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Cunigundis (795 - 835)

Also Known As: "Lady Cinguard of Laon", "Conigunda", "Cunegonde", "Cunégonde", "Cunigunda", "Cunigunde", "Kunigonde", "Kunigunda", "Kunigunde", "Cunigunda of Laon", "Cunigundis des Francs"
Birthplace: Bohain-en-Vermandois, Aisne, Picardy, France
Death: after June 15, 835
Milano, Lombardy, Italy
Place of Burial: Italy
Immediate Family:

Wife of Bernard, King of Lombardy
Mother of Pépin II, lord of Péronne

Occupation: Queen of Lombardy
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Cunigundis

Cunégonde (Cunigunde) (June 19, 835). Her origin is not known, but Settipani suggests that she might have been a daughter of Heribert of Toulouse. If so, this accounts for the introduction of the name Héribert into the Carolingian royal family. Settipani's theory is part of a more extensive reconstruction whereby Héribert might have been a son of Guillaume de Gellone and Cunégonde. If so, this Cunégonde was named for her father's mother.

Alternative reconstructions suggest that Héribert had a wife named Cunégonde, perhaps a daughter of Maurin of Spoleto.

Ben M. Angel's summary:

Parents, two options:

  • Option 1: Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. (Proposed by Christian Settipani, supported by FMG and French Wikipedia)
  • Option 2: Adelgis, count of Parma, and his unknown wife. (Supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis) Correction: Weis, 7th edition (1999) at Line 50-15 says only "Cunigunde, d. ca. 835". No parents claimed. Another Cunégonde, wife of Poppo von Grapfeld is also claimed as a daughter of Adelgis.


  • Bernardo I, re d'Italia (798-817)


  • Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG)

Basic information and justifications:

Birth: Before 800 FMG, 797 cited without source in contributing GEDCOM files (apparently based on her being the same age as her husband, Bernard). Location unknown, Bohain-en-Vermandois has been suggested, and English and Italian Wikipedia suggest that she is from Laon.

Marriage: 813, supported by FMG and Wikipedia, likely around the same time as the confirmation of Bernard as King of Italy in Aachen.

Death: after 15 June 835 (date of an act of the monastery of San Alessandro naming her as still alive, cited by Settipani).

Burial: Unknown.

Occupation: Queen of Italy, 813-817.

Name: English Wikipedia names her as Cunigunda of Laon (Italian Wikipedia as Cunegonda di Laon, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien"). FMG cites the Latin variant of Cunigundis.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Carolingian Nobility (covering speculation on her birth family):

[HERIBERT ([780/85]-after 843).

  • The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" when recording that he was sent to suppress the rebellion of "Hodo consobrinus illius", the latter surrendering and being exiled[389].
  • "Willelmus…comes" names "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[390], it being possible that "Helimbruch" refers to Heribert and is not a separate person.
  • His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his having been adult in 809 when he was probably recorded in Spain (see below).
  • It is not entirely clear that Heribert was the full brother of Bernard. In the Manual of Dhuoda (written in 843), Doda reminds her son that, when a member of his family dies, he should add the deceased's name to the list of family members for whom prayers should be said. She adds at the end of the paragraph a reminder that he should do the same in respect of "domno Ariberto avunculo tuo"[391]. There are three possible explanations for this special position accorded to Heribert in the text. The obvious case is that Heribert, because of his disgrace and mutilation, was considered to have forfeited his rights to the respect generally accorded to deceased family members, Doda thinking it worthwhile to remind her son that this was not the appropriate way to treat his uncle. The second possibility is that he was not so obviously a "family member" as the other named individuals, either because he was illegitimate or because he was a uterine half-brother of Bernard. The third possibility, although this appears less likely, is that Heribert was Bernard's brother-in-law, bearing in mind the strict meaning of the word avunculus as maternal uncle. However, the Manual refers only to the need to pray for the family of Bernard's father, in which case it would seem odd for the text to single out Heribert from all other maternal relatives if he was related to Bernard through his mother.
  • The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertum" was awarded Tortosa after its capture [in 809][392], which it is assumed refers to Heribert son of Duke Guillaume as no other contemporary with this name has so far been identified. If this is correct, Heribert must have been one of his father's older children, certainly older than Bernard assuming that the latter's birth date is correctly estimated to [795].
  • The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heriberto" as missus of King Louis I [in 812][393].
  • Nithard names "Herbert" brother of Bernard Duke of Septimania, when recording that he was captured, blinded and imprisoned in Italy in [Apr 830] when his brother was banished by the sons of Emperor Louis I[394]. The Annales Bertiniani record the capture and blinding of "Herebertum fratrem Bernardi" in 830[395]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertus Bernhardi frater" was blinded [in 830] and exiled with "Hodo consobrinus illius"[396]. The previous passage in the Vita records that Orléans was confiscated from Eudes Comte d'Orléans.
  • It is possible that he was the same person as "Hodo", although the precise nature of the relationship between him and Heribert has not been established.

m ---. The name of Heribert's wife is not known.]

a) [CUNIGUNDIS (-after 15 Jun 835).

  • Settipani suggests[397] that Cunigundis, wife of Bernard I King of Italy, was the daughter of Heribert in order to explain the transmission of his name into the family. This is highly speculative.
  • It would also mean that Heribert was older than suggested above, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815].

m ([813]%29 BERNARD I King of Italy, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress Chrothais ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).]


  • [389] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 45, MGH SS II, p. 633.
  • [390] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
  • [391] Manuel de Dhuoda LXXII, p. 238.
  • [392] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 16, MGH SS II, p. 615.
  • [393] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 17, MGH SS II, p. 615.
  • [394] Nithard I.3, p. 131.
  • [395] Annales Bertiniani I 830.
  • [396] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 44 and 45, MGH SS II, p. 633.
  • [397] Settipani (1993), p. 213.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Italy Kings (covering her married family):,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2...

BERNARD, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress --- ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).

  • Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[635].
  • Bernard is named only son of Pippin by Einhard[636].
  • Regino names "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ" when recording his death in 818[637].
  • Settipani cites a litany of St Gallen which lists Bernard among Carolingians of illegitimate birth[638].
  • He was brought up at Kloster Fulda. His paternal grandfather sent him back to Italy in autumn 812, granting him the title "rex Langobardorum" in Apr 813. Einhard's Annales that "Walanem filium Bernhardi patruelis sui" was sent to Italy in 812 as guardian for "Bernhardum filium Pippin nepotem suum [Karoli imperatoris]"[639].
  • He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy, as vassal of the emperor, ruling under the regency of Adalhard abbé de Corbie[640].
  • Although he swore allegiance to his uncle Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" on the latter's accession in 814, the emperor passed the Ordinatio Imperii in Jul 817 which failed to mention Bernard's royal status, effectively depriving him of any role in government and of his royal title.
  • Bernard rebelled unsuccessfully in Dec 817. He was tricked into returning to France to ask for the emperor's forgiveness at Chalon-sur-Saône, but was taken to Aix-la-Chapelle where he was sentenced to death.
  • The Annales Xantenses record that "Bernhardus rex Langobardorum" was blinded in 818[641]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina" was blinded and died on the third day which followed this[642]. After his death, Italy was once more placed under the direct rule of the emperor[643].

m ([813]) CUNIGUNDIS, daughter of --- (-after 15 Jun 835).

  • Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her[644].
  • The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests[645] that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815].

King Bernard & his wife had one son:

1. PEPIN ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834.


  • [635] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
  • [636] Einhard 19, p. 454.
  • [637] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
  • [638] Settipani, p. 211 footnote 142, which does not give the citation for the source.
  • [639] Einhardi Annales 812, MGH SS, p. 199.
  • [640] RFA 812 and 813, p. 95.
  • [641] Annales Xantenses 817, MGH SS II, p. 224.
  • [642] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22 and 23, MGH SS II, p. 596.
  • [643] Settipani (1993), pp. 212-3.
  • [644] Settipani (1993), p. 213, citing Werner, K. F. 'Hludowicus Augustus: gouverner l'empire Chrétien - idées et réalités', Charlemagne's heir (1990), p. 32 footnote 103.
  • [645] Settipani (1993), p. 213. According to Rösch (1977), p. 74, the origin of Cunigundis is unknown.
  • [646] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
  • [647] Rösch (1977), p. 86.
  1. ID: I28891
  2. Name: Cunigunde of Italy
  3. Given Name: Cunigunde
  4. Suffix: of Italy
  5. Prefix: Queen
  6. Sex: F
  7. Birth: ABT 0797 in France
  8. Death: ABT 0835
  9. Ancestral File #: 9G83-5C
  10. _UID: 30348172DDBDD611BF694445535400003064 1
  11. Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00

Marriage 1 Bernard of Italy b: 0797 in of Vermandois, Austrasia


  1. Has Children Pepin Quentin II of Vermandois b: ABT 0818 in of Vermandois, Neustria


  1. Title: #719 

Forrás / Source, Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Kunigunda/Cunegonde:

Kunigunda Cunegonde

  • F, #635
  • Last Edited=18 Sep 2002

Kunigunda Cunegonde married Bernard, King of Italy, son of Pepin I, King of the Langobardians and Bertha de Toulouse, in 813.

Child of Kunigunda Cunegonde and Bernard, King of Italy

-1. Pepin II, Seigneur de Peronne+ b. 817, d. 840

(No sources cited)

According to the French Wikipedia page on her husband, Bernard d'Italie:

Vers 813, il avait épousé une certaine Cunégonde. La filiation de cette dernière n'est pas connue, mais son nom a été rapproché de Cunégonde, l'épouse de Guillaume de Gellone, et mère d'un Héribert, prénom qui apparaît ensuite dans la descendance de Bernard. Chronologiquement l'épouse de Bernard serait plutôt fille d'Héribert et petite-fille de Guillaume de Gellone et de Cunégonde.

Bernard et Cunégonde ont :

Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, vivant en 840.

Sources et références

1. ↑ Bernard d'Italie sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.


In English:

Around 813 (age 14) he married a certain Cunegonde, The parentage of this woman is not known, but her name has been likened to Cunegonde, wife of St. William de Gellone and mother of Herbert, the first name that appears in the progeny of Bernard. Chronologically, the wife of Bernard would provide the name for the daughter of Herbert and the granddaughter of William Gellone and Cunegonde.

Bernard and Cunegonde were parents of Pepin, Comte of Peronne, north of the Seine, who was alive in 840.

Sources and references:

1. Bernard of Italy on the site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Extracts from the Dictionary Bouillet. (Passage indicating that the material contained may not be in compliance with Wikipedia's rules of neutrality.)

Cunigunda of Laon

Cunigunde is the mother, not step mother, of  of Pepin, Count of Vermandois. 

Cunégonde (Cunigunde) (June 19, 835). Her origin is not known, but Settipani suggests that she might have been a daughter of Heribert of Toulouse. If so, this accounts for the introduction of the name Héribert into the Carolingian royal family. Settipani's theory is part of a more extensive reconstruction whereby Héribert might have been a son of Guillaume de Gellone and Cunégonde. If so, this Cunégonde was named for her father's mother.

Alternative reconstructions suggest that Héribert had a wife named Cunégonde, perhaps a daughter of Maurin of Spoleto.

Ben M. Angel's summary:

Parents, two options:

Option 1: Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. (Proposed by Christian Settipani, supported by FMG and French Wikipedia) Option 2: Adelgis, count of Parma, and his unknown wife. (Supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis) Correction: Weis, 7th edition (1999) at Line 50-15 says only "Cunigunde, d. ca. 835". No parents claimed. Another Cunégonde, wife of Poppo von Grapfeld is also claimed as a daughter of Adelgis. Spouse:

Bernardo I, re d'Italia (798-817) Child:

Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG) Basic information and justifications:

Birth: Before 800 FMG, 797 cited without source in contributing GEDCOM files (apparently based on her being the same age as her husband, Bernard). Location unknown, Bohain-en-Vermandois has been suggested, and English and Italian Wikipedia suggest that she is from Laon.

Marriage: 813, supported by FMG and Wikipedia, likely around the same time as the confirmation of Bernard as King of Italy in Aachen.

Death: after 15 June 835 (date of an act of the monastery of San Alessandro naming her as still alive, cited by Settipani).

Burial: Unknown.

Occupation: Queen of Italy, 813-817.

Name: English Wikipedia names her as Cunigunda of Laon (Italian Wikipedia as Cunegonda di Laon, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien"). FMG cites the Latin variant of Cunigundis.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Carolingian Nobility (covering speculation on her birth family):

[HERIBERT ([780/85]-after 843).

The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" when recording that he was sent to suppress the rebellion of "Hodo consobrinus illius", the latter surrendering and being exiled[389]. "Willelmus…comes" names "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[390], it being possible that "Helimbruch" refers to Heribert and is not a separate person. His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his having been adult in 809 when he was probably recorded in Spain (see below). It is not entirely clear that Heribert was the full brother of Bernard. In the Manual of Dhuoda (written in 843), Doda reminds her son that, when a member of his family dies, he should add the deceased's name to the list of family members for whom prayers should be said. She adds at the end of the paragraph a reminder that he should do the same in respect of "domno Ariberto avunculo tuo"[391]. There are three possible explanations for this special position accorded to Heribert in the text. The obvious case is that Heribert, because of his disgrace and mutilation, was considered to have forfeited his rights to the respect generally accorded to deceased family members, Doda thinking it worthwhile to remind her son that this was not the appropriate way to treat his uncle. The second possibility is that he was not so obviously a "family member" as the other named individuals, either because he was illegitimate or because he was a uterine half-brother of Bernard. The third possibility, although this appears less likely, is that Heribert was Bernard's brother-in-law, bearing in mind the strict meaning of the word avunculus as maternal uncle. However, the Manual refers only to the need to pray for the family of Bernard's father, in which case it would seem odd for the text to single out Heribert from all other maternal relatives if he was related to Bernard through his mother. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertum" was awarded Tortosa after its capture [in 809][392], which it is assumed refers to Heribert son of Duke Guillaume as no other contemporary with this name has so far been identified. If this is correct, Heribert must have been one of his father's older children, certainly older than Bernard assuming that the latter's birth date is correctly estimated to [795]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heriberto" as missus of King Louis I [in 812][393]. Nithard names "Herbert" brother of Bernard Duke of Septimania, when recording that he was captured, blinded and imprisoned in Italy in [Apr 830] when his brother was banished by the sons of Emperor Louis I[394]. The Annales Bertiniani record the capture and blinding of "Herebertum fratrem Bernardi" in 830[395]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertus Bernhardi frater" was blinded [in 830] and exiled with "Hodo consobrinus illius"[396]. The previous passage in the Vita records that Orléans was confiscated from Eudes Comte d'Orléans. It is possible that he was the same person as "Hodo", although the precise nature of the relationship between him and Heribert has not been established. m ---. The name of Heribert's wife is not known.]

a) [CUNIGUNDIS (-after 15 Jun 835).

Settipani suggests[397] that Cunigundis, wife of Bernard I King of Italy, was the daughter of Heribert in order to explain the transmission of his name into the family. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Heribert was older than suggested above, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. m ([813]%29 BERNARD I King of Italy, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress Chrothais ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).]


[389] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 45, MGH SS II, p. 633. [390] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179. [391] Manuel de Dhuoda LXXII, p. 238. [392] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 16, MGH SS II, p. 615. [393] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 17, MGH SS II, p. 615. [394] Nithard I.3, p. 131. [395] Annales Bertiniani I 830. [396] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 44 and 45, MGH SS II, p. 633. [397] Settipani (1993), p. 213.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Italy Kings (covering her married family):,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2...

BERNARD, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress --- ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).

Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[635]. Bernard is named only son of Pippin by Einhard[636]. Regino names "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ" when recording his death in 818[637]. Settipani cites a litany of St Gallen which lists Bernard among Carolingians of illegitimate birth[638]. He was brought up at Kloster Fulda. His paternal grandfather sent him back to Italy in autumn 812, granting him the title "rex Langobardorum" in Apr 813. Einhard's Annales that "Walanem filium Bernhardi patruelis sui" was sent to Italy in 812 as guardian for "Bernhardum filium Pippin nepotem suum [Karoli imperatoris]"[639]. He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy, as vassal of the emperor, ruling under the regency of Adalhard abbé de Corbie[640]. Although he swore allegiance to his uncle Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" on the latter's accession in 814, the emperor passed the Ordinatio Imperii in Jul 817 which failed to mention Bernard's royal status, effectively depriving him of any role in government and of his royal title. Bernard rebelled unsuccessfully in Dec 817. He was tricked into returning to France to ask for the emperor's forgiveness at Chalon-sur-Saône, but was taken to Aix-la-Chapelle where he was sentenced to death. The Annales Xantenses record that "Bernhardus rex Langobardorum" was blinded in 818[641]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina" was blinded and died on the third day which followed this[642]. After his death, Italy was once more placed under the direct rule of the emperor[643]. m ([813]) CUNIGUNDIS, daughter of --- (-after 15 Jun 835).

Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her[644]. The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests[645] that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. King Bernard & his wife had one son:

1. PEPIN ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834.


[635] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596. [636] Einhard 19, p. 454. [637] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [638] Settipani, p. 211 footnote 142, which does not give the citation for the source. [639] Einhardi Annales 812, MGH SS, p. 199. [640] RFA 812 and 813, p. 95. [641] Annales Xantenses 817, MGH SS II, p. 224. [642] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22 and 23, MGH SS II, p. 596. [643] Settipani (1993), pp. 212-3. [644] Settipani (1993), p. 213, citing Werner, K. F. 'Hludowicus Augustus: gouverner l'empire Chrétien - idées et réalités', Charlemagne's heir (1990), p. 32 footnote 103. [645] Settipani (1993), p. 213. According to Rösch (1977), p. 74, the origin of Cunigundis is unknown. [646] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [647] Rösch (1977), p. 86.

ID: I28891 Name: Cunigunde of Italy Given Name: Cunigunde Suffix: of Italy Prefix: Queen Sex: F Birth: ABT 0797 in France Death: ABT 0835 Ancestral File #: 9G83-5C _UID: 30348172DDBDD611BF694445535400003064 1 Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00 Marriage 1 Bernard of Italy b: 0797 in of Vermandois, Austrasia


1. Has Children Pepin Quentin II of Vermandois b: ABT 0818 in of Vermandois, Neustria Sources:

1. Title: #719

Forrás / Source, Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Kunigunda/Cunegonde:

Kunigunda Cunegonde

F, #635 Last Edited=18 Sep 2002 Kunigunda Cunegonde married Bernard, King of Italy, son of Pepin I, King of the Langobardians and Bertha de Toulouse, in 813.

Child of Kunigunda Cunegonde and Bernard, King of Italy

-1. Pepin II, Seigneur de Peronne+ b. 817, d. 840

(No sources cited)

According to the French Wikipedia page on her husband, Bernard d'Italie:

Vers 813, il avait épousé une certaine Cunégonde. La filiation de cette dernière n'est pas connue, mais son nom a été rapproché de Cunégonde, l'épouse de Guillaume de Gellone, et mère d'un Héribert, prénom qui apparaît ensuite dans la descendance de Bernard. Chronologiquement l'épouse de Bernard serait plutôt fille d'Héribert et petite-fille de Guillaume de Gellone et de Cunégonde.

Bernard et Cunégonde ont :

Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, vivant en 840.

Sources et références

1. ↑ Bernard d'Italie sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.


In English:

Around 813 (age 14) he married a certain Cunegonde, The parentage of this woman is not known, but her name has been likened to Cunegonde, wife of St. William de Gellone and mother of Herbert, the first name that appears in the progeny of Bernard. Chronologically, the wife of Bernard would provide the name for the daughter of Herbert and the granddaughter of William Gellone and Cunegonde.

Bernard and Cunegonde were parents of Pepin, Comte of Peronne, north of the Seine, who was alive in 840.

Sources and references:

1. Bernard of Italy on the site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#Berna... 2. Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Extracts from the Dictionary Bouillet. (Passage indicating that the material contained may not be in compliance with Wikipedia's rules of neutrality.)'histoire_et_de_g%C3%A9ographie_Bouillet_Chassang

Cunigunda of Laon

Cunigunde is the mother, not step mother, of of Pepin, Count of Vermandois. read more

Cunégonde (Cunigunde) (June 19, 835). Her origin is not known, but Settipani suggests that she might have been a daughter of Heribert of Toulouse. If so, this accounts for the introduction of the name Héribert into the Carolingian royal family. Settipani's theory is part of a more extensive reconstruction whereby Héribert might have been a son of Guillaume de Gellone and Cunégonde. If so, this Cunégonde was named for her father's mother.

Alternative reconstructions suggest that Héribert had a wife named Cunégonde, perhaps a daughter of Maurin of Spoleto.

Ben M. Angel's summary:

Parents, two options:

   Option 1: Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. (Proposed by Christian Settipani, supported by FMG and French Wikipedia)
   Option 2: Adelgis, count of Parma, and his unknown wife. (Supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis) Correction: Weis, 7th edition (1999) at Line 50-15 says only "Cunigunde, d. ca. 835". No parents claimed. Another Cunégonde, wife of Poppo von Grapfeld is also claimed as a daughter of Adelgis.


   Bernardo I, re d'Italia (798-817)


   Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG)

Basic information and justifications:

Birth: Before 800 FMG, 797 cited without source in contributing GEDCOM files (apparently based on her being the same age as her husband, Bernard). Location unknown, Bohain-en-Vermandois has been suggested, and English and Italian Wikipedia suggest that she is from Laon.

Marriage: 813, supported by FMG and Wikipedia, likely around the same time as the confirmation of Bernard as King of Italy in Aachen.

Death: after 15 June 835 (date of an act of the monastery of San Alessandro naming her as still alive, cited by Settipani).

Burial: Unknown.

Occupation: Queen of Italy, 813-817.

Name: English Wikipedia names her as Cunigunda of Laon (Italian Wikipedia as Cunegonda di Laon, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien"). FMG cites the Latin variant of Cunigundis.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Carolingian Nobility (covering speculation on her birth family):

[HERIBERT ([780/85]-after 843).

   The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" when recording that he was sent to suppress the rebellion of "Hodo consobrinus illius", the latter surrendering and being exiled[389].
   "Willelmus…comes" names "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[390], it being possible that "Helimbruch" refers to Heribert and is not a separate person.
   His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his having been adult in 809 when he was probably recorded in Spain (see below).
   It is not entirely clear that Heribert was the full brother of Bernard. In the Manual of Dhuoda (written in 843), Doda reminds her son that, when a member of his family dies, he should add the deceased's name to the list of family members for whom prayers should be said. She adds at the end of the paragraph a reminder that he should do the same in respect of "domno Ariberto avunculo tuo"[391]. There are three possible explanations for this special position accorded to Heribert in the text. The obvious case is that Heribert, because of his disgrace and mutilation, was considered to have forfeited his rights to the respect generally accorded to deceased family members, Doda thinking it worthwhile to remind her son that this was not the appropriate way to treat his uncle. The second possibility is that he was not so obviously a "family member" as the other named individuals, either because he was illegitimate or because he was a uterine half-brother of Bernard. The third possibility, although this appears less likely, is that Heribert was Bernard's brother-in-law, bearing in mind the strict meaning of the word avunculus as maternal uncle. However, the Manual refers only to the need to pray for the family of Bernard's father, in which case it would seem odd for the text to single out Heribert from all other maternal relatives if he was related to Bernard through his mother.
   The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertum" was awarded Tortosa after its capture [in 809][392], which it is assumed refers to Heribert son of Duke Guillaume as no other contemporary with this name has so far been identified. If this is correct, Heribert must have been one of his father's older children, certainly older than Bernard assuming that the latter's birth date is correctly estimated to [795].
   The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heriberto" as missus of King Louis I [in 812][393].
   Nithard names "Herbert" brother of Bernard Duke of Septimania, when recording that he was captured, blinded and imprisoned in Italy in [Apr 830] when his brother was banished by the sons of Emperor Louis I[394]. The Annales Bertiniani record the capture and blinding of "Herebertum fratrem Bernardi" in 830[395]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertus Bernhardi frater" was blinded [in 830] and exiled with "Hodo consobrinus illius"[396]. The previous passage in the Vita records that Orléans was confiscated from Eudes Comte d'Orléans.
   It is possible that he was the same person as "Hodo", although the precise nature of the relationship between him and Heribert has not been established.

m ---. The name of Heribert's wife is not known.]

a) [CUNIGUNDIS (-after 15 Jun 835).

   Settipani suggests[397] that Cunigundis, wife of Bernard I King of Italy, was the daughter of Heribert in order to explain the transmission of his name into the family. This is highly speculative.
   It would also mean that Heribert was older than suggested above, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815].

m ([813]%29 BERNARD I King of Italy, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress Chrothais ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).]


   [389] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 45, MGH SS II, p. 633.
   [390] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
   [391] Manuel de Dhuoda LXXII, p. 238.
   [392] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 16, MGH SS II, p. 615.
   [393] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 17, MGH SS II, p. 615.
   [394] Nithard I.3, p. 131.
   [395] Annales Bertiniani I 830.
   [396] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 44 and 45, MGH SS II, p. 633.
   [397] Settipani (1993), p. 213.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Italy Kings (covering her married family):,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2...

BERNARD, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress --- ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).

   Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[635].
   Bernard is named only son of Pippin by Einhard[636].
   Regino names "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ" when recording his death in 818[637].
   Settipani cites a litany of St Gallen which lists Bernard among Carolingians of illegitimate birth[638].
   He was brought up at Kloster Fulda. His paternal grandfather sent him back to Italy in autumn 812, granting him the title "rex Langobardorum" in Apr 813. Einhard's Annales that "Walanem filium Bernhardi patruelis sui" was sent to Italy in 812 as guardian for "Bernhardum filium Pippin nepotem suum [Karoli imperatoris]"[639].
   He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy, as vassal of the emperor, ruling under the regency of Adalhard abbé de Corbie[640].
   Although he swore allegiance to his uncle Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" on the latter's accession in 814, the emperor passed the Ordinatio Imperii in Jul 817 which failed to mention Bernard's royal status, effectively depriving him of any role in government and of his royal title.
   Bernard rebelled unsuccessfully in Dec 817. He was tricked into returning to France to ask for the emperor's forgiveness at Chalon-sur-Saône, but was taken to Aix-la-Chapelle where he was sentenced to death.
   The Annales Xantenses record that "Bernhardus rex Langobardorum" was blinded in 818[641]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina" was blinded and died on the third day which followed this[642]. After his death, Italy was once more placed under the direct rule of the emperor[643].

m ([813]) CUNIGUNDIS, daughter of --- (-after 15 Jun 835).

   Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her[644].
   The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests[645] that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815].

King Bernard & his wife had one son:

1. PEPIN ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834.


   [635] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
   [636] Einhard 19, p. 454.
   [637] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
   [638] Settipani, p. 211 footnote 142, which does not give the citation for the source.
   [639] Einhardi Annales 812, MGH SS, p. 199.
   [640] RFA 812 and 813, p. 95.
   [641] Annales Xantenses 817, MGH SS II, p. 224.
   [642] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22 and 23, MGH SS II, p. 596.
   [643] Settipani (1993), pp. 212-3.
   [644] Settipani (1993), p. 213, citing Werner, K. F. 'Hludowicus Augustus: gouverner l'empire Chrétien - idées et réalités', Charlemagne's heir (1990), p. 32 footnote 103.
   [645] Settipani (1993), p. 213. According to Rösch (1977), p. 74, the origin of Cunigundis is unknown.
   [646] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
   [647] Rösch (1977), p. 86.

ID: I28891

   Name: Cunigunde of Italy
   Given Name: Cunigunde
   Suffix: of Italy
   Prefix: Queen
   Sex: F
   Birth: ABT 0797 in France
   Death: ABT 0835
   Ancestral File #: 9G83-5C
   _UID: 30348172DDBDD611BF694445535400003064 1
   Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00

Marriage 1 Bernard of Italy b: 0797 in of Vermandois, Austrasia


1. Has Children Pepin Quentin II of Vermandois b: ABT 0818 in of Vermandois, Neustria


1. Title: #719

Forrás / Source, Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Kunigunda/Cunegonde:

Kunigunda Cunegonde

   F, #635
   Last Edited=18 Sep 2002

Kunigunda Cunegonde married Bernard, King of Italy, son of Pepin I, King of the Langobardians and Bertha de Toulouse, in 813.

Child of Kunigunda Cunegonde and Bernard, King of Italy

-1. Pepin II, Seigneur de Peronne+ b. 817, d. 840

(No sources cited)

According to the French Wikipedia page on her husband, Bernard d'Italie:

Vers 813, il avait épousé une certaine Cunégonde. La filiation de cette dernière n'est pas connue, mais son nom a été rapproché de Cunégonde, l'épouse de Guillaume de Gellone, et mère d'un Héribert, prénom qui apparaît ensuite dans la descendance de Bernard. Chronologiquement l'épouse de Bernard serait plutôt fille d'Héribert et petite-fille de Guillaume de Gellone et de Cunégonde.

Bernard et Cunégonde ont :

Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, vivant en 840.

Sources et références

1. ↑ Bernard d'Italie sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.


In English:

Around 813 (age 14) he married a certain Cunegonde, The parentage of this woman is not known, but her name has been likened to Cunegonde, wife of St. William de Gellone and mother of Herbert, the first name that appears in the progeny of Bernard. Chronologically, the wife of Bernard would provide the name for the daughter of Herbert and the granddaughter of William Gellone and Cunegonde.

Bernard and Cunegonde were parents of Pepin, Comte of Peronne, north of the Seine, who was alive in 840.

Sources and references:

1. Bernard of Italy on the site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#Berna...

2. Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Extracts from the Dictionary Bouillet. (Passage indicating that the material contained may not be in compliance with Wikipedia's rules of neutrality.)'histoire_et_de_g%C3%A9ographie_Bouillet_Chassang

Cunigunda of Laon

Cunigunde is the mother, not step mother, of of Pepin, Count of Vermandois.

Cunégonde (Cunigunde) (June 19, 835). Her origin is not known, but Settipani suggests that she might have been a daughter of Heribert of Toulouse. If so, this accounts for the introduction of the name Héribert into the Carolingian royal family. Settipani's theory is part of a more extensive reconstruction whereby Héribert might have been a son of Guillaume de Gellone and Cunégonde. If so, this Cunégonde was named for her father's mother.

Alternative reconstructions suggest that Héribert had a wife named Cunégonde, perhaps a daughter of Maurin of Spoleto.

Ben M. Angel's summary:

Parents, two options:

Option 1: Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. (Proposed by Christian Settipani, supported by FMG and French Wikipedia) Option 2: Adelgis, count of Parma, and his unknown wife. (Supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis) Correction: Weis, 7th edition (1999) at Line 50-15 says only "Cunigunde, d. ca. 835". No parents claimed. Another Cunégonde, wife of Poppo von Grapfeld is also claimed as a daughter of Adelgis. Spouse:

Bernardo I, re d'Italia (798-817) Child:

Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG) Basic information and justifications:

Birth: Before 800 FMG, 797 cited without source in contributing GEDCOM files (apparently based on her being the same age as her husband, Bernard). Location unknown, Bohain-en-Vermandois has been suggested, and English and Italian Wikipedia suggest that she is from Laon.

Marriage: 813, supported by FMG and Wikipedia, likely around the same time as the confirmation of Bernard as King of Italy in Aachen.

Death: after 15 June 835 (date of an act of the monastery of San Alessandro naming her as still alive, cited by Settipani).

Burial: Unknown.

Occupation: Queen of Italy, 813-817.

Name: English Wikipedia names her as Cunigunda of Laon (Italian Wikipedia as Cunegonda di Laon, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien"). FMG cites the Latin variant of Cunigundis.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Carolingian Nobility (covering speculation on her birth family):

[HERIBERT ([780/85]-after 843).

The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" when recording that he was sent to suppress the rebellion of "Hodo consobrinus illius", the latter surrendering and being exiled[389]. "Willelmus…comes" names "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[390], it being possible that "Helimbruch" refers to Heribert and is not a separate person. His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his having been adult in 809 when he was probably recorded in Spain (see below). It is not entirely clear that Heribert was the full brother of Bernard. In the Manual of Dhuoda (written in 843), Doda reminds her son that, when a member of his family dies, he should add the deceased's name to the list of family members for whom prayers should be said. She adds at the end of the paragraph a reminder that he should do the same in respect of "domno Ariberto avunculo tuo"[391]. There are three possible explanations for this special position accorded to Heribert in the text. The obvious case is that Heribert, because of his disgrace and mutilation, was considered to have forfeited his rights to the respect generally accorded to deceased family members, Doda thinking it worthwhile to remind her son that this was not the appropriate way to treat his uncle. The second possibility is that he was not so obviously a "family member" as the other named individuals, either because he was illegitimate or because he was a uterine half-brother of Bernard. The third possibility, although this appears less likely, is that Heribert was Bernard's brother-in-law, bearing in mind the strict meaning of the word avunculus as maternal uncle. However, the Manual refers only to the need to pray for the family of Bernard's father, in which case it would seem odd for the text to single out Heribert from all other maternal relatives if he was related to Bernard through his mother. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertum" was awarded Tortosa after its capture [in 809][392], which it is assumed refers to Heribert son of Duke Guillaume as no other contemporary with this name has so far been identified. If this is correct, Heribert must have been one of his father's older children, certainly older than Bernard assuming that the latter's birth date is correctly estimated to [795]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heriberto" as missus of King Louis I [in 812][393]. Nithard names "Herbert" brother of Bernard Duke of Septimania, when recording that he was captured, blinded and imprisoned in Italy in [Apr 830] when his brother was banished by the sons of Emperor Louis I[394]. The Annales Bertiniani record the capture and blinding of "Herebertum fratrem Bernardi" in 830[395]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertus Bernhardi frater" was blinded [in 830] and exiled with "Hodo consobrinus illius"[396]. The previous passage in the Vita records that Orléans was confiscated from Eudes Comte d'Orléans. It is possible that he was the same person as "Hodo", although the precise nature of the relationship between him and Heribert has not been established. m ---. The name of Heribert's wife is not known.]

a) [CUNIGUNDIS (-after 15 Jun 835).

Settipani suggests[397] that Cunigundis, wife of Bernard I King of Italy, was the daughter of Heribert in order to explain the transmission of his name into the family. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Heribert was older than suggested above, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. m ([813]%29 BERNARD I King of Italy, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress Chrothais ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).]


[389] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 45, MGH SS II, p. 633. [390] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179. [391] Manuel de Dhuoda LXXII, p. 238. [392] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 16, MGH SS II, p. 615. [393] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 17, MGH SS II, p. 615. [394] Nithard I.3, p. 131. [395] Annales Bertiniani I 830. [396] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 44 and 45, MGH SS II, p. 633. [397] Settipani (1993), p. 213.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Italy Kings (covering her married family):,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2...

BERNARD, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress --- ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).

Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[635]. Bernard is named only son of Pippin by Einhard[636]. Regino names "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ" when recording his death in 818[637]. Settipani cites a litany of St Gallen which lists Bernard among Carolingians of illegitimate birth[638]. He was brought up at Kloster Fulda. His paternal grandfather sent him back to Italy in autumn 812, granting him the title "rex Langobardorum" in Apr 813. Einhard's Annales that "Walanem filium Bernhardi patruelis sui" was sent to Italy in 812 as guardian for "Bernhardum filium Pippin nepotem suum [Karoli imperatoris]"[639]. He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy, as vassal of the emperor, ruling under the regency of Adalhard abbé de Corbie[640]. Although he swore allegiance to his uncle Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" on the latter's accession in 814, the emperor passed the Ordinatio Imperii in Jul 817 which failed to mention Bernard's royal status, effectively depriving him of any role in government and of his royal title. Bernard rebelled unsuccessfully in Dec 817. He was tricked into returning to France to ask for the emperor's forgiveness at Chalon-sur-Saône, but was taken to Aix-la-Chapelle where he was sentenced to death. The Annales Xantenses record that "Bernhardus rex Langobardorum" was blinded in 818[641]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina" was blinded and died on the third day which followed this[642]. After his death, Italy was once more placed under the direct rule of the emperor[643]. m ([813]) CUNIGUNDIS, daughter of --- (-after 15 Jun 835).

Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her[644]. The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests[645] that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. King Bernard & his wife had one son:

1. PEPIN ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834.


[635] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596. [636] Einhard 19, p. 454. [637] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [638] Settipani, p. 211 footnote 142, which does not give the citation for the source. [639] Einhardi Annales 812, MGH SS, p. 199. [640] RFA 812 and 813, p. 95. [641] Annales Xantenses 817, MGH SS II, p. 224. [642] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22 and 23, MGH SS II, p. 596. [643] Settipani (1993), pp. 212-3. [644] Settipani (1993), p. 213, citing Werner, K. F. 'Hludowicus Augustus: gouverner l'empire Chrétien - idées et réalités', Charlemagne's heir (1990), p. 32 footnote 103. [645] Settipani (1993), p. 213. According to Rösch (1977), p. 74, the origin of Cunigundis is unknown. [646] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [647] Rösch (1977), p. 86.

ID: I28891 Name: Cunigunde of Italy Given Name: Cunigunde Suffix: of Italy Prefix: Queen Sex: F Birth: ABT 0797 in France Death: ABT 0835 Ancestral File #: 9G83-5C _UID: 30348172DDBDD611BF694445535400003064 1 Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00 Marriage 1 Bernard of Italy b: 0797 in of Vermandois, Austrasia


1. Has Children Pepin Quentin II of Vermandois b: ABT 0818 in of Vermandois, Neustria Sources:

1. Title: #719

Forrás / Source, Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Kunigunda/Cunegonde:

Kunigunda Cunegonde

F, #635 Last Edited=18 Sep 2002 Kunigunda Cunegonde married Bernard, King of Italy, son of Pepin I, King of the Langobardians and Bertha de Toulouse, in 813.

Child of Kunigunda Cunegonde and Bernard, King of Italy

-1. Pepin II, Seigneur de Peronne+ b. 817, d. 840

(No sources cited)

According to the French Wikipedia page on her husband, Bernard d'Italie:

Vers 813, il avait épousé une certaine Cunégonde. La filiation de cette dernière n'est pas connue, mais son nom a été rapproché de Cunégonde, l'épouse de Guillaume de Gellone, et mère d'un Héribert, prénom qui apparaît ensuite dans la descendance de Bernard. Chronologiquement l'épouse de Bernard serait plutôt fille d'Héribert et petite-fille de Guillaume de Gellone et de Cunégonde.

Bernard et Cunégonde ont :

Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, vivant en 840.

Sources et références

1. ↑ Bernard d'Italie sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.


In English:

Around 813 (age 14) he married a certain Cunegonde, The parentage of this woman is not known, but her name has been likened to Cunegonde, wife of St. William de Gellone and mother of Herbert, the first name that appears in the progeny of Bernard. Chronologically, the wife of Bernard would provide the name for the daughter of Herbert and the granddaughter of William Gellone and Cunegonde.

Bernard and Cunegonde were parents of Pepin, Comte of Peronne, north of the Seine, who was alive in 840.

Sources and references:

1. Bernard of Italy on the site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#Berna... 2. Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Extracts from the Dictionary Bouillet. (Passage indicating that the material contained may not be in compliance with Wikipedia's rules of neutrality.)'histoire_et_de_g%C3%A9ographie_Bouillet_Chassang Cunigunda of Laon

Cunigunde is the mother, not step mother, of of Pepin, Count of Vermandois. read more

Queen Cunégonde Carolingian formerly Septimani Born about 0795 [location unknown] Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown] [sibling%28s%29 unknown] Wife of Bernard (Carolingian) di Italia — married [date unknown] [location unknown] Descendants descendants Mother of Pepin (Vermandois) de Vermandois Died after 15 Jun 0835 [location unknown] Profile managers: Becky Bierbrodt private message [send private message], Sharon Atkins private message [send private message], Tom Coley private message [send private message], Fontaine Wiatt private message [send private message], Greg Minter II private message [send private message], Bob Fields private message [send private message], Chet Spencer private message [send private message], Ellen Blackwell private message [send private message], Blain Mercer private message [send private message], Lyman Carpenter private message [send private message], Lisa Trudeau private message [send private message], Dawn Truitt private message [send private message], and Jeff Johnson private message [send private message] Septimani-1 created 22 Oct 2013 | Last modified 16 May 2017 | Last edit: 16 May 2017 15:48: Jack Day edited the Biography for Cunégonde (Septimani) Carolingian. (editorial changes) [Thank Jack for this] This page has been accessed 3,388 times.

Categories: EuroAristo - Profiles that need work. European Aristocracy Cunégonde (Septimani) Carolingian is a member of royalty, nobility or aristocracy in Europe. Join: European Royals and Aristocrats 742-1499 Project Discuss: euroaristo Contents [hide]

   1 Biography
       1.1 Name
       1.2 Birth Year Estimation
       1.3 Parents and Ancestry
       1.4 815 Marriage
       1.5 835 Death
   2 Issue
   3 Sources

Biography Name

   Kunigund [1]
   Cunegonde. [2]
   Cunigunda of Laon [3]
   Cunegonda di Laon [4]
   Cunigundis [5]
   Cunégonde [6] 

Cuegonde/ DeSeptimania Cunigunde/ de/ Parma Kunigunde/van/ Italie?/ Cunigunde/ de/ Toulouse Cunegonde/ van Laon Birth Year Estimation

Since she was married in 813 or 815, a birth year of 795 would make her 18 or 20 at her marriage. Parents and Ancestry

Her parents are unknown. [7]

The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. [8]

Her father might have been Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. This possibility was proposed by Christian Settipani, and supported by Cawley/FMG and the French Wikipedia. [9]

Or her father might have been Adelgis, Count of Parma, and his unknown wife. This option is supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis. [7]

Her parents and origins are not known, but her name recalls Cunegonde, wife of William of Gellone, and mother of Heribert, which would explain the appearance of the name among the descendants of Bernard.[6] 815 Marriage

About 815 [1][2] she married Bernard, King of Italy.

Cawley places the year of Cunigundis' marriage as 813, and names Bernard's parents as Pepin I, King of Italy and his mistress Chrothais. [8] Wikipedia (French) also gives 813 as the approximate date that Bernard married a certain Cunégonde. [6] 835 Death

Kunigunde died after 15 June 835. [7][1] Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her. [7] Her deceased husband Bernard and her son Pépin are named in the charter.[1] Issue

They had one child, Pépin/Pippin, b. say 815, d. after 840, count (near Paris).[1][2] He became Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG)

Bernard and Cunégonde were the parents of Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, living in 840.[6]

Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834. [7] Sources

   ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Stewart Baldwin. "Bernard, King of Italy." First Uploaded 23 May 2007. The Henry Project. Accessed May 16, 2017 jhd
   ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Douglas Richardson. Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families. Kimball G. Everengham, ed. Salt Lake City, Utah: 2013. Volume V, page 484
   ↑ English Wikipedia
   ↑ Italian Wikipedia, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien").
   ↑ Latin Variant cited by Cawley, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
   ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Wikipedia (French). "Bernbard d'Italie" Accessed May 16, 2017. jhd
   ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Charles Cawley. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. Medieval Lands Database. Kings of Italy.,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2....
   ↑ 8.0 8.1 Charles Cawley. Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medieval Lands Database. Entry for Cunigunde. Accessed May 16, 2017. jhd
   ↑ Ben M. Angel's summary of the options regarding Kunigunde's father, possibly cited by Cawley, FMG 

See also:

   Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4); Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4) 

About Cunigundis (Français)

anglais plus bas...

Cunégonde (Cunigunde) (June 19, 835). Her origin is not known, but Settipani suggests that she might have been a daughter of Heribert of Toulouse. If so, this accounts for the introduction of the name Héribert into the Carolingian royal family. Settipani's theory is part of a more extensive reconstruction whereby Héribert might have been a son of Guillaume de Gellone and Cunégonde. If so, this Cunégonde was named for her father's mother.

Alternative reconstructions suggest that Héribert had a wife named Cunégonde, perhaps a daughter of Maurin of Spoleto.

Ben M. Angel's summary:

Parents, two options:

  • Option 1: Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. (Proposed by Christian Settipani, supported by FMG and French Wikipedia)
  • Option 2: Adelgis, count of Parma, and his unknown wife. (Supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis) Correction: Weis, 7th edition (1999) at Line 50-15 says only "Cunigunde, d. ca. 835". No parents claimed. Another Cunégonde, wife of Poppo von Grapfeld is also claimed as a daughter of Adelgis.


  • Bernardo I, re d'Italia (798-817)


  • Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG)

Basic information and justifications:

Birth: Before 800 FMG, 797 cited without source in contributing GEDCOM files (apparently based on her being the same age as her husband, Bernard). Location unknown, Bohain-en-Vermandois has been suggested, and English and Italian Wikipedia suggest that she is from Laon.

Marriage: 813, supported by FMG and Wikipedia, likely around the same time as the confirmation of Bernard as King of Italy in Aachen.

Death: after 15 June 835 (date of an act of the monastery of San Alessandro naming her as still alive, cited by Settipani).

Burial: Unknown.

Occupation: Queen of Italy, 813-817.

Name: English Wikipedia names her as Cunigunda of Laon (Italian Wikipedia as Cunegonda di Laon, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien"). FMG cites the Latin variant of Cunigundis.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Carolingian Nobility (covering speculation on her birth family):

[HERIBERT ([780/85]-after 843).

  • The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" when recording that he was sent to suppress the rebellion of "Hodo consobrinus illius", the latter surrendering and being exiled[389].
  • "Willelmus…comes" names "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[390], it being possible that "Helimbruch" refers to Heribert and is not a separate person.
  • His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his having been adult in 809 when he was probably recorded in Spain (see below).
  • It is not entirely clear that Heribert was the full brother of Bernard. In the Manual of Dhuoda (written in 843), Doda reminds her son that, when a member of his family dies, he should add the deceased's name to the list of family members for whom prayers should be said. She adds at the end of the paragraph a reminder that he should do the same in respect of "domno Ariberto avunculo tuo"[391]. There are three possible explanations for this special position accorded to Heribert in the text. The obvious case is that Heribert, because of his disgrace and mutilation, was considered to have forfeited his rights to the respect generally accorded to deceased family members, Doda thinking it worthwhile to remind her son that this was not the appropriate way to treat his uncle. The second possibility is that he was not so obviously a "family member" as the other named individuals, either because he was illegitimate or because he was a uterine half-brother of Bernard. The third possibility, although this appears less likely, is that Heribert was Bernard's brother-in-law, bearing in mind the strict meaning of the word avunculus as maternal uncle. However, the Manual refers only to the need to pray for the family of Bernard's father, in which case it would seem odd for the text to single out Heribert from all other maternal relatives if he was related to Bernard through his mother.
  • The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertum" was awarded Tortosa after its capture [in 809][392], which it is assumed refers to Heribert son of Duke Guillaume as no other contemporary with this name has so far been identified. If this is correct, Heribert must have been one of his father's older children, certainly older than Bernard assuming that the latter's birth date is correctly estimated to [795].
  • The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heriberto" as missus of King Louis I [in 812][393].
  • Nithard names "Herbert" brother of Bernard Duke of Septimania, when recording that he was captured, blinded and imprisoned in Italy in [Apr 830] when his brother was banished by the sons of Emperor Louis I[394]. The Annales Bertiniani record the capture and blinding of "Herebertum fratrem Bernardi" in 830[395]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertus Bernhardi frater" was blinded [in 830] and exiled with "Hodo consobrinus illius"[396]. The previous passage in the Vita records that Orléans was confiscated from Eudes Comte d'Orléans.
  • It is possible that he was the same person as "Hodo", although the precise nature of the relationship between him and Heribert has not been established.

m ---. The name of Heribert's wife is not known.]

a) [CUNIGUNDIS (-after 15 Jun 835).

  • Settipani suggests[397] that Cunigundis, wife of Bernard I King of Italy, was the daughter of Heribert in order to explain the transmission of his name into the family. This is highly speculative.
  • It would also mean that Heribert was older than suggested above, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815].

m ([813]%29 BERNARD I King of Italy, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress Chrothais ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).]


  • [389] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 45, MGH SS II, p. 633.
  • [390] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
  • [391] Manuel de Dhuoda LXXII, p. 238.
  • [392] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 16, MGH SS II, p. 615.
  • [393] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 17, MGH SS II, p. 615.
  • [394] Nithard I.3, p. 131.
  • [395] Annales Bertiniani I 830.
  • [396] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 44 and 45, MGH SS II, p. 633.
  • [397] Settipani (1993), p. 213.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Italy Kings (covering her married family):,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2...

BERNARD, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress --- ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).

  • Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[635].
  • Bernard is named only son of Pippin by Einhard[636].
  • Regino names "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ" when recording his death in 818[637].
  • Settipani cites a litany of St Gallen which lists Bernard among Carolingians of illegitimate birth[638].
  • He was brought up at Kloster Fulda. His paternal grandfather sent him back to Italy in autumn 812, granting him the title "rex Langobardorum" in Apr 813. Einhard's Annales that "Walanem filium Bernhardi patruelis sui" was sent to Italy in 812 as guardian for "Bernhardum filium Pippin nepotem suum [Karoli imperatoris]"[639].
  • He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy, as vassal of the emperor, ruling under the regency of Adalhard abbé de Corbie[640].
  • Although he swore allegiance to his uncle Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" on the latter's accession in 814, the emperor passed the Ordinatio Imperii in Jul 817 which failed to mention Bernard's royal status, effectively depriving him of any role in government and of his royal title.
  • Bernard rebelled unsuccessfully in Dec 817. He was tricked into returning to France to ask for the emperor's forgiveness at Chalon-sur-Saône, but was taken to Aix-la-Chapelle where he was sentenced to death.
  • The Annales Xantenses record that "Bernhardus rex Langobardorum" was blinded in 818[641]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina" was blinded and died on the third day which followed this[642]. After his death, Italy was once more placed under the direct rule of the emperor[643].

m ([813]) CUNIGUNDIS, daughter of --- (-after 15 Jun 835).

  • Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her[644].
  • The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests[645] that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815].

King Bernard & his wife had one son:

1. PEPIN ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834.


  • [635] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
  • [636] Einhard 19, p. 454.
  • [637] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
  • [638] Settipani, p. 211 footnote 142, which does not give the citation for the source.
  • [639] Einhardi Annales 812, MGH SS, p. 199.
  • [640] RFA 812 and 813, p. 95.
  • [641] Annales Xantenses 817, MGH SS II, p. 224.
  • [642] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22 and 23, MGH SS II, p. 596.
  • [643] Settipani (1993), pp. 212-3.
  • [644] Settipani (1993), p. 213, citing Werner, K. F. 'Hludowicus Augustus: gouverner l'empire Chrétien - idées et réalités', Charlemagne's heir (1990), p. 32 footnote 103.
  • [645] Settipani (1993), p. 213. According to Rösch (1977), p. 74, the origin of Cunigundis is unknown.
  • [646] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567.
  • [647] Rösch (1977), p. 86.
  1. ID: I28891
  2. Name: Cunigunde of Italy
  3. Given Name: Cunigunde
  4. Suffix: of Italy
  5. Prefix: Queen
  6. Sex: F
  7. Birth: ABT 0797 in France
  8. Death: ABT 0835
  9. Ancestral File #: 9G83-5C
  10. _UID: 30348172DDBDD611BF694445535400003064 1
  11. Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00

Marriage 1 Bernard of Italy b: 0797 in of Vermandois, Austrasia


  1. Has Children Pepin Quentin II of Vermandois b: ABT 0818 in of Vermandois, Neustria


  1. Title: #719 

Forrás / Source, Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Kunigunda/Cunegonde:

Kunigunda Cunegonde

  • F, #635
  • Last Edited=18 Sep 2002

Kunigunda Cunegonde married Bernard, King of Italy, son of Pepin I, King of the Langobardians and Bertha de Toulouse, in 813.

Child of Kunigunda Cunegonde and Bernard, King of Italy

-1. Pepin II, Seigneur de Peronne+ b. 817, d. 840

(No sources cited)

According to the French Wikipedia page on her husband, Bernard d'Italie:

Vers 813, il avait épousé une certaine Cunégonde. La filiation de cette dernière n'est pas connue, mais son nom a été rapproché de Cunégonde, l'épouse de Guillaume de Gellone, et mère d'un Héribert, prénom qui apparaît ensuite dans la descendance de Bernard. Chronologiquement l'épouse de Bernard serait plutôt fille d'Héribert et petite-fille de Guillaume de Gellone et de Cunégonde.

Bernard et Cunégonde ont :

Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, vivant en 840.

Sources et références

1. ↑ Bernard d'Italie sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.


In English:

Around 813 (age 14) he married a certain Cunegonde, The parentage of this woman is not known, but her name has been likened to Cunegonde, wife of St. William de Gellone and mother of Herbert, the first name that appears in the progeny of Bernard. Chronologically, the wife of Bernard would provide the name for the daughter of Herbert and the granddaughter of William Gellone and Cunegonde.

Bernard and Cunegonde were parents of Pepin, Comte of Peronne, north of the Seine, who was alive in 840.

Sources and references:

1. Bernard of Italy on the site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Extracts from the Dictionary Bouillet. (Passage indicating that the material contained may not be in compliance with Wikipedia's rules of neutrality.)

Cunigunda of Laon

Cunigunde is the mother, not step mother, of  of Pepin, Count of Vermandois. 

Cunégonde (Cunigunde) (June 19, 835). Her origin is not known, but Settipani suggests that she might have been a daughter of Heribert of Toulouse. If so, this accounts for the introduction of the name Héribert into the Carolingian royal family. Settipani's theory is part of a more extensive reconstruction whereby Héribert might have been a son of Guillaume de Gellone and Cunégonde. If so, this Cunégonde was named for her father's mother.

Alternative reconstructions suggest that Héribert had a wife named Cunégonde, perhaps a daughter of Maurin of Spoleto.

Ben M. Angel's summary:

Parents, two options:

Option 1: Heribert (780/785 - after 843, speculated as son of William of Gellone) and Heribert's unknown wife. (Proposed by Christian Settipani, supported by FMG and French Wikipedia) Option 2: Adelgis, count of Parma, and his unknown wife. (Supported by "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition", by Frederick Lewis Weis) Correction: Weis, 7th edition (1999) at Line 50-15 says only "Cunigunde, d. ca. 835". No parents claimed. Another Cunégonde, wife of Poppo von Grapfeld is also claimed as a daughter of Adelgis. Spouse:

Bernardo I, re d'Italia (798-817) Child:

Pepin I de Vermandois, Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin and Comte near Paris (Title given by Rösch, S. in his work "Caroli Magni Progenies", cited in FMG) Basic information and justifications:

Birth: Before 800 FMG, 797 cited without source in contributing GEDCOM files (apparently based on her being the same age as her husband, Bernard). Location unknown, Bohain-en-Vermandois has been suggested, and English and Italian Wikipedia suggest that she is from Laon.

Marriage: 813, supported by FMG and Wikipedia, likely around the same time as the confirmation of Bernard as King of Italy in Aachen.

Death: after 15 June 835 (date of an act of the monastery of San Alessandro naming her as still alive, cited by Settipani).

Burial: Unknown.

Occupation: Queen of Italy, 813-817.

Name: English Wikipedia names her as Cunigunda of Laon (Italian Wikipedia as Cunegonda di Laon, possible source being Jorge Jarnut, "Kaiser Ludwig der Fromme und Koenig Bernhard von Italien"). FMG cites the Latin variant of Cunigundis.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Carolingian Nobility (covering speculation on her birth family):

[HERIBERT ([780/85]-after 843).

The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heribertus, Bernhardi frater" when recording that he was sent to suppress the rebellion of "Hodo consobrinus illius", the latter surrendering and being exiled[389]. "Willelmus…comes" names "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[390], it being possible that "Helimbruch" refers to Heribert and is not a separate person. His birth date range is estimated on the basis of his having been adult in 809 when he was probably recorded in Spain (see below). It is not entirely clear that Heribert was the full brother of Bernard. In the Manual of Dhuoda (written in 843), Doda reminds her son that, when a member of his family dies, he should add the deceased's name to the list of family members for whom prayers should be said. She adds at the end of the paragraph a reminder that he should do the same in respect of "domno Ariberto avunculo tuo"[391]. There are three possible explanations for this special position accorded to Heribert in the text. The obvious case is that Heribert, because of his disgrace and mutilation, was considered to have forfeited his rights to the respect generally accorded to deceased family members, Doda thinking it worthwhile to remind her son that this was not the appropriate way to treat his uncle. The second possibility is that he was not so obviously a "family member" as the other named individuals, either because he was illegitimate or because he was a uterine half-brother of Bernard. The third possibility, although this appears less likely, is that Heribert was Bernard's brother-in-law, bearing in mind the strict meaning of the word avunculus as maternal uncle. However, the Manual refers only to the need to pray for the family of Bernard's father, in which case it would seem odd for the text to single out Heribert from all other maternal relatives if he was related to Bernard through his mother. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertum" was awarded Tortosa after its capture [in 809][392], which it is assumed refers to Heribert son of Duke Guillaume as no other contemporary with this name has so far been identified. If this is correct, Heribert must have been one of his father's older children, certainly older than Bernard assuming that the latter's birth date is correctly estimated to [795]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Heriberto" as missus of King Louis I [in 812][393]. Nithard names "Herbert" brother of Bernard Duke of Septimania, when recording that he was captured, blinded and imprisoned in Italy in [Apr 830] when his brother was banished by the sons of Emperor Louis I[394]. The Annales Bertiniani record the capture and blinding of "Herebertum fratrem Bernardi" in 830[395]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Heribertus Bernhardi frater" was blinded [in 830] and exiled with "Hodo consobrinus illius"[396]. The previous passage in the Vita records that Orléans was confiscated from Eudes Comte d'Orléans. It is possible that he was the same person as "Hodo", although the precise nature of the relationship between him and Heribert has not been established. m ---. The name of Heribert's wife is not known.]

a) [CUNIGUNDIS (-after 15 Jun 835).

Settipani suggests[397] that Cunigundis, wife of Bernard I King of Italy, was the daughter of Heribert in order to explain the transmission of his name into the family. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Heribert was older than suggested above, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. m ([813]%29 BERNARD I King of Italy, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress Chrothais ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).]


[389] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 45, MGH SS II, p. 633. [390] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179. [391] Manuel de Dhuoda LXXII, p. 238. [392] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 16, MGH SS II, p. 615. [393] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 17, MGH SS II, p. 615. [394] Nithard I.3, p. 131. [395] Annales Bertiniani I 830. [396] Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 44 and 45, MGH SS II, p. 633. [397] Settipani (1993), p. 213.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands page on Italy Kings (covering her married family):,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#_Toc2...

BERNARD, illegitimate son of PEPIN I King of Italy & his mistress --- ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).

Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[635]. Bernard is named only son of Pippin by Einhard[636]. Regino names "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ" when recording his death in 818[637]. Settipani cites a litany of St Gallen which lists Bernard among Carolingians of illegitimate birth[638]. He was brought up at Kloster Fulda. His paternal grandfather sent him back to Italy in autumn 812, granting him the title "rex Langobardorum" in Apr 813. Einhard's Annales that "Walanem filium Bernhardi patruelis sui" was sent to Italy in 812 as guardian for "Bernhardum filium Pippin nepotem suum [Karoli imperatoris]"[639]. He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy, as vassal of the emperor, ruling under the regency of Adalhard abbé de Corbie[640]. Although he swore allegiance to his uncle Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" on the latter's accession in 814, the emperor passed the Ordinatio Imperii in Jul 817 which failed to mention Bernard's royal status, effectively depriving him of any role in government and of his royal title. Bernard rebelled unsuccessfully in Dec 817. He was tricked into returning to France to ask for the emperor's forgiveness at Chalon-sur-Saône, but was taken to Aix-la-Chapelle where he was sentenced to death. The Annales Xantenses record that "Bernhardus rex Langobardorum" was blinded in 818[641]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina" was blinded and died on the third day which followed this[642]. After his death, Italy was once more placed under the direct rule of the emperor[643]. m ([813]) CUNIGUNDIS, daughter of --- (-after 15 Jun 835).

Settipani refers to an act of the monastery of San Alessandro, Parma dated 15 Jun 835 which names her[644]. The origin of Cunigundis is not known. Settipani suggests[645] that she was Cunigundis, daughter of Héribert, relative of St Guillaume Comte de Toulouse in order to explain the transmission of the name Héribert into the family of Bernard King of Italy. This is highly speculative. It would also mean that Héribert was older than suggested in the document CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY, as it is unlikely that Cunigundis was born later than 800 assuming that the birth date of her son is correctly estimated at [815]. King Bernard & his wife had one son:

1. PEPIN ([815]-after 850). Regino names "Pippinum" son of "Bernhardus filius Pippin rex Italiæ"[646]. Seigneur de Péronne et de Saint Quentin[647]. Comte near Paris after 834.


[635] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596. [636] Einhard 19, p. 454. [637] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [638] Settipani, p. 211 footnote 142, which does not give the citation for the source. [639] Einhardi Annales 812, MGH SS, p. 199. [640] RFA 812 and 813, p. 95. [641] Annales Xantenses 817, MGH SS II, p. 224. [642] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22 and 23, MGH SS II, p. 596. [643] Settipani (1993), pp. 212-3. [644] Settipani (1993), p. 213, citing Werner, K. F. 'Hludowicus Augustus: gouverner l'empire Chrétien - idées et réalités', Charlemagne's heir (1990), p. 32 footnote 103. [645] Settipani (1993), p. 213. According to Rösch (1977), p. 74, the origin of Cunigundis is unknown. [646] Reginonis Chronicon 818, MGH SS I, p. 567. [647] Rösch (1977), p. 86.

ID: I28891 Name: Cunigunde of Italy Given Name: Cunigunde Suffix: of Italy Prefix: Queen Sex: F Birth: ABT 0797 in France Death: ABT 0835 Ancestral File #: 9G83-5C _UID: 30348172DDBDD611BF694445535400003064 1 Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00 Marriage 1 Bernard of Italy b: 0797 in of Vermandois, Austrasia


1. Has Children Pepin Quentin II of Vermandois b: ABT 0818 in of Vermandois, Neustria Sources:

1. Title: #719

Forrás / Source, Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Kunigunda/Cunegonde:

Kunigunda Cunegonde

F, #635 Last Edited=18 Sep 2002 Kunigunda Cunegonde married Bernard, King of Italy, son of Pepin I, King of the Langobardians and Bertha de Toulouse, in 813.

Child of Kunigunda Cunegonde and Bernard, King of Italy

-1. Pepin II, Seigneur de Peronne+ b. 817, d. 840

(No sources cited)

According to the French Wikipedia page on her husband, Bernard d'Italie:

Vers 813, il avait épousé une certaine Cunégonde. La filiation de cette dernière n'est pas connue, mais son nom a été rapproché de Cunégonde, l'épouse de Guillaume de Gellone, et mère d'un Héribert, prénom qui apparaît ensuite dans la descendance de Bernard. Chronologiquement l'épouse de Bernard serait plutôt fille d'Héribert et petite-fille de Guillaume de Gellone et de Cunégonde.

Bernard et Cunégonde ont :

Pépin, comte dit de Péronne, au Nord de la Seine, vivant en 840.

Sources et références

1. ↑ Bernard d'Italie sur le site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy

2. Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.


In English:

Around 813 (age 14) he married a certain Cunegonde, The parentage of this woman is not known, but her name has been likened to Cunegonde, wife of St. William de Gellone and mother of Herbert, the first name that appears in the progeny of Bernard. Chronologically, the wife of Bernard would provide the name for the daughter of Herbert and the granddaughter of William Gellone and Cunegonde.

Bernard and Cunegonde were parents of Pepin, Comte of Peronne, north of the Seine, who was alive in 840.

Sources and references:

1. Bernard of Italy on the site Foundation for Medieval Genealogy,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#Berna... 2. Christian Settipani, The Prehistory of the Capetians (New genealogical history of the Augustus house of France, Vol. 1), edited by Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)

3. Extracts from the Dictionary Bouillet. (Passage indicating that the material contained may not be in compliance with Wikipedia's rules of neutrality.)'histoire_et_de_g%C3%A9ographie_Bouillet_Chassang

Cunigunda of Laon

Cunigunde is the mother, not step mother, of of Pepin, Count of Vermandois. read more

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Cunigundis's Timeline

Bohain-en-Vermandois, Aisne, Picardy, France
Vermandois, Picardy, France
June 15, 835
Age 40
Milano, Lombardy, Italy