Después de mucho litigio, en una demanda que inició en 1508 contra el Consejo de Indias y La Corona, reclamándoles los beneficios prometidos a su difunto padre, los cuales le estaban siendo usurpados, el 5 de mayo de 1511 recibió una sentencia favorable, por la cual se le otorgaban las dignidades de: II Almirante Mayor, Virrey, Gobernador Perpetuo de las Islas Indias y Tierra Firme y Gobernador de la Isla La Española, cargo que ocupó, en su segundo mandato, hasta el 16 de septiembre de 1523. Carlos Quinto, en cumplimiento de las Capitulaciones hechas por el glorioso nauta, también le recompensó con el Ducado de la provincia de Veragua (hoy Costa Rica y Panamá), con sus réditos correspondientes.
Diego Colón Moniz (also, in Portuguese: Diogo Colombo) was the 1st Duke of Veragua, 1st Marquess of Jamaica, 2nd Admiral of the Indies, 2nd Viceroy of the Indies and 3rd Governor of the Indies. He was the firstborn son of Christopher Columbus and wife Filipa Moniz, and was born in 1479/1480 in Porto Santo, Portugal or 1474 in Lisbon, Portugal. He died February 23/February 26, 1526 in La Puebla de Montalbán, Spain.
He spent most of his adult life trying to regain the titles and privileges that his father was granted for his explorations and then stripped of in 1500. He was greatly aided in this goal by his marriage to María de Toledo y Rojas, niece of the 2nd Duke of Alba, who was King Ferdinand's cousin.
Diego was made a page at the Spanish court in 1492, the year his father embarked on his first voyage. Diego had a younger half-brother, Fernando, by Columbus's mistress Beatriz Enriquez de Arana.
In 1509, he was named Governor of the Indies, the post his father had held. He established his home (El Alcázar de Colón), which still stands, in Santo Domingo in what is now the Dominican Republic. He was made Viceroy of the Indies in May 1511, remaining in charge until 1518. He continued to fight encroachments on his power and for the remainder of his father's privileges and titles. He also made trips to Spain in 1515 and 1523 to plead his case, without success. After his death, a compromise was reached in 1536 in which his son Luis Colón de Toledo was named Admiral of the Indies and renounced all other rights for a perpetual annuity of 10,000 ducats, the island of Jamaica as a fief, an estate of 25 square leagues on the Isthmus of Panama, then called Veragua, and the titles of 2nd Duke of Veragua, 2nd Marquess of Jamaica, and 1st Duke of La Vega.
After his death, the rents, offices and titles in the New World went into dispute by his descendants.
Marriage and children
He married María de Toledo y Rojas (c. 1490 – May 11, 1549), who secured the transportation and burial of her father–in–law, Christopher Columbus, in Santo Domingo. She was the daughter of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 1st Lord of Villoria, son of García Álvarez de Toledo, 1st Duke of Alba, and his first wife María de Rojas, and had:[1]
María Colón de Toledo (c. 1510 –), married to Sancho Folch de Cardona, 1st Marquess of Guadalest
Luis Colón de Toledo, 2nd Duke of Veragua
Cristóbal Colón de Toledo (c. 1510 – 1571), married firstly to María Leonor Lerma de Zuazo, without issue, married secondly to Ana de Pravia, and had issue, and married thirdly to María Magadalena de Guzmán y Anaya, and had issue:
Diego Colón de Toledo, 4th Admiral of the Indies
Francisca Colón de Toledo y Pravia (c. 1550 – April, 1616), married to Diego de Ortegón (Valladolid, Medina del Campo, c. 1550 –), and had issue, who later inherited the rents, office and titles and at some point married within the other branch below. Their issue includes Admiral Cristóbal Colón de Carvajal, the current Duke; his sister, historian Anunciada Colón de Carvajal; and twice actress Pilar López de Ayala
María Colón de Toledo y Guzmán (c. 1550 –), married to Luis de Avila, and had:
Cristóbal de Avila y Colón (1579 –), unmarried and without issue
Juana Colón de Toledo (died c. 1592), married to her cousin Luis de La Cueva y Toledo, their only daughter was María Colón de la Cueva (c. 1548-c.1600) who claimed the duchy of Veragua. María died in New Spain (México)[2].
Isabel Colón de Toledo (c. 1515 –), married as his second wife to Dom Jorge Alberto de Portugal y Melo, 1st Count of Gelves (1470 –), widow without issue of Dona Guiomar de Ataíde, son of Dom Álvaro de Bragança, Lord of Tentúgal, Póvoa, Buarcos and Cadaval and Chancellor-Major of the Realm of Portugal, and wife Dona Filipa de Melo, and had issue, who inherited the rents, office and titles, later lost, and at some point married within the other branch above.
Diego Colón Moniz (also, in Portuguese: Diogo Colombo) was the 1st Duke of Veragua, 1st Marquess of Jamaica, 2nd Admiral of the Indies, 2nd Viceroy of the Indies and 3rd Governor of the Indies. He was the firstborn son of Christopher Columbus and wife Filipa Moniz, and was born in 1479/1480 in Porto Santo, Portugal or 1474 in Lisbon, Portugal. He died February 23/February 26, 1526 in La Puebla de Montalbán, Spain.
He spent most of his adult life trying to regain the titles and privileges that his father was granted for his explorations and then stripped of in 1500. He was greatly aided in this goal by his marriage to María de Toledo y Rojas, niece of the 2nd Duke of Alba, who was King Ferdinand's cousin.
Diego was made a page at the Spanish court in 1492, the year his father embarked on his first voyage. Diego had a younger half-brother, Fernando, by Columbus's mistress Beatriz Enriquez de Arana.
In 1509, he was named Governor of the Indies, the post his father had held. He established his home (El Alcázar de Colón), which still stands, in Santo Domingo in what is now the Dominican Republic. He was made Viceroy of the Indies in May 1511, remaining in charge until 1518. He continued to fight encroachments on his power and for the remainder of his father's privileges and titles. He also made trips to Spain in 1515 and 1523 to plead his case, without success. After his death, a compromise was reached in 1536 in which his son Luis Colón de Toledo was named Admiral of the Indies and renounced all other rights for a perpetual annuity of 10,000 ducats, the island of Jamaica as a fief, an estate of 25 square leagues on the Isthmus of Panama, then called Veragua, and the titles of 2nd Duke of Veragua, 2nd Marquess of Jamaica, and 1st Duke of La Vega.
After his death, the rents, offices and titles in the New World went into dispute by his descendants.
Marriage and children
He married María de Toledo y Rojas (c. 1490 – May 11, 1549), who secured the transportation and burial of her father–in–law, Christopher Columbus, in Santo Domingo. She was the daughter of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 1st Lord of Villoria, son of García Álvarez de Toledo, 1st Duke of Alba, and his first wife María de Rojas, and had:[1]
María Colón de Toledo (c. 1510 –), married to Sancho Folch de Cardona, 1st Marquess of Guadalest
Luis Colón de Toledo, 2nd Duke of Veragua
Cristóbal Colón de Toledo (c. 1510 – 1571), married firstly to María Leonor Lerma de Zuazo, without issue, married secondly to Ana de Pravia, and had issue, and married thirdly to María Magadalena de Guzmán y Anaya, and had issue:
Diego Colón de Toledo, 4th Admiral of the Indies
Francisca Colón de Toledo y Pravia (c. 1550 – April, 1616), married to Diego de Ortegón (Valladolid, Medina del Campo, c. 1550 –), and had issue, who later inherited the rents, office and titles and at some point married within the other branch below. Their issue includes Admiral Cristóbal Colón de Carvajal, the current Duke; his sister, historian Anunciada Colón de Carvajal; and twice actress Pilar López de Ayala
María Colón de Toledo y Guzmán (c. 1550 –), married to Luis de Avila, and had:
Cristóbal de Avila y Colón (1579 –), unmarried and without issue
Juana Colón de Toledo (died c. 1592), married to her cousin Luis de La Cueva y Toledo, their only daughter was María Colón de la Cueva (c. 1548-c.1600) who claimed the duchy of Veragua. María died in New Spain (México)[2].
Isabel Colón de Toledo (c. 1515 –), married as his second wife to Dom Jorge Alberto de Portugal y Melo, 1st Count of Gelves (1470 –), widow without issue of Dona Guiomar de Ataíde, son of Dom Álvaro de Bragança, Lord of Tentúgal, Póvoa, Buarcos and Cadaval and Chancellor-Major of the Realm of Portugal, and wife Dona Filipa de Melo, and had issue, who inherited the rents, office and titles, later lost, and at some point married within the other branch above.
Initially planned to marry Mencia de Guzman, daughter of the Duke of Medina Sidonia but was forced by King Fernando to marry the king's cousin:
María de Toledo y Rojas (c. 1490 – May 11, 1549), who secured the transportation and burial of her father–in–law, Christopher Columbus, in Santo Domingo. She was the daughter of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 1st Lord of Villoria, son of García Álvarez de Toledo, 1st Duke of Alba, and his first wife María de Rojas, and had:
María Colón de Toledo (c. 1510 –), married to Sancho Folch de Cardona, 1st Marquess of Guadalest Luis Colón, 1st Duke of Veragua
Cristóbal Colón de Toledo (c. 1510 – 1571), married firstly to María Leonor Lerma de Zuazo, without issue;
married secondly to Ana de Pravia, and had one son (Diego Colon y Pravia [c. 1551 - Jan 27, 1578]) and one daughter (Francisca Colon y Pravia, [c. 1552 - April 1616];
and married thirdly to María Magadalena de Guzmán y Anaya, and had:
Diego Colón de Toledo, father of Diego the 4th Admiral of the Indies.
Francisca Colón de Toledo y Pravia (c. 1550 – April, 1616), married Diego de Ortegón (c. 1550 –), and had four children: Guiomar de Ortegon y Colon [d. 1621]; Jacoba de Oretgon y Colon [d. 1618]; Ana de Ortegon y Colon; and Josefa de Ortegon y Colon
María Colón de Toledo y Guzmán (c. 1550 –), married to Luis de Avila, and had:
Cristóbal de Avila y Colón (1579 –), unmarried and without issue
Juana Colón de Toledo (died c. 1592), married her cousin Luis de La Cueva y Toledo; their only child was María Colón de la Cueva (c. 1548-c.1600) who claimed the duchy of Veragua and died in New Spain (México).
Isabel Colón de Toledo (c. 1515 –), married Dom Jorge Alberto de Portugal y Melo (1470 –), 1st Count of Gelves (who married secondly; his 1st marriage to Dona Guiomar de Ataíde remained childless), son of Dom Álvaro de Bragança, Lord of Tentúgal, Póvoa, Buarcos and Cadaval and Chancellor-Major of the Realm of Portugal.
Their grandson, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira Colón y Portugal, Duke of Veragua and Admiral of the Indies became regent of the Kingdom of Portugal from 1621 until his death.
"GeneAll.net - Diego Colón, 1. duque de Veragua".
Inclan, John D. "The Descendants of Christopher Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Seas".
Winsor, Justin (1891), Christopher Columbus and how He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery, Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., pp. 526–527
1479 |
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
1510 |
Santo Domingo, Los Alcarrizos, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana (Dominican Republic)
1511 |
Hispanola, Santo Domingo
1512 |
Madrid, Corona de Castilla, España (Spain)
1513 |
Santo Domingo
1522 |
Santo Domingo, Capitanía General de Santo Domingo, Hispaniola island
1523 |
Santo Domingo, Los Alcarrizos, Dominican Republic
1524 |
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (Dominican Republic)
1526 |
February 23, 1526
Age 47
La Puebla de Montalbán, Toledo, Castille La Mancha, Spain