Immediate Family
About Dedi II von Meißen, Markgraf von der sächsischen Ostmark
DIETRICH [Theoderic], son of --- (-before 976). [Graf im Hassegau].
m IMMA, daughter of ---. 976.
Graf Dietrich & his wife had two children:
1. DEDO [I] (-killed in battle near Mose bei Wolmirstedt 13 Nov 1009). He is named as son of Dietrich in the Annalista Saxo, which records that he served Markgraf Ricdag and his son Karl[253]. Thietmar records that he was appointed Graf von Merseburg in succession to Count Bio[254]. m (before 985) THIETBURGA [von Haldensleben], daughter of DIETRICH Markgraf über den Gau der Heveller [Nordmark] & his wife ---. The parentage of the wife of Graf Dedo is deduced from her brother Bernhard being described as avunculus of her son, although she is not named in this passage[255]. Thietmar is more explicit, stating that Dedo married "Markgraf Dietrich's daughter, Thiedburga"[256]. Graf Dedo [I] & his wife had one child:
a) DIETRICH (-murdered 19 Nov 1034). "Theoderico, Dedonis occisi filio" is named in the Annalista Saxo, when recording that the king installed him in his father's Grafschaft[257]. Graf in Eilenburg 1017. Graf im Hassegau und Siusli 1021.
m MATHILDE von Meissen, daughter of EKKEHARD I Markgraf von Meissen & his wife Schwanehild [Billung]. The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "Machtildem" as daughter of "Ekkehardo marchioni" & his wife and names her husband "Tidericus comes"[266].
Graf Dietrich & his wife had seven children:1. FRIEDRICH (-Münster 18 Apr 1084, bur Münster Cathedral). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus", specifying that "primus filius Fridericus fuit prepositus maioris Magdeburgensis ecclesie, postea Monasteriensis episcopus"[267]. Provost at Magdeburg cathedral before 1063. Elected Bishop of Magdeburg 1063. Provost of Münster cathedral 1063. Imperial chancellor. Bishop of Münster 1064.
2. DEDO [II] (-Oct 1075). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus", specifying that "secundus filius Dedo obtinuit marchiam Hodonis marchionis, qui heredem non habuit"[268]. Graf im Gau Siusli 1043. Markgraf der Niederlausitz 1046. Graf im südliche Schwabengau [1046/68].
m firstly (after Apr 1039) as her second husband, ODA der Ostmark, widow of WILHELM [III] Graf von Weimar, daughter of THIETMAR [IV] Markgraf der Ostmark & his wife --- (-before 1068). The Annalista Saxo names Oda as wife of "Willehelmus comes de Wimmare" and records her second marriage to "Dedoni marchioni", but does not give her origin[307]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Odam matrem Othonis marchionis de Orlamunde" as wife of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo"[308].
m secondly (1069) as her second husband, ADELA de Louvain, widow of OTTO Graf von Weimar Markgraf von Meissen, daughter of LAMBERT II Comte de Louvain & his wife Uda of Lotharingia (-1083). The Annalista Saxo records "Adhelam de Brabantia, ex castello quod Lovene dicitur" as wife of Markgraf Otto, and later her second marriage to Otto's stepfather[309]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "viduam eius [=Othone marchione]…nata de Brabancia ex castello quod dicitur Levene, erantque fratres eius Heinricus comes et Reiherus" as second wife of "Dedo marchio"[310], but does not name her. "Heinricus…rex" confirmed donations to St Servatius at Maastricht by "marchio Otto de Thuringia eiusque uxor Adela" by charter dated 21 Sep 1062, in the presence of "Friderici ducis, Godefridi marchionis, Lamberti comitis de Brusela filiorumque suorum, Winrici de Wivsehel"[311].
Graf Dedo [II] & his first wife had [three] children:1. DEDO [III] (-murdered 1069, before 26 Oct, bur Meissen). The Annalista Saxo names him "Dedo iunior" and his mother "Oda mater Ottonis de Orlagemunde" when recording his murder while relieving himself at night[312]. Markgraf der Niederlausitz.
2. ADELHEID (after 1039-[26 Jan] 1071, bur [Melk]). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Adelhidis…[et] Agnes" as the two daughters of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo" and his wife Oda, naming "Hernesto marchioni de Bavaria" as husband of Adelheid and "Luppoldum marchionem" as their son[313]. The Annales Gotwicenses record the death in 1071 of "Adalheit marchionissa"[314]. The necrology of Melk records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "Adalheida marchionissa ux Adalberti marchionis Austrie"[315]. At first sight, "Adalberti" has assumed to be an error for "Ernesti" as the latter's wife is the only known "marchionissa" of that name. However, the entry may alternatively refer to the otherwise unknown first wife of Markgraf Adalbert. The necrology of Kloster Neuburg also records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "Adelheidis marchionissa"[316] but does not name her husband. m as his first wife, ERNST Markgraf of Austria, son of ADALBERT Markgraf der Ostmark [Austria] & his first wife --- (-killed in battle near Homburg/Unstrut 9 Jun 1075, bur Melk).
3. [AGNES . According to the Annalista Saxo, the wife of "Fridericus comes" (=Friedrich [I] Graf von Goseck, Pfalzgraf von Sachsen, from the context) was "filiam Dedonis marchionis, sororem iunioris Dedonis et ex matre Ottonis marchionis de Orlagemunde"[317]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Adelhidis…[et] Agnes" as the two daughters of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo" and his wife Oda, naming "Friderico comiti" as husband of Agnes and "Adelbertum archiepiscopum, Dedonem et Fridericum palatinos comites, et filiam nomine Odam quam Adelbertus quidam nobilis cognominatus Seveke de Sumerschenburc accepit uxorem" as their children[318], presumably based on the same source. This is impossible chronologically as the children of Markgraf Dedo must have been born after 1039, the earliest date of his marriage, while Friedrich von Goseck died in [1042]. The Chronicon Gozecense apparently identifies the correct origin of Agnes, wife of Friedrich von Goseck, when it names "Oudam" as daughter of "comes Fridericus [et] Agnam…de Wimare"[319], the latter being the sister of Oda der Ostmark's first husband Wilhelm [III] Graf von Weimar (see THURINGIAN NOBILITY). The question remains whether these sources should be interpreted broadly as meaning that Markgraf Dedo [II] did have a second daughter named Agnes by his first marriage and that she was married to another individual named Friedrich. m FRIEDRICH "Graf in Sachsen".]Graf Dedo [II] & his second wife had two children:
4. HEINRICH ([1070]-1103). The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum marchionem de Ilburh et Conradum comitem" as sons of Dedo & his second wife[320]. Graf von Eilenburg. Markgraf der Niederlausitz. He succeeded in 1089 as HEINRICH I Markgraf von Meissen. m ([1101/02]%29 as her third husband, GERTRUD von Braunschweig, widow firstly of DIETRICH [II] Graf von Katlenburg [Stade] and secondly of HEINRICH "der Fette" Graf von Northeim, daughter of EKBERT I Graf von Braunschweig Markgraf von Meissen & his wife Irmgard [Aemilia/Immula] di Susa ([1065]-9 Dec 1117). The Annalista Saxo names "Gertrudem, filiam Ekberti marchionis senioris, matrem Richenze inperatricis" as wife of Graf Dietrich [II][321]. In a later passage, it names "Gertrudis soror Ecberti marchionis iunioris" as wife of Heinrich, specifying that she escaped with difficulty after her husband was killed[322]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Gerdrude que erat de Bruneswich" as wife of "marchio Heinricus"[323]. Heiress of Braunschweig. The Annales Sancti Blasii Brunsvicenses record that "Gertrudis marchionissa filia Ecberti" was the founder of "Sancti Egidii in Brunswik"[324]. The Libro Memoriarum Sancti Blasii records the death in Dec 1117 of "domina Ghertrudis marchionissa iunior"[325]. Markgraf Heinrich I & his wife had one child:
a) HEINRICH (posthumously [1103/04]-1123). The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum marchionem iuniorem" as son of Markgraf Heinrich II & his wife, and specifies that he is supposed to have died childless[326]. He succeeded from birth as HEINRICH II Markgraf von Meissen und der Niederlausitz, Graf von Eilenburg. The Annales Veterocellenses record that "Henricus Lusizensis marchio" died childless in 1124 and that "neptis sue Richize imperatricis" arranged the transfer of all his properties[327]. m ADELHEID von Stade, of LOTHAR UDO III Graf von Stade, Markgraf der Nordmark & his wife Irmgard von Plötzkau ([1098/1106]-). The Annalista Saxo records "Heinricum marchionem et duas filias" as the children of Lothar-Udo & his wife[328]. The Annales Stadenses names "marchio Hinricus, putativus frater Rikencem imperatricis" as husband of the daughter of "marchio Udo [et] Ermengarda" but does not name her[329]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
5. KONRAD (-killed in battle by the Wends). The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum marchionem de Ilburh et Conradum comitem" as sons of Dedo & his second wife, specifying that Konrad was "a paganis occisus"[330].
3. THIMO (-after [1099/1101]). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus"[269].
4. GERO (-after 1089). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus"[270]. Graf von Brehna. m as her second husband, BERTA ---, widow of POPPO von Wippra, daughter of --- (-17 Sep, 1089 or before). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Bertam viduam cuiusdam Popponis" as wife of "quartus filius [comitis Tiderici] Gero comes", specifying that "huius Popponis frater fuit Cuno senior de Wippera"[271]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed a donation to the church of Naumburg by "domne Berthe fuit uxoris…comitis Geronis" to Naumburg church by charter dated 12 Dec 1089, which names "fidelium nostrorum Geronis comitis, Guntheri episcopi, Theoderici et Willihelmi filiorum suorum"[272], the charter being marked spurious in the compilation although the genealogical information in the document is corroborated by other sources. Graf Gero & his wife had five children:a) DIETRICH (-14 Oct [1089/1115], bur Naumburg Cathedral). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Tidericum comitem et Willehelmum comitem de Canburch et Guntherum Cicensem episcopum" as the three sons of "quartus filius [comitis Tiderici] Gero comes" & his wife[273]. Graf von Brehna. m GERBURG, daughter of --- (-21 Oct -, bur Naumburg Cathedral). The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
b) WILHELM (-7 Mar [1089/1115], bur Naumburg Cathedral). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Tidericum comitem et Willehelmum comitem de Canburch et Guntherum Cicensem episcopum" as the three sons of "quartus filius [comitis Tiderici] Gero comes" & his wife[274]. The Liber de Bello Saxonico records that "Willehelmus, Geronis comitis filius" was captured "ab Everhardo"[275]. Graf von Camburg. m GEVA Gräfin von Seeburg, daughter of --- (-14 Mar -, bur Naumburg Cathedral). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Wilhelm & his wife had two children:i) GEVA . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.
ii) BERTA ([1075]-before [1152/56]). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Her name is confirmed by the charter dated to [1149] under which her daughter Hedwig Abbess of Gernrode donated part of her inheritance from "matris…eius Berchte et fratris eius comitis Geronis" to Gernrode[276]. m ([1096]%29 as his second wife, WICHMANN [I] Graf von Seeburg, son of Graf CRISTIN [Querfurt] & his wife Oda von Haldensleben (-[1115]).c) GÜNTHER (-1 Apr 1089, bur Naumburg Cathedral). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Tidericum comitem et Willehelmum comitem de Canburch et Guntherum Cicensem episcopum" as the three sons of "quartus filius [comitis Tiderici] Gero comes" & his wife[277]. Bishop of Naumburg 1079. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" granted property "quod Gero pater…Gunteri episcopi dederat in comitatu Hasgethe Friderici palatini comiti et in pago Helfethe et in Scafestede" to Naumburg church by charter dated 10 Aug 1088, at the request of "Ekkeberti marchionis, Heinrici marchionis…Gunteri Nuienburgensis sedis episcopi"[278].
d) WILLA . The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Willam abbatissam de Gerbestide et Thieburgam prepositam de Gernrode" as the daughters of "quartus filius [comitis Tiderici] Gero comes" & his wife[279]. Abbess of Gerbstedt.
e) THIETBURG . The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Willam abbatissam de Gerbestide et Thieburgam prepositam de Gernrode" as the daughters of "quartus filius [comitis Tiderici] Gero comes" & his wife[280]. Nun at Gernrode.5. KONRAD (-17 Jan or 14 Feb after 1040). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus"[281]. Graf von Wettin. m OTHILDIS von Katlenburg, daughter of DIETRICH [I] Graf von Katlenburg [Stade] & his wife Bertrada of Holland. The Annalista Saxo names "Theodericus et…Othilhildis" as children of Graf Dietrich [I] & his wife, specifying that the latter married "Conrado fratri Dedonis marchionis"[282]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "sororem Tiderici senioris de Kathelenburc…Othilhildis" as wife of "quintus filius [comitis Tiderici] Conradus comes"[283]. Konrad & his wife had one child:
a) BERTRADA (-1145). The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Bertradam" as the daughter of "quintus filius [comitis Tiderici] Conradus comes" & his wife, naming her husband "Beringerus comes frater Ludowici comitis senioris de Thuringia"[284]. “Comes Ludowicus cum nepote suo Conrado comitis...Berngeri filio...cum uxore eiusdem domini Ludowici Adilheida ac filiis eorundem Hermanno, Ludowico, Heinrico, Conrado, dominaque Berchtrada comitis Conradi matre” donated “ecclesiam...Sangershusen” to Reinhardsbrunn by charter dated 25 Jul 1110[285]. m BERENGAR Graf von Sangerhausen, son of LUDWIG "mit dem Barten" Graf in Thuringia & his wife Caecilie von Sangerhausen (-before 25 Jul 1110).
6. RIKDAG . The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus", specifying that "Riddagus sextus filius" died childless[286].
7. HIDDA von Eilenburg . The Genealogica Wettinensis names "filios: Fridericum, Dedonem, Thiemonem, Geronem, Conradum, Riddagum, et filiam Hiddam" as children of "comes Tidericus", specifying that Hidda married "duci Boemico"[287]. m SPYTIHNĔV II Duke of the Bohemians, son of BŘETISLAV Duke of the Bohemians & his wife Judith von Schweinfurt (1031-28 Jan 1061).2. FRIEDRICH von Eilenburg (-Eilenburg 6 Jan 1017). "Dedonem et Fridericum" are named as sons of Dietrich in the Annalista Saxo[258]. Burggraf von Meissen. Herr von Eilenburg. Thietmar records the death of "Count Friedrich…in his burg Eilenburg", stating that he transferred Eilenburg to "his brother's son Dietrich" before he died while it was agreed that his remaining lands "would pass to his three daughters"[259]. The Genealogica Wettinensis records his death "in eadem civitate [=Hileburc civitatem suam] in sacra nocte epiphanie Domini"[260]. m ---. The name of Friedrich's wife is not known. Graf Friedrich & his wife had three daughters.
Dedi II I von Meißen, Markgraf von der sächsischen Ostmark
- Geburtstag und -ort: etwa 1012 Meissen, Dresden, Saxony, Germany (Deutschland)
- Verstorben: Oktober 1075 (58-67) Saxony-Anhalt, Wettin, Germany (Deutschland)
- Beruf: Markgraf
- Sohn von Dietrich II von Wettin, Markgraf von der Ostmark und Mathilde von Meißen
- Ehemann von Suanhild von Meißen; Oda Ostmark und Adela von Lothringen
- Vater von Dedi III von Niederlausitz, marquis; Adelheid of Eilenburg von Österreich; Swanhilde von babenburg, Markgräfin; Henry I Ostmark und Konrad von Österreich
- Bruder von Friedrich von Munster, bishop; Rikdag von Eilenburg Wettin; Konrad Landgraf von Landsberg / Wettin Camburg; Thimo Graf von Brehna und Wettin, II; Hidda von Wettin; Gero von Brehna, Herzog und Elizabeth von Wettin
- Halbbruder von Gero von Brehna
Dedi II von Meißen, Markgraf von der sächsischen Ostmark's Timeline
1025 |
Niederlausitz, Germany
1031 |
Wettin, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1032 |
Meissen, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
1070 |
Saxony, Germany
1075 |
October 1075
Wettin, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
???? |
Meissen, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
???? |
???? |