Countess Adelheid von Loccum-Hallermund

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Countess Adelheid von Loccum-Hallermund

Norwegian: grevinne Adelheid von Loccum-Hallermund
Also Known As: "Gräfin von Käfernburg und Hallermund"
Birthplace: Loccum, Hannover, Preussen
Death: 1189 (36-45)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Count Wulbrand I von Loccum-Hallermund and Beatrix von Hallermund
Wife of Graf Konrad von Wassel, II and Günther Il, count of Käfernburg-Schwarzburg und Hallermund
Mother of Countess Adelheid von Wassel; Count Ludolf II of Hallermund and Wilbrand of Magdeburg, Archbishop
Sister of Countess Beatrix von Oldenburg Bruchhausen; NN von Loccum and Anheild van Schwarzburg

Occupation: Countess of Hallermund, Erbin der Grafschaft Hallermund
Managed by: Private User
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About Countess Adelheid von Loccum-Hallermund

Adelheid von Loccum, f. ca. 1175, død 27.10.1244. Grevinde af Käfernburg og Hallermund og af Wassel. Gift m.: Konrad II von Wassel, Greve af Wassel. Død 27.9.1175/24.7.1178. Gift m.

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