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Diana Champion (unknown)

Also Known As: "Dianah", "Ann", "widow of Thomas Barnes", "Bragg"
Birthplace: Isle of Wight County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
Death: after 1702
Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Immediate Family:

Wife of Thomas Barnes, of Isle of Wight County and John Champion
Mother of James Barnes, of Isle of Wight County; Ann Barnes and John Barnes, of Isle of Wight County

Managed by: (No Name)
Last Updated:

About Diana Champion

Three Bragg brothers sailed with Sir Christopher Newport to Jamestown, VA on one of his voyages. One remained in Virginia, one went to Maryland, and the other went to North Carolina.
Bragg Family of eastern North Carolina
Owen's History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography 4 volumes published 1921

The subject of this little book is John Bragg of North Carolina. The names of his brothers are listed below.

Known mariners and others with the colonists (but did not remain at Jamestown):

       Bragg, Thomas - Teenaged Deckhand of Christopher Newport
       Bragg, George - Teenaged Deckhand of Christopher Newport

Much of the current information on the Bragg family was gathered by Dr. Louis Alderson Bragg, in the 1960's.
Much of the information listed in the next ten (10) Generations of this Bragg Family Tree were taken form the following;
"The Shetterly Bragg Family Tree". , Moultrie County ILGenWeb site, hosted by Greg Hamblin.
I owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

Note on Jamestown:
The Virginia Company was financed by private capital, much of which was obtained from English raids upon Spanish Treasure fleets.
The location chosen on Jamestown Island, was made for defensive reasons fearing a Spanish attempt to stop settlement. The island was marshy contributing to death toll from disease. Between 1607 and 1624 four-fifths of the settlers at Jamestown died of disease, starvation and Indian attack.

Disputed origins

Evidence needed to support "Diana Barnes" as daughter of James Bragg, Sr. and Elizabeth Roberts.

James Bragg made his will in Isle of Wight County on April 29, 1670, and it was probated on September 9, 1670: (1) son James Bragg, (2) daughter Elizabeth, (3) daughter Anne, (4) James Barnes, son of Thomas Barnes, to have a heifer named "Starr" aged 1 1/2 years, (5) wife Elizabeth Bragg; and (6) witnesses: William (W) Lugg and Thomas Gaymie.

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The relationship between James Bragg & James Barnes, of Isle of Wight County, son of Thomas Barnes, of Isle of Wight County, is not stated. There has been an assumption that Braggs was Barnes' grandfather, but any other relationship, such as godfather, is also possible.

Death date seen as 09/09/1670 which conflicts with the narrative. And it looks like she signed a deed with her son James and daughter in law Sarah in 1702 (Seventeenth century Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Deed Book I, page 647. (< AncestrySharing >)


The known children of Thomas Barnes and Diana Bragg are:

a. James Barnes, born in Isle of Wight, VA and he married Sarah. James named his wife Sarah and two boys , Thomas and Edward in his will dated October of 1720.

b. John Barnes.

c. Annie Barnes, born in Isle of Wight, VA.

THOMAS BARNES, was born about 1645. He married Diana on 7 Jun 1666. Thomas died testate in 1683 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.

John Barnes, son of Thomas Barnes, were named in her father's will dated 29 April 1670.

The will of Thomas Barnes, written the 28 January 1682/83 was probated the 9 June1683 in Isle of Wight, VA. Thomas indicated in his will that his children John, James and Annie were under the age of eighteen. He gave each of his children two cows , not to exceed five years of age, and their calves. In addition, he gave his daughter Anne a table. Diana was in charge of her children's' inheritance until Anne became sixteen or married and the boys became eighteen. Diana was given the remainder of the estate.

After Thomas' death, Diana remarried. Mrs. Dian(a) Barnes, relict of Thomas Barnes, married John Champion in 1683.


Mr. Johnston established that the earliest ancestor of most of the Barnes families for those eastern NC counties was Thomas Barnes, who devised a will in Isle of Wight County, NC on January 28, 1682 (Proven June 9, 1683).Thomas Barnes' wife was Diana, whom he had evidently married prior to June 9, 1666 when a "Diana Barnes" served as a witness to a deed between George and Ann Dewey to Anthony Fulgham on that date.It has been construed by researchers that Diana was the daughter of James Bragg, based on the fact that Bragg's will left a bequest to "James Barnes, son of Thomas Barnes" (no specific relationship stated).James Bragg's will was devised in Isle of Wight County, VA on April 29, 1670 (Proven September 9, 1670), but only refers to three children named James, Elizabeth, and Ann. Some have speculated that Diana was called Ann in her father's will, though this is mere assumption and probably not correct. James Bragg's three children mentioned in his will were probably minors in 1670.Daughter Elizabeth Bragg was still an orphaned minor on May 1, 1677, when she was placed under Thomas Roberts, who had married James Bragg's widow.Thus, it is questionable whether Diana, the wife of Thomas Barnes, was really a daughter of James Bragg or not.The fact that she had a son named James mentioned in Bragg's will might support the connection, but it is inconclusive. Diana Barnes, widow of Thomas Barnes, subsequently married John Champion before October 4, 1683 when they contracted in marriage.

In my previous discussion of Thomas Barnes of Isle of Wight County, VA, I forgot to add that Thomas Barnes executed a note of debt to William Body on June 7, 1675 (Proven June 9, 1675) for two thousand pounds of tobacco and cask.The note was witnessed by Elizabeth Roberts, who was the widow of James Bragg and wife of Thomas Roberts.This would further suggest the connection between Thomas Barnes' wife Diana and James Bragg.

Notes for Diana* 'Ann' Bragg:

From (dead link)

In two Smith wills in Isle of Wight Co Anne Barnes is listed. In one Anne Barnes is named as granddaughter. In the other Anne Barnes is listed with no relationship. Maybe Diana Briggs mother was a Smith? Just a clue... from Sandra Cook.
Diana* 'Ann' Bragg and Thomas* Barnes had the following children:

i. John Barnes was born in 1666 in , Isle of Wight, Va. He died on 27 Mar 1736. He married Ann Jones. She was born in 1670.

Notes for John Barnes:
The death date is a guess, he was dead before 9 June 1683,[sic] Isle of Wight. His children were Joshua, Thomas, John , Jr., Elizabeth , Suda, William, Mary, Jacob. for additional data see Graves Gen.

I don't know whether the mother of Diana Bragg was Mary Edwards, daughter of Mary Hunt and Robert Edwards, or the Elizabeth named as his wife in James Bragg's will.
On page 348, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ISLE OF WIGHT, by John Bennett Boddie, he states about Mary Hunt
"...she mentions a daughter, Mary Bragg.We find on page 57, Book 1 (1688-1704) the following order of court:'Upon the petition of James Bragg he hath order of which estate is in the hands of Owen Griffin, belonging to Mary, wife of said Bragg, and daughter of Robert Edwards, deceased.'"
Mary Hunt, daughter of William Hunt and either Sarah Ann?(possibly Harris) or Judith Burton, married 1st Robert Edwards, father of Mary Edwards.
Her second husband was Owen Griffin, and her third husband was William Boddie, to whom Thomas Barnes owed 2000 lbs. of tobacco.
p.572,ibid:"...Thomas Barnes, planter, stands indebtedto William Boddie for 2000 lbs. tbco. and gives crops in payment, 7 June 1675."
p.647, ibid:"William Boddie and Mary (MB) Bodie sell to James Mercer a plantation which James Barnes now dwelleth on, adj. Thomas Joyner on cypress swamp. 22 June, 1702. James Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Diana (X) Barnes."
This leads me to believe that James Bragg had two wives, the 1st being Mary Edwards and the second Elizabeth ? and that Diana was the grand-daughter of Mary Hunt and the daughter of Mary Edwards.
The next time I'm at a library that owns Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight, I'll look for John Bennett Bodie's sources
I have a copy of the 17th Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia book by Boddie. I highly recommend it.
In answer to your comment.The Mary Edwards who was the daughter of Robert Edwards was married to James Bragg, the son of James Bragg and Elizabeth and the brother of Diana Bragg Barnes.After the death of her husband, Diana's mother married Thomas Roberts.You will note mention of Elizabeth Roberts as a witness in various documents for Boddie along with her son, James Bragg.

Global, Find a Grave® Index for Burials at Sea and other Select Burial Locations, 1300s-Current

Name Diana Anne Barnes
Maiden Name Bragg
Birth Date Sep 1628
Birth Place Isle of Wight County, Virginia, United States of America
Death Date 9 1670
Death Place Isle of Wight County, Virginia, United States of America
Has Bio? Y
Thomas Barnes
James Bragg Barnes
John Barnes

Diana Anne Bragg as second wife of Thomas Barnes, married 1666.

Source: Rocky Mount Telegram, May 19, 1965 p4. Posted at < FindAGrave >


Bragg Family of eastern North Carolina
Owen's History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography 4 volumes published 1921

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Diana Champion's Timeline

Isle of Wight County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, British Colonial America
December 25, 1666
Isle of Wight County, Virginia Colony
Isle of Wight County, VA, United States
Age 74
Isle of Wight County, Virginia