Dietmar I, margrave of the Ostmark

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Dietmar von Meissen (b. - 978)

English (default): Dietmar, German: Thietmar von Meissen, Markgraf
Also Known As: "Thietmar von der Ostmark", "Markgraf von Meißen und Merseburg", "Markgraf der Nordmark"
Birthplace: Carolingian Empire (Present Germany)
Death: between July 03, 978 and August 03, 979
Mark Niederlausitz (Present Brandenburg), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
Place of Burial: Nienburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Christian, Margrave in Nordthüringau, Schwabengau & Serimunt and Hidda of the Saxon Ostmark
Husband of Swanhilde of Saxony
Father of Gero II, Margrave of the Saxon Ostmark
Brother of Udo(Hodo) I. Markgraf der Ostmark; Frederuna von der Ostmark and Gero, archbishop of Cologne

Occupation: Margrave of the Ostmark, Comte, de Souabe, seit 944 Graf im Schwabengau, seit 965 Markgraf der Nordmark, seit etwa 970 Graf im Gau Serimunt und von 976 bis 978 (während der Verbannung Gunthers von Merseburg) Markgraf von Meißen und Merseburg, Greve, Gra
Managed by: Private User
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About Dietmar I, margrave of the Ostmark

CHRISTIAN, son of --- (-after 945, maybe 961). ... m HIDDA, daughter of Graf THIETMAR [I] & his wife --- (-Jerusalem [945/75]). Markgraf Christian & his wife had [three] children:

  • 1. THIETMAR [III] ([925/30]-3 Aug after 979, bur Kloster Nienburg an der Saale). The Annalista Saxo records "Thietmarum marchionem et Geronem Coloniensem archiepiscopum" as sons of "Soror eorum [Gero marchiorum et Sigefridus] Hidda nominee", and their joint construction of an abbey "in predio suo [Hidda] iuxta Salam fluvium"[58]. His birth date range is estimated from his first mention as count in 951. Graf im Gau Serimunt 951: "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation by his son Liudolf of property "in pago Serimunt in comitatu Thetmari comitis" on the intervention of "marchionis Geronis" to the church of Magdeburg by charter dated 28 Jul 951[59]. Graf im Schwabengau 951/978. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Derlingon in comitatu Thiatmari comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated mid-965[60]. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "in villa Drogobuli quæ Salam et Fonam fluvios interiacet in comitatu eiusdem comitis Thietmari" to "comiti nostro Thietmaro" by charter dated 29 Nov 965[61]. "Otto…imperator augustus" donated property "in pago Hardegouue et in comitatu Thiatmari" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 23 Sep 967[62]. Graf der Mark Merseburg und der Mark Meissen [Ostmark] 976. Markgraf. The death and place of burial of "Thietmarus marchio frater Geronis Coloniensis archiepiscopi" is recorded in the Annalista Saxo[63]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "3 Aug" of "Thietmarus marchio"[64]. m as her first husband, SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild], daughter of HERMANN Billung Duke in Saxony & his [first/second] wife --- ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche). The Annalista Saxo records "filiam Herimanni ducis nominee Suanehildam" as wife of "Thietmarus marchio frater Geronis Coloniensis archiepiscopi", and in another passage that "domna Suanehildis" was daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", naming her five brothers and two husbands[65]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband. She married secondly Ekkehard I Markgraf von Meissen. Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister"[66]. Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014[67]. Markgraf Thietmar [III] & his wife had one child:
    • a) GERO [II] ([970/75]-killed in battle Gau Diadesi 1 Sep 1015, bur Kloster Nienburg). ... m ADELHEID, daughter of ---. 1015. ... Markgraf Gero [II] & his wife had one child.


Thietmar, Margrave of Meissen

Thietmar (II) (c. 925 – 3 August 979) was the Margrave of Meissen from 970 until his death. Thietmar was the eldest of three brothers, all sons of Hidda, sister of Gero the Great, and Count Christian of Thuringia. His brothers were Gero, Archbishop of Cologne, and Odo I, Margrave of the Saxon Ostmark.

In 951, he was first recorded as Count of Gau Serimunt, following his father Christian. Between 951 and 978, he was also Count of Schwabengau. After the death of his uncle Gero in 965, Thietmar inherited large parts of whose Marca Geronis.

He married Schwanehilde (Suanhild), daughter of Margrave Hermann Billung, and had one son: Gero II, who in 993 would become Margrave of the Saxon Eastern March. On 29 August 970, Thietmar and his brother Gero founded the abbey of Thankmarsfelde,[1] which between 971 and 975 became a royal monastery. It was moved to Nienburg on the Saale river at the mouth of the Bode in 975 and that is where Thietmar is buried. In the years which followed, Thietmar and Gero made further donations of land to the monastery.[2]

Thietmar was succeeded by Rikdag. His widow Suanhilde married Rikdag's successor Eckard I.


  • NameThietmar Margrave of Meissen
  • Birthabt 956, Meissen, Dresden, Saxony
  • Death3 Jul 978
  • Father Christian Von Nordmark (~930-969)
  • Mother Hidda (~934->969)
  • Spouses
  • 1Suanehild Princess of Saxony
  • Birth960, Saxony
  • Death26 Nov 1014
  • Father Hermann Billung Duke of Saxony (905-973)
  • Mother Hildegarde de Westerbourg
  • Marriageabt 975, Meissen, Tyskland
  • Children Gero (~976-1015)


Zehling934 (Wüstung), Sachsen-Anhalt, n. Ballenstedt s. Badeborn: Zcielinga locus (D H II 410 (Or.) [1019 – –]); Scelinga villa (D H IV 238 (Or.) [1071 Januar 6]). Die Wüstung Zehling wird in den hier zugrunde gelegten Königsurkunden einmal als „in comitatu X marchionis“ (D H IV 238) und einmal als „in comitatu X comitis“ (D H II 410) gelegen bezeichnet. Sie wird dem Schwabengau zugeordnet (D H IV 238) und liegt im Amtsbereich des Grafen Thietmar (D H II 410) und des Markgrafen Udo (D H IV 238). --> Literatur zur Identifizierung: Lübke-Reg. (in Bd. 5), S. 108, bzw. das entsprechende Lübke-Regest Nr. 546; DD III-Reg., S. 831, DD VI.3-Reg., S. 945; RI II Nr. 1951; Hessler 1957, S. 150.


1336376. Herman I van Saksen-Billung, geb. Lüneburg (Duitsland) omstr. 915, eerst markgraaf, in 950 hertog van Saksen, † Quedlinburg (Duitsland) 27 maart 973, tr. 1e Ode NN; tr. 2e omstr. 940 1336377. Hildegard van Westerburg, geb. Westerburg omstr. 902, † Ringelheim 976. Uit dit huwelijk: a. Imma van Saksen, † 995. b. Bernard I, zie 668188. c. Mathilde, zie 1336333. d. Swanhilde van Saksen, geb. omstr. 948, † 26 nov. 1014, begr. Klooster Jena, tr. 1e Thietmar III van de Ostmark, geb. omstr. 928, † na aug. 979, begr. Klooster Nienburg an der Saale, zn. van Christian van Thüringen en Hilda van de Ostmark (zie 42833233,c); tr. 2e jan. 1003 Ekkehard I van Meissen, geb. omstr. 956, markgraaf van Meissen 985, † Pöhlde 30 april 1002, begr. Klooster Jena, zn. van Gunther van Merseburg en Dubrawka van Bohemen (zie 10708217). e. Liutger van Westphalen, geb. 975, † 1011, tr. Emma van Saksen (zie 5354263,c).

Notitie bij Herman I: oorspronkelijk een boer uit Neder-Saksen, werd door keizer Otto I aangesteld als markgraaf met de opdracht strijd te voeren tegen de Denen en de Slaven. Zijn gebied strekte zich uit van de Neder-Elbe en Oostzee over de Deense en Obitritische marken. Hij drong door tot Stettin. Kreeg in 950 de titel van hertog. Zijn markgraafschap werd het nieuwe hertogdom Saksen. Grondlegger van het Billunger geslacht. Notitie bij Hildegard: vermeld 944 Notitie bij het overlijden van Thietmar III: op een 3 augustus na 979 Notitie bij het overlijden van Ekkehard I: vermoord, begraven in het Klooster Jena maar in 1028 herbegraven in Naumburg Notitie bij het overlijden van Emma: begraven in de kathedraal


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Dietmar I, margrave of the Ostmark's Timeline

Niederlausitz, Germany
July 3, 978
Mark Niederlausitz (Present Brandenburg), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
Carolingian Empire (Present Germany)
Nienburg, Lower Saxony, Germany