swaan (7 kinders)

Dietrich sterf 1699. Na Putter dood is trou Zacharia die tweede keer c 1701 met Johannes Basson,(Bewyse bestaan dat sy nie met Basson getroud was nie,maar dat n seun "uit pure genegentheid" uit die verhouding gebore is) sy trou die derde keer 5 Julie 1706 met Andries Krugel.


  • de Villiers en Pama GC de Wet Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting J Hoge Personalia of Germans at the Cape History of South Africa 1652-1779 : Google

Saamgestel deur: AM van Rensburg

Uitkomstig nady die Duitse stad Kassel. Hy was aan die Kaap bekend a 'j jagter en is op 1699 tydens een van sy jagekspedisies naby die huidige dorp Ceres deur 'n gekweste olifantkoei gedood.


Cape of Good Hope Stamouer-Progenitor


German Roots Sticker

Name ===: Volgens Pama II soms ook Potter gespel. Was van Zierenberg in Hesse-Kassel afkomstig. Was 'n jagter en word genoem as lid van die Kaapse gemeenskap voor 1676. Stamvader: Dietrich PUTTER ook genoem: Dietrich Potter gebore Zierenberg, Hesse-Kassel. Hy was 'n Jagter. Op 29 October 1679 trou hy met Zacharia VISSER. Hy arriveer by die Kaap voor 1676.Zachariawas die dogter van Jan Coenraad VISSER en Geertjen GERRITS, sy was gedoop 28 August 1665. Putter en Visser het nege kinders gehad. In 1678 het Dietrich Putter asook Hans Melchior Hoffman en Willem Loots 'n kontrak gemaak om die Kompanjie met 2,500 pond wildsvleis per maand te verskaf. Hy word 'n veeboer, en in 1692 besit hy 1,200 skape en 66 beeste. Dietrich sterf 1699. Na Putter dood is trou Zacharia die tweede keer c 1701 met Johannes Basson, sy trou die derde keer 5 July 1706 met Andries Krugel (SA Stamouer Webwerf)<ref name="text-19">Jun 9,2013 De Koker-19 | Cornelia Potgieter.</ref>

Birth ===: Dietrich <ref name="text-2493a"/> / Diederik <ref name="text-2493"/><ref name=FIRST/> was born before 1650 <ref name="text-13"/> / in 1650<ref name="text-13">Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref> / in 1655 <ref name="text-2493a">Entered by Meyer-2493 | PieterMeyer, Apr 14, 2013.</ref><ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref> / about 1656 <ref name="text-2493">Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer, May 2, 2013.</ref><ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref> / before 1670. <ref name=FIRST>First-hand information as remembered by Vlotman-16 | Cillié Vlotman, Thursday, March 20, 2014. Replace this citation if there is another source.</ref>: Place: Zierenberg <ref name="text-13"/> / Zierenburg (?)<ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref> in Hesse Cassel, [Duitsland] <ref name="text-13">Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref> / [Germany]. <ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref>

Christening ===: Place: Zierenberg, , Germany<ref name="text-8">Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen.</ref>

Immigration ===: Date: BEF 1676<ref name="text-13">Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref>: Vanaf Zierenberg in Hesse-Kassel, Duitsland. <ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>

Occupation ===: Jagter<ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref> Genoem as lid van die Kaapse gemeenskap voor 1676.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>: In 1677 was hy 'n jagter.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>: In 1692 het hy wingerdbou, graanboerdery en veeboerdery op groot skaalbedryf en ondermeer 1200 skape en 44 beeste besit. <ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref> : In 1678 Het hy en Hans Melchior Hoffman en Willem Loots die kontrakgekry om aan die Kompanje 2,500 pond wildsvleis per maand te voorsien.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>

Marriage ===: Husband: Putter-39|Diederik Putter<ref name="text-8">Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen.</ref>: Wife: Visser-134|Zacharia Janz Visser<ref name="text-8">Apr 13,2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen.</ref>: Date: 29 Oct 1679<ref name="text-8">Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 |Christo Cruywagen.</ref>: Place: Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa<ref>Source: #S34</ref><ref name="text-8">Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen.</ref>

: Husband: Putter-52|Dietrich Putter<ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref>: Wife: Visser-224|Zacharia Visser<ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref>: Child: Putter-51|Margaretha Putter<ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref>
: Date: 29 Oct 1679<ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref> : Place: Cape of Good Hope<ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref> : Op 29 Oktober 1679 met Zacharia Jansz Visser.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>: In die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kaapstad.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>: Aantal kinders: Een seun en agt dogters.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref>


Imagecaption=Homestead. :: "I was related to your aunt Selena who died," said Tant Sannie. "Mymother's step-brother's child was married to her father's brother's step-nephew's niece." "Yes, aunt," said the young man, "I know we were related ..." - Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) from "Tant Sannie Holds An Upsitting, and Gregory Writes A Letter" ["The Story of an African Farm"] <ref name=MANSD/>


Imagecaption=Homestead. : 5 July 1706: Marriage of Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans {Visser}, widow of Pötter-2142|Diederik Pötter {Putter} (from Zierenberg) to 2nd husband Krugel-23|Andreas Krügel (from Tennenlohe). <ref name=MANSD/> : Prior to her 2nd marriage she shacks up with the unmarried Cape-bornBasson-20|Johannes Basson (legitimate son of Basson-4|Arnoldus Willemsz Basson (from Wesel) aka Jaght by his wife the famous freed slave woman Van_Bengale-1|Maaij Ansela van Bengale whose voorzoon is the slave-born, executed, halfslag free-burgher Van_As-83|Jantje van As) & mothering an illegitimate, politically troublesome, son (Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson). <ref name=MANSD/> Also noteworthy, is the collective role - a veritable family affair - played by her many legitimate (Putter / Krügel) & illegitimate (Basson) offspring& relatives by marriage in supporting Barbier-212|Estienne Barbier <ref name=PENN>Mentioned in Chapter 3 Estienne Barbier - An eighteenth-century Cape social bandit (pp. 101-129) in …* Penn, Nigel, Rogues, Rebels and Runaways. Eighteenth-Century Cape Characters. Kaapstad 1999. Seen and added by Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt 20 Apr, 2019.</ref> - executed rebel or 'social bandit'. <ref name=MANSD/> : Historians overlook this very important aspect of his rebellion. These related 'rebels' are listed by name <ref name=MANSD/>: :: Krugel-25|Hendrik Krügel; :: Putter-6|Lodewyk Putter; :: Kampfer-8|Frans Campher; :: Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson; :: Ras-29|Hendrik Ras; :: Ocker-37|Jan Olivier; :: Van_Dyk-208|Sybrand van Dyk {?} & :: Ras-24|Johannes Ras. : Significantly, some again undertake (1738) an illegal expedition (punitive raid?) to the !Ariep [Gariep or Orange River] – with Van_Wijk-412|Willem van Wyk [%E2%80%98Willem Namaqua’] - notorious cultural broker who 'goes native' undertaking the Nama ‘t Kammi (urination or 'golden shower' initiation ceremony aka "pisplechtigheid") <ref name=MANSD/>: :: Putter-6|Lodewyk Putter, :: Ras-29|Hendrik Ras, :: Willemsz-23|Matthys Willemsz {?}, :: Swart-402|Jacob Swart {?}, :: Kampfer-8|Frans Campher, :: Andriesz-6|Andries van der Walt, :: Van_Dyk-208|Sybrand van Dyk {?}, :: Augustus LOURENS & :: Jan GOUS - Servants of Krugel-25|Hendrik Krügel. : Historians, sensing that the people supporting ]][[Barbier-212[[[|Barbier are a "closely related group", however, eschew exploring more fullythe actual family ties: Putter-6|Lodewyk Putter, Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson & Krugel-25|Hendrik Krügel are all half-brothers - being sons of Visser-133|Johannes Coenraedsz Visser (from Ommen) aka Grof’s legitimate daughter Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans Visser. Their mother, 1st marries hunter Pötter-2142|Diederik Putter, but subsequently when widowed, has an illegitimate son by mesties burgher Basson-20|Johannes Basson & then marries colonist Krugel-23|Andreas Krügel. Ras-29|Hendrik Ras & Ras-24|Johannes Ras, in turn, are step-uncles to the 3 afore-mentioned half-brothers, being brothers to their stepmother Ras-124|Maria Ras, 2nd wife to Krugel-23|Andreas Krügel after the death of his 1st wife Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans Putter, née Visser. Ocker-37|Jan Olivier is brother-in-law to Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson whose Ockers-11|wife is his sister. Sybrand van DYK is 1st cousin to Ocker-37|Jan Olivier & to Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson's wifeOckers-11|Catharina Olivier. Mansell Upham <ref name=MANSD>Mansell Upham Source: First Fifty Years - Project collating Cape of Good Hope records Facebook Community] Page: Jul 5, 2016 at 9:37 am Seen and added by Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt Aug 20, 2016.</ref>

Death ===: Date: Diederik / Dietrich Putter passed away about <ref>Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer, Mar 19, 2013.</ref><ref name="text-2493">Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer, May 2, 2013.</ref><ref name="text-12">Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref>/ in <ref name="text-2493a">Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer,Apr 14, 2013.</ref><ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref> / [on] 13 Mei 1699.<ref name="text-721">Steyn-721 | Stefan Steyn Date unknown.</ref><ref name="text-19"/> : Age: About 42-43 <ref name="text-19">Jun 9, 2013 De Koker-19 | Cornelia Potgieter.</ref>: Place: Cape of Good Hope<ref name="text94">Source: #S94 </ref><ref>Source: #S94 Page: Vol II,p. 743</ref><ref name="text-19">Jun 9, 2013 De Koker-19 | Cornelia Potgieter.</ref>


: Name: Didrik Putter: Date: 13 Maij 1699 <ref name=SUSANNAB/><ref name=RONELFS>"Family Search: South Africa Historical Records" Inventory to liquidation and distribution accounts, Probate records : Inventory 1685: Seen and entered by Van_Heerden-335|Ronel Olivier Jan 20, 2016.</ref> : Place: Caap de Goede Hoop:: <ref name=SUSANNAB>Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa, Reference no: MOOC8/1.42,of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa, Reference no.: MOOC8/1.42 Seen and entered Jan 25,2015 by Coetsee-48|Susanna de Bruyn.</ref>::[, MOOC8/1.42 ‘’13 Maij 1699 Inventaris en exacte taxatie der roerende en onroerende goederen nagelaten en met de dood ontruijmt bij den vrijborger Didrik Putter, ten voordeelen van sijn nagelaten weduwe gen:t Sacharias Visser ten eener; ende sijn onderbenoemde kinderenten anderen zijde; soo als deselve bij de boedelhoutster voorn:t met de E:E Weesmeesteren sijn geprijseert bestaande in qualiteit en meenigte als volgd, namentlijk Een stuk bouwland, met den opstal gelegen in de Tijgerbergen, dog nog niet in eijgendom bezittende gewaardeert op een huijs, schuur en land, gelegen op de hoogte genaamt de Roodeblom, groot en belendende als de ervgrondbriev daar van sijnde, kompt aan te wijsen op’’] <ref name=RONELFS/>


<references />* Source: S34 Title: Other Databases: J.R. Ahlers Abbreviation: Other Databases: J.R. Ahlers Author: Ahlers, J.R. Repository Name: Johann R. Ahlers Address: Address 1: 270 ThatchersField City: Lynnwood Postal Code: 0018 Country: South Africa* Source: S4 Title: Ancestral File (R) Abbreviation: Ancestral File (R) Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 Repository Name: Family History Library Address: Address 1: 35 N West Temple Street Address 2: Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA City: Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA* Source: S105 Title: #105 Note: Parish Register * Source: S94 Title: Genealogies of Old South African Families Author: De Villiers,C.C. and Pama,G. Publication: A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, South Africa, 1966 Page: Vol II, p. 743 * Source: Author: Jan Engelbrecht Title: Jan WF Engelbrecht Web SiteText: family tree Page: Dietrich Putter * Source: Author: Warren George Cassidy Title: Cassidy Web Site Text: family tree Page: Diederick Putter* Source: Author: Brian McQueen Title: Our Family Heritage Web Site Text: family tree Page: Dietrich Putter

Acknowledgements==* WikiTree profile Putter-56 created through the import of Ancestors_DippenaarAndre_noinfo.GED on Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar. User ID: 2FF63274-A663-4175-874D-1D18ADCF05E2 : Record ID Number: MH:I434 : UPD 16 AUG 2011 20:15:05 GMT+2* WikiTree profile Putter-39 created through the import of JacobusStephanus(Oudtshoorn)GERICKE.ged on Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen.* WikiTree profile Putter-44 created through the import of wikitree upload.ged on Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper. User ID: 43F63BDD68612D4C8BF2F64A9D5893623AB6 Prior to import, this record was last changed 8 Jan 2010.* WikiTree profile Putter-52 created through the import of Redelinghuys.ged on Jul 21, 2012 by Stead-93 | Humphrey Stead. User ID: 3AB7B566111C664CAC8AB0B1B980095A1EA0 Prior to import, this record was last changed 16:02:37 30 Jan 2000.* WikiTree profile Putter-81 through the import of Potgieter en de Koker.ged on Jun 9, 2013 De Koker-19 | Cornelia Potgieter. User ID:5197ED17B1F0029C300192152104914C : ID Number: MH:I1488 : 6 JUN 2013 19:40:29 GMT -0500


Dietrich PUTTER ook genoem: Dietrich Potter gebore Zierenberg, Hesse-Kassel. Hy was 'n Jagter. Op 29 Oktober 1679 trou hy met Zacharia VISSER. Hy arriveer by die Kaap voor 1676. Zacharia was die dogter van Jan Coenraad VISSER en Geertjen GERRITS, sy was gedoop 28 Augustus 1665. Putter en Visser het nege kinders gehad. In 1678 het Dietrich Putter asook Hans Melchior Hoffman en Willem Loots 'n kontrak gemaak om die Kompanjie met 2,500 pond wildsvleis per maand te verskaf. Hy word 'n veeboer, en in 1692 besit hy 1,200 skape en 66 beeste. KINDERS: b1 Margaretha = 1.12.1680 x Jan Niemand b2 Anna Catharina = 11.7.1683 x Pieter Roelofs b3 Jannetje 18.11.1685 x Nicolaas Holm (?) b4 Elsie = 21.3.1688 x Johannes Mulder xx Barend Vlotman b5 Susanna = 25.6.1690 x Sebastiaan Pyl xx Hans Kuhn xxx Paarl 12.10.1732 Johann Trapp v. Hamburg b6 Geertruy = 14.9 1692 x Gerrit van der Linde b7 Alida = 5.9.1694 x Casper Hendrik Badenhorst b8 Maria = omtrent 1696 x Joachim Koekemoer b9 Jan Lodewyk = omtrent 1696 x Anna van der Swaan (7 kinders) Dietrich sterf 1699. Na Putter dood is trou Zacharia die tweede keer c 1701 met Johannes Basson, sy trou die derde keer 5 Julie 1706 met Andries Krugel. Bronne: de Villiers en Pama GC de Wet Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting J Hoge Personalia of Germans at the Cape Saamgestel deur: AM van Rensburg

Maria and Geertruy my ancestors-Phillipp Weyers

view all 16

Dietrich Jansz Putter, SV/PROG's Timeline

Zierenberg, Hesse-Cassel, Holy Roman Empire, Deutschland (Germany)
Age 25
Zierenberg, Hesse Cassel, Germany
December 1, 1680
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
July 11, 1683
de Caep de Goede Hoop, Dutch Cape Colony
November 18, 1685
de Caep de Goede Hoop [South Africa]
March 21, 1688
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
June 25, 1690
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
September 14, 1692
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
September 5, 1694
de Caep de Goede Hoop, Dutch Cape Colony