Immediate Family
About Dardanus, king of Dardania
Greek mythology, Dardanus ("burner up") founder of the city of Dardania
While many "sources" claim biblical Dara and Dardanus are the same person, this is VERY sloppy genealogy, as Dardanus lived at least 800 years after the times-frame for Dara. But so be it.
Birth Date c. -1519 or -1710
Death Date: -1414 or -1449
"Zerah's son Ethan, very wise, and indeed this line of Judah- Zerah is the only royal line termed wise, on the other hand led his people north, from Egypt where he was born, into what is now Asia Minor, and his son Mahol continued likewise. Mahol's heir, Darda, reached the western shore, where on a commanding site; he founded the metropolis of Troy. The date is 1520 B.C. Here the city flourished for nearly four hundred years. Darda first saw the straits that separated Europe and Asia and gave them his name, Dardanelles. Darda also founded a fort here that is named after him. But the greatest honor is recorded in the Bible, Solomon was 'wiser than all men; than ... Darda the son of Mahol.' Thus great were the founder of Troy and the sire of the Trojan race whose children abide with us still. Troy fell because her sons had an eye for the refined and beautiful in women. Her descendants have that exquisite eye still and are naturally very proud of the accomplishment.
source: http://israelitewatchmen.com/Emahiser/Irish&Scottish%20Genealogy.pdf
King Darda (Dardanus) Of DARDANIA
Born: Troy, Turkey
Marriage: Princess Batea Of TEUCRI
Died: Abt 1414 B.C., Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
Princess Batea Of TEUCRI
Erichthonius Of TROY+
General Notes:
Death noted on Lewis Ancestry as 1414 BC Hecataeus of Abdera, a fourth-century B.C. Greek historian, states that "Now the Egyptians say that also after these events [the plagues of Exodus] a great number of colonies were SPREAD FROM EGYPT all over the inhabited world...They say also that those who set forth with DANAUS, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the COLCHI IN PONTUS and that of the Jews (remnant of Judah), which lies BETWEEN ARABIA AND SYRIA, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country [Egypt]; and this is the reason why it is a long-established institution among these peoples to CIRCUMCISE their male children, the custom having been brought over FROM EGYPT. Even the ATHENIANS, they say, are colonists from SAIS IN EGYPT." (Quoted from Diodorus of Sicily. G. H. Oldfather, 1933. Vol I, bks I-II, 1-34, p.91). An examination of some of the historical clues reveals that there lived in Egypt -- during the time of the bondage of the Israelites -- a man named DARDA. According to E. Raymond Capt, "Darda, "the Egyptian," (son of Zarah) was "DARDANUS," the EGYPTIAN FOUNDER OF TROY." (Jacob's Pillar. Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CA. 1977. P. 25). The early migration of Darda is noted in the book How Israel Came to Britain: Actually, groups of Israelites began to migrate away from the main body BEFORE THE ISRAEL NATION WAS FORMED -- while, as a people, they were STILL IN BONDAGE IN EGYPT. One of these groups under the leadership of Calcol, a prince of the tribe of Judah, went westward across the Mediterranean eventually settling in Ulster [Ireland]. ANOTHER, under the leadership of DARDANUS, a brother of Calcol, CROSSED TO ASIA MINOR to found the Kingdom later known as TROY. -- Canadian British Israel Assn. Windsor, Ontario. P.2.
Darda married Princess Batea Of TEUCRI, daughter of King Teucer Of The TROJANS and Unknown. (Princess Batea Of TEUCRI was born in 1327 B.C. in Troy, Turkey.)
The son of Zeus </articles/z/zeus.html> and Electra </articles/e/electra.html>. He sailed from Samothrace to Troas in a raft made of hides. He eventually married Batea, the daughter of King Teucer </articles/t/teucer.html>, who gave him land near Abydos. There he founded the city of Dardania (the later, ill-fated city of Troy). Related information
Other names Dardanos Etymology "Burner up" Send comment Print article <javascript:void(0);> Cite article <javascript:void(0);> Previous page <javascript:history.back(1);>
Hence the name Dardanelles for what was once called the Hellespont.
Encyclopedie van de Mythologie.
Brewer's Book of Myth and Legend.
Gen 93:
Darda Dardanus, King of Dardania, son of Zara and Electra, was born in Ramses, Goshen Egypt. He married Batea Asia Ilium.
Batea Asia Ilium.
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This article is about the terms Dardan and Dardanian in classical writings. For the Shannara character, see Dardan (Shannara).
See also: Dardani
The terms Dardan and Dardanian in classical writings were synonymous with the term Trojan, the Dardans being Trojans, an ancient people of the Troad in northwestern Anatolia. The Dardans derived their name from Dardanus, the mythical founder of Dardania (Asia minor), an ancient city in the Troad. Rule of the Troad was divided between Dardania and Troy. Homer makes a clear distinction between the Trojans and the Dardanians.[1]
The Royal House of Troy was also divided into two branches, that of Dardania, and that of Troy (or Ilium). The House of Dardania was older than the House of Troy, but Troy later became more powerful than Dardania. Aeneas is referred to in Virgil's Aeneid interchangeably as a Dardan or as a Trojan, but strictly speaking Aeneas was of the Dardanian branch. Many rulers of Rome claimed descent from Aeneas and the Houses of Troy and Dardania.
The strait of the Dardanelles was named after the Dardans, who lived in the region.
The ethnic affinities of the Dardans (and Trojans) and the nature of their language remain a mystery. The remains of their material culture reveal close ties with Thracians, other Anatolian groups, and Greek contact.
Archaeological finds from the Troad dating back to the Chalcolithic period show striking affinity to archaeological finds known from the same era in Muntenia and Moldavia, and there are other traces which suggest close ties between the Troad and the Carpatho-Balkan region of Europe. Archaeologists in fact have stated that the styles of certain ceramic objects and bone figurines show that these objects were brought into the Troad by Carpatho-Danubian colonists; for example, certain ceramic objects have been shown to have Cucuteni origins [2].They are totally unrelated to the later Thraco-Illyrian tribe of the same name [3].
[edit] References
1. ^ "Review: Some Recent Works on Ancient Syria and the Sea People", Michael C. Astour, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 92, No. 3, (Jul. - Sep., 1972), pp. 447-459 writing about someone who identified the Dardanians with the Trojans: "Which is, incidentally, not so: the Iliad carefully distinguishes the Dardanians from the Trojans, not only in the list of Trojan allies (11:816-823) but also in the frequently repeated formula keklyte meu, Tr6es kai Dardanoi ed' epikuroi (e.g., III:456)
2. ^ Hoddinott, Ralph F., The Thracians, Thomas & Hudson Inc., 1981. Pgs.35-38
3. ^ Macurdy, Grace Harriet, The Wanderings of Dardanus and the Dardani, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 46 (1915), pp. 119-128
Dardania (Anatolia)
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(Redirected from Dardania (Asia minor))
Dardania in Greek mythology is the name of a city founded on Mount Ida by Dardanus from which also the region and the people took their name. It lay on the Hellespont, and is the source of the strait's modern name, the Dardanelles.
From Dardanus' grandson Tros the people gained the additional name of Trojans and the region gained the additional name Troad. Tros' son Ilus subsequently founded a further city called Ilion (in Latin Ilium) down on the plain, the city now more commonly called Troy, and the kingdom was split between Ilium and Dardania.
Dardania has also been defined as "a district of the Troad, lying along the Hellespont, southwest of Abydos, and adjacent to the territory of Ilium. Its people (Dardani) appear in the Trojan War under Aeneas, in close alliance with the Trojans, with whose name their own is often interchanged, especially by the Roman poets."[1]
[edit] Footnotes
1. ^ Harry Thurston Peck, Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquity, 1898.
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For other uses, see Dardanus (disambiguation).
In Greek mythology, Dardanus (Greek: Δάρδανος, English translation: "burned up", from the verb δαρδάπτω (dardapto) to wear, to slay, to burn up)[1] was a son of Zeus and Electra, daughter of Atlas, and founder of the city of Dardania on Mount Ida in the Troad.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus (1.61–62) states that Dardanus' original home was in Arcadia where Dardanus and his elder brother Iasus (elsewhere more commonly called Iasion) reigned as kings following Atlas. Dardanus married Chryse daughter of Pallas by whom he fathered two sons: Idaeus and Dymas. When a great flood occurred, the survivors, who were living on mountains that had now become islands, split into two groups: one group remained and took Deimas as king while the other sailed away, eventually settling in the island of Samothrace. There Iasus (Iasion) was slain by Zeus for lying with Demeter. Dardanus and his people found the land poor and so most of them set sail for Asia.
However another account by Virgil in his Aeneid (3.163f), has Aeneas in a dream learn from his ancestral Penates that "Dardanus and Father Iasius" and the Penates themselves originally came from Hesperia which was afterward renamed as Italy. This tradition holds that Dardanus was a Tyrrhenian prince, and that his mother Electra was married to Corythus, king of Tarquinia (Aeneid 7.195-242; 8. 596 ss. ; 9. 10; Servio, ad Vergilium, Aeneidos, 9.10).
Other accounts make no mention of Arcadia or Hesperia, though they sometimes mention a flood and speak of Dardanus sailing on a hide-raft (as part of the flood story?) from Samothrace to the Troad near Abydos. All accounts agree that Dardanus came to the Troad from Samothrace and was there welcomed by King Teucer and that Dardanus married Batea the daughter of Teucer. (Dionysius mentions that Dardanus' first wife Chryse had died.) Dardanus received land on Mount Ida from his father-in-law. There Dardanus founded the city of Dardania.
Dardanus' children by Batea were Ilus, Erichthonius and Idaea. According to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (1.50.3), Dardanus also had a son named Zacynthus by Bataea and this Zacynthus was the first settler on the island afterwards called Zacynthus. Dionysius also says (1.61.4) that Dardanus's son Idaeus gave his name to the Idaean mountains, that is Mount Ida, where Idaeus built a temple to the Mother of the Gods (that is to Cybele) and instituted mysteries and ceremonies still observed in Phrygia in Dionysius's time. There are operas on the subject of Dardanus by Jean-Philippe Rameau (1739), Carl Stamitz (1770) and Antonio Sacchini (1784).
Name: Dardanus OF DARDANIA
Prefix: King
Given Name: Dardanus
Surname: of Dardania
Sex: M 1
Father: Cambo Blascon (Jupiter II) OF THE JANIGENAE
Mother: Tamar
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Erichtonius OF DARDANIA
Abbrev: Stevens (1998) Dardanus
Title: The Line of Dardanus. In Descent from Adam.
Author: Stevens, Luke
Publication: Webpage: <http://www/geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2444/Dardanus.htm>12/4/1998.
Fortellingen om trojanerne begynte først i myter og legender. Gresk mytologi sier at trojanerne var de opprinnelige borgerne i byen Troja i Troas-regionen i Anatolia (nå Tyrkia). Troja ligger i Asia, men byen presenteres i legenden som del av den greske kulturen med bystater. Troja ble kjent for sine rikdommer som de fikk fra handel med øst og vest, fine klær, jernproduksjon og massive defensive murer.
Den trojanske kongefamilien startet med Elektra og Zevs, foreldrene til Dardanos. Dardanos var ifølge greske myter opprinnelig fra Arkadia, men ifølge romerske myter var han opprinnelig fra Italia, krysset over til Lille-Asia fra øya Samotrake hvor han møtte kong Teukros. Teukros var selv kolonist fra Attika og behandlet Dardanos med respekt. Til slutt giftet Dardanos seg med Teukros' døtre og grunnla Dardania som sener ble styrt av Aineias. Da Dardanos døde gikk kongedømmet videre til hans barnebarn Tros som kalte folket trojanere og landet Troas etter seg selv. Ilos, sønn av Tros, grunnla byen Ilium som han oppkalte etter seg selv. Zevs gav Ilos Palladium. Poseidon og Apollon bygget murene og befestningene rundt Troja for Laomedon, sønn av Ilos den yngre. Da Laomedon nektet å betale, oversvømmet Poseidon landet og krevde at Hesione skulle ofres til sjøuhyre. Pestilense kom og sjøuhyret tok menneskene på sletten.
En generasjon før Trojanerkrigen erobret Herakles Troja og drepte Laomedon og hans sønner, med unntak av den unge Priam. Priam ble senere konge. Under hans styre invaderte de mykenske grekerne og erobret Troja i Trojanerkrigen, tradisjonelt datert til 1193–1183 f.Kr. maksyanerne var en vestlig libyisk stamme som sa at de var etterkommere av mennene fra Troja, ifølge Herodot. De trojanske skipene forandret seg til najader som gledet seg over å se ødeleggelsen av Odyssevs' skip.
Trojansk styre i Lille-Asia ble erstattet av herakleide-dynastiet i Sardis som hersket i 505 år frem til Kandaules. jonerne, kimmererne, frygierne, miletene fra Sinope og lydierne flyttet inn i Lille-Asia. Persia invaderte i 546 f.Kr.
Fjellet Ida i Lille-Asia er stedet hvor Gamymede ble bortført av Zevs, Ankises ble forført av Afrodite, Afrodite fødte Aineias, Paris levde som hyrde, nymfene bodde, «dømmingen av Paris» fant sted, de greske gudene så på Trojanerkrigen, Hera distraherte Zevs med sin forførelse lenge nok til at akhaiene, hjulpet av Poseidon, kunne holde trojanerne borte fra sine skip og hvor Aineias og hans tilhengere hvilte og ventet til grekerne satte av gårde til Hellas. Alteret til Panomfean (kilden til alle orakler) ble dedikert til Jupiter (Tonatos) nær Troja. Buthrotos (eller Buthrotum) var en by i Epiros hvor Helenos, den trojanske seeren, bygget en kopi av Troja. Aineias landet der og Helenos forutså hans fremtid.
Dardanien var det antika namnet på en region på Balkan, ungefär motsvarande dagens Kosovo med omnejd. Namnet kommer av folket dardaner. Namnet sägs komma ifrån det illyriska ordet "dardhë"(vilket även förekommer i modern albanska) med betydelsen päron på svenska.
Dardanerna (på grekiska dardanioi eller dardanoi; på albanska dardani eller dardanët) var ett antikt folkslag som bland annat nämns i Homeros' Illiaden där de var Trojas allierade. Deras ledare var Aeneas och de var bosatta vid berget Ida i Mindre Asien. Dardanerna beskrivs senare som synonyma med trojanerna själva.
Dardanerna var förmodligen av illyriskt[k%C3%A4lla behövs] eller thrakiskt ursprung, men har även beskrivits som en keltisk stam.[k%C3%A4lla behövs] De härstammade troligen från centrala Balkan, ungefär i nuvarande Kosovo, som kallats Dardanien.[k%C3%A4lla behövs] De grundlade flera städer i Mindre Asien, varibland stundom Troja räknas. De ska även enligt vissa källor varit så långt österut som till Indusfloden och där grundat staten Dardanistan.[k%C3%A4lla behövs]
Under 300- och 200-talen f.Kr. invaderade dardanerna Makedonien. Då romarna erövrade Balkan bjöd dardanerna hårt motstånd och genomförde senare flera uppror.
Dardanerna ska ha varit intresserade av musik och spelade traditionellt flöjt och lyra.
in some sources this Dardanus looks like same person
Dardanus founded a city in the region that later was called the Troad, and lived there with his family until the death of his father-in-law, upon which he became king of the whole land and called it Dardania after himself.
According to some, Batia was Dardanus's second wife, whom he married after the death of his first wife Chryse. His sons by her were Idaeus and Deimas. The latter stayed in Arcadia , whence they come (as it is said that Atlas was king of Arcadia ), but Idaeus emigrated with Dardanus, first to Samothrace, and later to Phrygia , where Mount Ida was called after him
Biblical basis for Darda
Persistent secular legends from Greece and Rome identify Dara as Dardanus, founder of ancient Troy.[1] At least one translation of the Antiquities of Flavius Josephus, in mentioning King Solomon as being wiser than two men named Calcol and Dara (Darda), gives Dara's name as "Dardanos." So perhaps Dara and Dardanus were regarded as the same man during the first century AD.[2]
As a further complication, the Greek poet Homer says that Dardanus was a son (or descendant) of Zeus, the chief of the Greek gods.[3], The Roman and Greek legends say that Zeus (called Jupiter in Latin) was a son of Saturn who was also called Kronus. Writing of the Greek gods, Sanchuniathon, a Phoenician historian, says that "Kronus, whom the Phoenicians called Israel, had a son Jehud."[4]
From the above, some would cite Homer and Sanchuniathon as testifying that Dardanus (who founded the Trojan kingdom) was a descendant of Jehud (Judah) whose father was Israel.
However, this deduction ignores the repeated custom that each Greek city followed as the cult of Zeus spread to it: they would identify their own municipal god-founder as Zeus and thus subsume their municipal cult into the cult of Zeus. Therefore no identification of Zeus with Judah could possibly be conclusive. In any event the Bible gives no direct evidence that the Zarhites, or any branches of that clan, abandoned the forty-year march of the Israelites and traveled to the Aegean Sea or the Black Sea (called the Euxine or Friendly Sea in those days) to found their own kingdoms.
That at least some Hebrew manuscripts, including the Westminster Leningrad Codex, lack 1_Kings 4:20-34 , including the key verse that spells the name of Dara as "Darda", might or might not be significant.
The Trojans were descendants of Atlas. Dardanus 1, son of Electra 3, daughter of Atlas, is at the beginning of the house of Troy, for Dardanus 1 is father of Erichthonius 1, father of Tros 1 (after whom the Trojans are called), father of Ilus 2 (founder of Ilium, that is, Troy), father of Laomedon 1, father of Priam 1, who was king when the city was destroyed.
Poss. Jullus i Roms 6-oldefar.
Kone / partner: Batea af TEUCRI
Mulige Børn: (NN) ... (NN) , Coribus , Erichthonius (King) af Acadia
Alternative Fædre Mulige Børn: Dardanus (King) i DARDANIA & Skytien , dardan (Darius) i Norse genealogier
Hans (evt.) 2 (+)-oldebørn: Cynane af MAKEDONIEN , ILE'er (Ilyus) (King) i TROY , Assaracus (Ascaoracus) den DARDANIAN , Themiste af TROY , Laomedan (King) i TROY , Telecleia af Thrakien ; ( NN) ... (NN) , Capys (capis Capps) den DARDANIAN
Fra http://fabpedigree.com/s064/f486192.htm
You have his father as Zerah, however, Wikipedia is claiming that his parents were Zeus and Pleid Electra---"The Pleiad Electra /ɪˈlÉ"ºktrÉ™/ of Greek mythology was one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Electra was the wife of Corythus. She was raped by Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus, who became the founder of Troy, ancestor of Priam and his house. "
О Дардане, king of Dardania (русский)
в древногръцката митология е син на Зевс и плеядата Електра. Според най-разпространената версия на мита, той е тракиец, роден на остров Самотраки и оттам се преселил във Фригия. Там основал едноименния град, който според Омир се намирал в подножието на планината Ида. Родоначалник на племето дардани. По-късни източници го отъждестяват с исторически съществувалия на брега на Хелеспонт (сега Мраморно море) град Дардан. Оженил се за дъщерята на фригийския цар - Батия. След смъртта на цар Тевкър, Дардан станал владетел на всички области, получили името Дардания. Според генеалогията, изложена в Илиада и приета с добавки в по-късни източници, Дардан се явява баща на Ил, основателя на Троя и дядо на Трос. Така, той е и родоначалник на троянските царе и предтеча на Хектор и Еней. Според Дионис от Халикарнас, Дардан има двама сина - Ерхитоний и Закинтос, който бил първия обитател на острова, по-късно наречен на негово име.
Dardanus, king of Dardania's Timeline
-1519 |
Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
-1475 |
Acadia, Turkey, Greece
-1420 |
-1414 |
Age 104
Rameses, Goshen, Egypt
???? | |||
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