public profile
Bogus Marriage
According to the late Mary Elizabth Cumming Bruce, Dame Agnes of Airth, here treated, married Sir Edward Bruce of Stenhouse before 1417. For proof of the proposed relationship she cited a charter in which she claimed they are mentioned, a charter by which Robert, Duke of Albany confirmed that he had given the lands of Erth Chalmerlane to Robert Craufurd of Manuel. Family Records of the Bruces and Cumyns: p. 318
Dame Agnes Airth, here treated, is one of the daughters and heiresses of Sir William of Airth of the Plane The Bruces of Airth: 6
14 February 1440: Notarial Instrument narrating that Dame Agnes of Erth, spouse of John Levyngston of Mannerstoun, did, with consent of her husband, resign into the hands of Sir John Lindsay, Lord of the barony of Erth, her lord superior in that part, her lands of Erthbeg, with the pertinents lying in the foresaid barony, which resignation, when removed from the personal presence of her husband upon the grounds of the lands of Bynnis, and interrogated by the notary before witnesses, she asserted upon oath was made of her own free will, and she added that she would never revoke it. Done upon the grounds of the lands of Bynnis near the Castle of Mannerstoun, 14 February 1440. The Bruces of Airth: 6
15 Jube 1458: Charter by Agnes of Erth, daughter and one of the heirs of the deceased William of Erth of Plane, knight, with consent of her husband John Levyngstoue of Mannerstoun, and her son and heir Patrick of Hamiltone of Bathcat, granting and selling to Alexander Forestare, son of Robert Forestare of Torwood, those lands of Durisale with the pertinents which Robert Richy had in lease in the barony of Plane and shire of Stirling, to be held by the said Alexander and the lawful heirs begotten between him and Agnes Levyngstone his spouse, whorn failing, to the heirs of the said Alexander whomsoever, of the granter and her heirs in fee and heritage for ever for payment of a silver penny yearly at Whitsuntide if asked only. Sealed with her seal, her husband's and sons', at Linlithgow, 15 June 1458 [Seals wanting]. To the precept of Sasine for infefting Alexander Forester, dated at Linlithgow, 22 July 1460, Granter's seal is attached, bearing the legend, " S. AGNETIS DE HAMILTON." The Bruces of Airth: 6
14 August 1465: Charter by Agnes de Erth, spouse of the late John Livingston of Manerstoun, daughter and one of the heirs of the late Sir William de Erth, knight, lord of Plane, in favour of William Scott and Cristiane de Erth his spouse, daughter of the said Agnes, of the lands of the fourth part of the barony of Fordale in Fife. The Charter is dated at Fordale, 14 August 1465. Charter of confirmation under the Great Seal of Scotland was issued on 22January 1488-89. The Bruces of Airth: 9
15 February 1471: Instrument of sasine proceeding on a brief from the Chancery of King James II., dated 15 February 1471, in favour of Agnes of Erth, one of the daughters and heirs of a late honorable man, William of Ertli of Plane. The brief states that the said Agnes had been duly retoured heir to her sister Marjory, who died last vest and seised in the sixteen pound land of the barony of Plane, that the said Agnes was her sister's nearest heir in the third part of the said lands, which were held of the King in chief, and directs seisin to be given, taking security for 14s. 7d. of duplicand of blenchferme for the said third pairt. Seisin is given by Malcolm Forestare of Torwood, Sherift-Depute for Stirling, who for greater evidence and witness of the same, took a black ox valued at two merks from John Grahame, then tenant and husbandman of the said lands, and a hairy bonnet of a saffron colour for the upper cloth of the aforesaid Agnes. Sasine is given at the toft or manor-place then inhabited by William Bruce, tenant and husbandman of the said lands. 23 February1470 (?)-7l. The Bruces of Airth: 6-7
16 July 1455: Compotum Jacobi de Levingstoune, vicecomitis de Stryvelyn, redditum apud Edinburgh decimosexto die mensis Julii anno Domini etc. quinquagesimoquinto, per Robertum de Name, ejus deputatum, de omnibus receptis suis et expensis per firmas et exitus bailie sue a die decima mensis Julii anni Domini etc. LIIII usque in diem hujus compoti, et sic de duobus terminis infra hoc compotum. . . . . . Et de vj s. viij d. de relevio tercie partis de Glorate, regi debito per saisinam emanatam de cancellaria compotanti directam Agneti de Erth tradendam. Et de vj s. viij d. de relevio dictarum tercie partis terrarum de Glorate, per hujusmodi saisinam emanatam atque tradendam Margarete de Erth de eisdem. Et de vj s. viij d. de relevio tercie partis dictarum terrarum de Glorat, regi debito per hujusmodi saisinam emanatam et Elizabeth de Erth tradendam. Et de vj s. viij d. de relevio tercie partis dictarum terrarum de Glorat, regi debito per hujusniodi saisinam emanatam, et Marjorie de Erth tradendam. Summa hujus oneris, Ixxxvj K. vj s. xd. Exchequer Rolls VI: pp. 99-100
26 Julu 1455: Compotum Andree Lundee, vicecomitis de Fyf, redditum apud Edinburgh vicesimo sexto die mensis Julii anno Domini etc. quinquagesimoquinto, de omnibus receptis suis et expensis per firmas et exitus bailie sue a die vicesimoquarto mensis Julii anni Domini etc. quinquagesimiquarti usque in idem hujus compoti, et sic de duobus terminis infra hoc compotum. . . . . . Et de viij H. de relevio septime partis integre baronie de Fordale et quinte partis unius septime partis ejusdem baronie, regi debito per saisinam datam Margarete de Erthe de eisdem. Et de viij ti. de relevio septem partis dicte baronie de Fordale et quinte partis unius septime partis ejusdem baronie, regi debito per saisinam datam Agneti de Erthe de eisdem. Et de viij li. de relevio septime partis dicte baronie de Fordale et quinte partis unius septime partis ejusdem, per saisinam datam Elizabeth de Erth de eisdem. Et de viij li. de relevio septime partis dicte baronie de Fordale et quinte partis unius septime partis ejusdem, regi debito per saisinam datam Marjorie de Erthe de eisdem . . . . . Exchequer Rolls VI: 107
12 February 1463-64: Charter by Agnes de Erth, daughter and one of heirs of deceased William de Erth of Plane, kt., in favour of Alexander Forestare of Torwod, son of deceased Robert Forestare of Torwod, of her part of the lands of Kernok to be held by the said Alexander and Agnes de Levingstoun, his spouse, and survivor, the said Agnes de Erth binding herself and her heirs to pay, in name of penalty for any breach of the said charter, the sum of 200 merks for the upkeep of the fabric of the cathedral church of St. Andrews, £100 to the King and £200 to the said Alexander and Agnes on the high altar of Holyrood church, Stirling. Dated 12 Feb., 1463/4. National Records of Scotland, Title deeds relating to the lands of Carnock and Plean, reference GD17/6
Note: This charter was confirmed under the Great Seal of Scotland on 27 January 1468-69. RMS 1424-1513: charter number 978
14 August 1465: Charter by which Agnes of Erth, wife of the deceased John Livingston of Manerstoun, one of the daughters and heirs of the deceased William of Erth. lord of Plane, confirms that she has given the land of one quarter of the barony of Fordale in the sheriffdom of Fife (one seventh part excepted) to William Scot and his wife Cristiana de Erth. Cristiana de Erth is identified as the daughter of Agnes de Erth. RMS: 1818
1 March 1470-71: (1) Procuratory of Resignation by Agnes Erth, with consent of John Levyngstoun of Manerstoun, her spouse, appointing James Schaw of Salquhy and others her procurators to resign the lands of Crannok, Carbrok, Garcabyr, and Duryssale, in the barony of Plane, into the hands of the King. (2) Instrument of Ratification thereof before Adam Bowe, bailie of Sterling. Dated as above. (3) Notarial instrument of ratification of the same procuratory of resignation GD17/1 Dated as GD17/1. Witnesses, Alexander Muriel, Robert [?Hessan], William Adamson, Nicholas Yar, William Adam. Notary, James Darow of the diocese of St Andrews, imperial and royal notary. National Records of Scotland, Title deeds relating to the lands of Carnock and Plean, reference GD17/7