Daniel Newakwegeshig Augustus

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Daniel Newakwegeshig Augustus

Immediate Family:

Son of Khiwan
Father of Betsey Augustus
Brother of Cecelia Davis; John Augustus and NN Augustus

Managed by: William Arthur Allen
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Daniel Newakwegeshig Augustus

Daniel Augustus in # 1229 on the 1907 Wooster Roll. He is identified as the brother of John Augustus # 1231 in John's entry on the roll. He also identifies his father's name as "Khiwan" and his grandfather's name as "Shago".

The report of the "Shago" name may be a significant clue. The name does not appear elsewhere on the Wooster Roll except as a component of the traditional name of two of the the older personalities on the roll, namely Ignatius Pituwanukwat (Pitawanakwat) # 1426 of Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island (born about 1854), and William King Jr # 1613 of Parry Sound whose father was William King # 1600 (born about 1847) .

Ignatius Pituwanukwat (Pitawanakwat) # 1426 is a descendant of both Assaganashkam and Wakongonebi, personalities who date to the period of the 1833 Treaty of Chicago. William King Jr. # 1613 is the great grandson of Chief Ogimawadj, one of the significant figures in the Potawatomi migration.

Daniel's traditional name is recorded as "Newakwegeshig" meaning "Noon Day" but a fuller understanding of the name and its significance requires scrutiny and comment by those with expertise in nuances of the Anishinaabemowin language and Potawatomi culture. In 1907 34 year old Daniel Augustus was living at Cape Croker Reservation where he held full rights in Canada.

One curiosity on the Wooster Roll is the entry that Daniel Augustus had a wife but her given name, birth surname and parents are not recorded.