David Craig Via BIRTH 31 Mar 1790 Albemarle County, Virginia, USA DEATH 25 Apr 1857 (aged 67) Greenville, Augusta County, Virginia, USA BURIAL Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery Middlebrook, Augusta County, Virginia, USA MEMORIAL ID 37814500 · View Source
MEMORIAL PHOTOS 2 FLOWERS 2 David Via was the son of William and Mary Via and husband of Elizabeth. He was born in Albemarle, VA in about 1790 and died 25 Apr 1857 in Greenville, Augusta Co., VA. He was aged 67 years (Death Register line 1335).
David Craig Via, 31 Mar 1790 - 25 Apr 1857, aged 67 years and 25 days. The above data was recorded 11 August 1936 by the Works Progress Administration by Scioto M. Herndon. It is now available online at the Library of Virginia.
On the 1850 Appomattox, VA census, I found farmer James C Walton, 30; Mary E Walton, 27; Sarah E Walton, 12; Virginia C Walton, 9; John W Walton, 5; Robert M Walton, 2; William Walton, 69; laborer David Via, 27; Eliza Via, 22 and William Umbles, 15, all VA born.
Marker says: DAVID VIA DIED April 23, 1857 Aged 87 Yrs & 25 da. "Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets."
Family Members Parents William Washington Via 1761–1836
Mary Craig Via 1768–1849
Spouse Photo Elizabeth P Via 1799–1859 (m. 1815)
Siblings Photo Sarah Via Bishop 1788–1840
Jonathan Via 1797–1887
Inscription DAVID VIA DIED April 23, 1857 Aged 87 Yrs & 25 da. "Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets."
@R900883306@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=116071904&pi...
1790 |
March 31, 1790
Albemarle County, Virginia, United States
1857 |
April 25, 1857
Age 67
Greenville, Augusta County, VA, United States
???? |
Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA, United States