Immediate Family
About Count of Vexin et d'Amiens Gautier II "le Blanc" de Mantes, comte d'Amiens et du Vexin, de Valois, de Mantes
Gautier II "le Blanc" du Vexin, comte d'Amiens et du Vexin, de Valois, de Mantes
- Son of Gautier I, comte du Vexin and Adele d'Anjou, Comtesse d'Amiens
GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc", son of GAUTHIER [I] Comte d'Amiens & his [first/second] wife [Eva---/Adela ---] (-after 1017).
"Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[17]. A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[18]. Comte de Mantes. "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[19]. Comte d'Amiens et du Vexin.
m ADELA, daughter of ---. "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[20].
Comte Gauthier [II] & his wife had four children:
1. RAOUL de Mantes (-1060). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[21]. Comte de Valois et d'Amiens. - COMTES de VALOIS.
2. DREUX [Drogo] de Mantes (-[13 Aug] [1035]). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[22]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Mantes. Comte d'Amboise. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[23]. He accompanied Robert II Duke of Normandy to Jerusalem and died on the journey[24]. According to Orderic Vitalis, Henri I King of France took back the Vexin after the death of Comte Drogo[25]. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Drogo comes"[26]. m ([1025 or before]) as her first husband, GODGIFU [Goda] of England, daughter of ÆTHELRED II "the Unready" King of England & his second wife Emma de Normandie (-before 1049). Her parentage is stated by Orderic Vitalis, who says that Godgifu went into exile in Normandy with her brother[27] in 1013. According to Orderic Vitalis, her first marriage was arranged by Robert II Duke of Normandy[28], indicating that she probably did not return to England. This information is suspect, assuming that the charter of "Robertus Rex", which names "Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis", is correctly dated to 1025 as Duke Robert did not succeed as duke until 1027[29]. Another possibility is that Drogo's children at that date were born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage. There is no indication of the birth dates of his known children shown below, but the fact that none of them was given a typically Anglo-Saxon name also suggests that Godgifu may not have been the mother of all of them (although she is attested as mother of the son Raoul, see below). "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[30]. Godgifu married secondly ([1036]%29 as his first wife, Eustache [II] Comte de Boulogne . Her second marriage is referred to by Florence of Worcester[31]. ...
3. FOULQUES de Mantes . "Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis" are named in a charter of "Robertus Rex" dated 1030[44]. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[45].
4. daughter . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the mother of "Waleranni comitis [Mellentini]" as daughter of "Gauterus Albus de Albamarla"[46]. Yves de Chartres names "Gualterius Albus" as father of "matrem Gualeranni comitis"[47]. m HUGUES Comte de Meulan, son of GALERAN [II] Comte de Meulan & his wife --- (-after 25 Aug 1005).
Unattributed basic information on Gautier II "the White" (at least it has sources):
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens[1],[2],[3],[4]
b. circa 944,
d. 1027
Father Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens[5]
b. circa 925,
d. between 992 and 998
Mother Adèle d'Anjou[5]
b. circa 924
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens was born circa 944 at Vexin, Normandy, France. He was the son of Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens and Adèle d'Anjou.[5]
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens married Adèle de Senlis before 974.
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens died in 1027.
Adèle de Senlis
b. circa 944
1. Dreux, comte d'Amiens+ b. c 974, d. 1035
2. Raoul II de Vexin+ b. a 974, d. 1040
3. N. N. de Vexin+ b. a 974
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 37-35, 268-35.
2. [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 250-19.
3. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 268-35.
4. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 185-35.
5. [S1073] Bernard S. Bachrach, Bachrach, pg. 264.
From French Wikipedia:
Gautier (Walthar) II de Vexin, dit le Blanc, mort entre 1017 et 1024, fut comte de Vexin, de Mantes, d'Amiens et de Valois. Il était fils de Gautier Ier, comte de Vexin, d'Amiens et de Valois, et d'Adèle, probablement d'Anjou.
Comte de Vexin, de Valois et d'Amiens
Vers 1006, il exempte les abbayes de Jumièges et de Sainte-Wandrille, ce qui montre de bonnes relations avec le duché de Normandie et l'évêché de Rouen. Il négocia également le mariage de son fils avec la sœur du roi d'Angleterre, réfugié à la cour de Normandie en 1013.
Il meurt entre 1017 et 1024, à une époque où le roi Robert II de France et Eudes II, comte de Blois, de Troyes et comte de Meaux se brouillent, ce qui a pu orienter le partage entre ses deux fils : Amiens et le Vexin pour Dreux, qui reste fidèle au Capétien, et le Valois pour Raoul, qui se rapproche du Champenois.
Il avait épousé vers 980 une Adèle, dont on ne sait rien, et fut le père de :
1. Oda, mariée à Hugues Ier, comte de Meulan
2. Dreux († 1035), comte d'Amiens et de Vexin
3. Foulques Ier (v. 995 † 1030), évêque d'Amiens
4. Raoul III, († 1038), comte de Valois
5. Guy
Comte du Gâtinais ?
Gautier le blanc avait un frère nommé Geoffroy, cité en 987, qui est identifié à Geoffroy Ier, comte du Gâtinais. Ce Geoffroy meurt vers 992-7, laissant un fils en bas âge. Le Gâtinais est alors tenu par un comte dont on ignore le nom complet, le document le mentionnant en 997 indiquant un nom commençant par Wal... Ce comte est identifié à Gautier II le Blanc, qui aurait été ainsi également comte du Gâtinais. Après lui, le Gâtinais est tenu par Aubry le Tors, fils de Geoffroy, cité pour la première fois en 1006.
Précédé par Gautier II de Vexin Suivi par
Gautier Ier comte de Vexin et d'Amiens Dreux
avant 998-après 1017
comte de Valois
avant 998-après 1017 Raoul III
Geoffroy Ier comte du Gâtinais (?)
992/7 - avant 1006 Aubry le tors
(fr) Pierre Bauduin, La première Normandie (Xe-XIe siècles), Presses Universitaires de Caen, Caen, 2004, 474 p. (ISBN 2-84133-145-8) [d%C3%A9tail des éditions]
(fr) Édouard de Saint Phalle, « Les comtes de Gâtinais aux Xe et XIe siècle », dans Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Prosopographica et genealogica, Oxford, 2000, 310 p. (ISBN 1-900934-01-9), p. 230-246
In English:
Gautier (Walthar) II of Vexin, nicknamed "The White", died between 1017 and 1024. He was the Comte de Vexin, de Mantes, d'Amiens, et de Valois. He was the son of Gautier I, Comte de Vexin, de Valois, et d'Amiens, and his wife Adele, probably d'Anjou.
Count of Vexin, Valois, and Amiens
To 1006, he exempted the abbeys of St. Jumieges and Wandrille, which showed good relations with the Duchy of Normandy and the Bishopric of Rouen. He also negotiated the marriage of his son to the sister of the King of England, who had taken refuge with the Court of Normandy in 1013.
He died between 1017 and 1024, at a time when King Robert II of France and Eudes II, Comte de Blois, de Troyes, and the Comte de Meaux seemed to blur. The two count titles could have guided the divisions between his two sons: Amiens and Vexin for Dreux, who remained faithful to the Capetians, and Valois for Raoul, who was close to the Champagne.
He was married in 980 to Adele, of whom we know nothing, and he was the father of:
1. Oda, who married Hugh I, Count of Meulan
2. Dreux (d. 1035), Comte de Amiens et Vexin
3. Fulk I (c. 995-1030), Bishop of Amiens
4. Raoul III (d. 1038) Comte de Valois
5. Guy
Comte de Gatinais?
Gautier the White had a brother named Geoffrey, cited in 987, who is identified as Geoffrey I, Comte Gatinais. This Geoffrey died about 992-997, leaving an infant son. The Gatinais was then held by a count of unknown name; a document from 997 indicated a name beginning with Wal... This count is identified as Walter II the White, who was also the Comte de Gatinais. After him, the Gatinais is given to Aubry le Tors, son of Geoffrey, mentioned for the first time in 1006.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page for Northern France Nobility:
GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc", son of GAUTHIER [I] Comte d'Amiens & his [first/second] wife [Eva---/Adela ---] (-after 1017).
"Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[17].
A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[18].
Comte de Mantes.
"Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[19].
Comte d'Amiens et du Vexin.
m ADELA, daughter of ---.
"Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[20].
Comte Gauthier [II] & his wife had four children:
1. RAOUL de Mantes (-1060).
"Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[21].
Comte de Valois et d'Amiens.
2. DREUX [Drogo] de Mantes (-[13 Aug] [1035]). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[22]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Mantes. Comte d'Amboise. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[23]. He accompanied Robert II Duke of Normandy to Jerusalem and died on the journey[24]. According to Orderic Vitalis, Henri I King of France took back the Vexin after the death of Comte Drogo[25]. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Drogo comes"[26].
m ([1025 or before]) as her first husband, GODGIFU [Goda] of England, daughter of ÆTHELRED II "the Unready" King of England & his second wife Emma de Normandie (-before 1049). Her parentage is stated by Orderic Vitalis, who says that Godgifu went into exile in Normandy with her brother[27] in 1013. According to Orderic Vitalis, her first marriage was arranged by Robert II Duke of Normandy[28], indicating that she probably did not return to England. This information is suspect, assuming that the charter of "Robertus Rex", which names "Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis", is correctly dated to 1025 as Duke Robert did not succeed as duke until 1027[29]. Another possibility is that Drogo's children at that date were born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage. There is no indication of the birth dates of his known children shown below, but the fact that none of them was given a typically Anglo-Saxon name also suggests that Godgifu may not have been the mother of all of them (although she is attested as mother of the son Raoul, see below). "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[30].
Godgifu married secondly ([1036]%29 as his first wife, Eustache [II] Comte de Boulogne. Her second marriage is referred to by Florence of Worcester[31].
Comte Drogo & his wife had three children:.
3. FOULQUES de Mantes .
"Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis" are named in a charter of "Robertus Rex" dated 1030[44]. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[45].
4. daughter .
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the mother of "Waleranni comitis [Mellentini]" as daughter of "Gauterus Albus de Albamarla"[46]. Yves de Chartres names "Gualterius Albus" as father of "matrem Gualeranni comitis"[47].
m HUGUES Comte de Meulan, son of GALERAN [II] Comte de Meulan & his wife --- (-after 25 Aug 1005).
[17] Sainte-Croix d'Orléans LXIII, p. 123.
[18] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
[19] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[20] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[21] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[22] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[23] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLVI, p. 173.
[24] Chibnall, M. (ed. and trans.) The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis (Oxford Medieval Texts, 1969-80), Vol. II, Book III, p. 117, and Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[25] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[26] 'Obits mémorables tirés de nécrologes luxembourgeois, rémois et messins', Revue Mabillon VI (1910-1911), p. 274.
[27] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[28] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[29] RHGF X, L, p. 622.
[30] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLVI, p. 173.
[31] Florence of Worcester, 1051, p. 150.
[44] RHGF X, L, p. 622.
[45] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLVI, p. 173.
[46] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793.
[47] Yves de Chartres, Epistola 45, Patrologia Latina, Tome 162, col. 57.
GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc", son of GAUTHIER [I] Comte d'Amiens & his [first/second] wife [Eva---/Adela ---] (-after 1017).
"Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[17]. A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[18]. Comte de Mantes. "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[19]. Comte d'Amiens et du Vexin.
m ADELA, daughter of ---. "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[20].
Comte Gauthier [II] & his wife had four children:
1. RAOUL de Mantes (-1060). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[21]. Comte de Valois et d'Amiens. - COMTES de VALOIS.
2. DREUX [Drogo] de Mantes (-[13 Aug] [1035]). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[22]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Mantes. Comte d'Amboise. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[23]. He accompanied Robert II Duke of Normandy to Jerusalem and died on the journey[24]. According to Orderic Vitalis, Henri I King of France took back the Vexin after the death of Comte Drogo[25]. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Drogo comes"[26]. m ([1025 or before]) as her first husband, GODGIFU [Goda] of England, daughter of ÆTHELRED II "the Unready" King of England & his second wife Emma de Normandie (-before 1049). Her parentage is stated by Orderic Vitalis, who says that Godgifu went into exile in Normandy with her brother[27] in 1013. According to Orderic Vitalis, her first marriage was arranged by Robert II Duke of Normandy[28], indicating that she probably did not return to England. This information is suspect, assuming that the charter of "Robertus Rex", which names "Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis", is correctly dated to 1025 as Duke Robert did not succeed as duke until 1027[29]. Another possibility is that Drogo's children at that date were born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage. There is no indication of the birth dates of his known children shown below, but the fact that none of them was given a typically Anglo-Saxon name also suggests that Godgifu may not have been the mother of all of them (although she is attested as mother of the son Raoul, see below). "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[30]. Godgifu married secondly ([1036]%29 as his first wife, Eustache [II] Comte de Boulogne . Her second marriage is referred to by Florence of Worcester[31]. ...
3. FOULQUES de Mantes . "Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis" are named in a charter of "Robertus Rex" dated 1030[44]. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[45].
4. daughter . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the mother of "Waleranni comitis [Mellentini]" as daughter of "Gauterus Albus de Albamarla"[46]. Yves de Chartres names "Gualterius Albus" as father of "matrem Gualeranni comitis"[47]. m HUGUES Comte de Meulan, son of GALERAN [II] Comte de Meulan & his wife --- (-after 25 Aug 1005).
Unattributed basic information on Gautier II "the White" (at least it has sources):
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens[1],[2],[3],[4]
b. circa 944,
d. 1027
Father Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens[5]
b. circa 925,
d. between 992 and 998
Mother Adèle d'Anjou[5]
b. circa 924
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens was born circa 944 at Vexin, Normandy, France. He was the son of Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens and Adèle d'Anjou.[5]
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens married Adèle de Senlis before 974.
Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens died in 1027.
Adèle de Senlis
b. circa 944
1. Dreux, comte d'Amiens+ b. c 974, d. 1035
2. Raoul II de Vexin+ b. a 974, d. 1040
3. N. N. de Vexin+ b. a 974
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 37-35, 268-35.
2. [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 250-19.
3. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 268-35.
4. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 185-35.
5. [S1073] Bernard S. Bachrach, Bachrach, pg. 264.
From French Wikipedia:
Gautier (Walthar) II de Vexin, dit le Blanc, mort entre 1017 et 1024, fut comte de Vexin, de Mantes, d'Amiens et de Valois. Il était fils de Gautier Ier, comte de Vexin, d'Amiens et de Valois, et d'Adèle, probablement d'Anjou.
Comte de Vexin, de Valois et d'Amiens
Vers 1006, il exempte les abbayes de Jumièges et de Sainte-Wandrille, ce qui montre de bonnes relations avec le duché de Normandie et l'évêché de Rouen. Il négocia également le mariage de son fils avec la sœur du roi d'Angleterre, réfugié à la cour de Normandie en 1013.
Il meurt entre 1017 et 1024, à une époque où le roi Robert II de France et Eudes II, comte de Blois, de Troyes et comte de Meaux se brouillent, ce qui a pu orienter le partage entre ses deux fils : Amiens et le Vexin pour Dreux, qui reste fidèle au Capétien, et le Valois pour Raoul, qui se rapproche du Champenois.
Il avait épousé vers 980 une Adèle, dont on ne sait rien, et fut le père de :
1. Oda, mariée à Hugues Ier, comte de Meulan
2. Dreux († 1035), comte d'Amiens et de Vexin
3. Foulques Ier (v. 995 † 1030), évêque d'Amiens
4. Raoul III, († 1038), comte de Valois
5. Guy
Comte du Gâtinais ?
Gautier le blanc avait un frère nommé Geoffroy, cité en 987, qui est identifié à Geoffroy Ier, comte du Gâtinais. Ce Geoffroy meurt vers 992-7, laissant un fils en bas âge. Le Gâtinais est alors tenu par un comte dont on ignore le nom complet, le document le mentionnant en 997 indiquant un nom commençant par Wal... Ce comte est identifié à Gautier II le Blanc, qui aurait été ainsi également comte du Gâtinais. Après lui, le Gâtinais est tenu par Aubry le Tors, fils de Geoffroy, cité pour la première fois en 1006.
Précédé par Gautier II de Vexin Suivi par
Gautier Ier comte de Vexin et d'Amiens Dreux
avant 998-après 1017
comte de Valois avant 998-après 1017 Raoul III Geoffroy Ier comte du Gâtinais (?)
992/7 - avant 1006 Aubry le tors Sources
(fr) Pierre Bauduin, La première Normandie (Xe-XIe siècles), Presses Universitaires de Caen, Caen, 2004, 474 p. (ISBN 2-84133-145-8) [d%C3%A9tail des éditions]
(fr) Édouard de Saint Phalle, « Les comtes de Gâtinais aux Xe et XIe siècle », dans Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Prosopographica et genealogica, Oxford, 2000, 310 p. (ISBN 1-900934-01-9), p. 230-246
In English:
Gautier (Walthar) II of Vexin, nicknamed "The White", died between 1017 and 1024. He was the Comte de Vexin, de Mantes, d'Amiens, et de Valois. He was the son of Gautier I, Comte de Vexin, de Valois, et d'Amiens, and his wife Adele, probably d'Anjou.
Count of Vexin, Valois, and Amiens
To 1006, he exempted the abbeys of St. Jumieges and Wandrille, which showed good relations with the Duchy of Normandy and the Bishopric of Rouen. He also negotiated the marriage of his son to the sister of the King of England, who had taken refuge with the Court of Normandy in 1013.
He died between 1017 and 1024, at a time when King Robert II of France and Eudes II, Comte de Blois, de Troyes, and the Comte de Meaux seemed to blur. The two count titles could have guided the divisions between his two sons: Amiens and Vexin for Dreux, who remained faithful to the Capetians, and Valois for Raoul, who was close to the Champagne.
He was married in 980 to Adele, of whom we know nothing, and he was the father of:
1. Oda, who married Hugh I, Count of Meulan
2. Dreux (d. 1035), Comte de Amiens et Vexin
3. Fulk I (c. 995-1030), Bishop of Amiens
4. Raoul III (d. 1038) Comte de Valois
5. Guy
Comte de Gatinais?
Gautier the White had a brother named Geoffrey, cited in 987, who is identified as Geoffrey I, Comte Gatinais. This Geoffrey died about 992-997, leaving an infant son. The Gatinais was then held by a count of unknown name; a document from 997 indicated a name beginning with Wal... This count is identified as Walter II the White, who was also the Comte de Gatinais. After him, the Gatinais is given to Aubry le Tors, son of Geoffrey, mentioned for the first time in 1006.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page for Northern France Nobility:
GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc", son of GAUTHIER [I] Comte d'Amiens & his [first/second] wife [Eva---/Adela ---] (-after 1017).
"Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[17].
A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[18].
Comte de Mantes.
"Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[19].
Comte d'Amiens et du Vexin.
m ADELA, daughter of ---.
"Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[20].
Comte Gauthier [II] & his wife had four children:
1. RAOUL de Mantes (-1060).
"Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[21].
Comte de Valois et d'Amiens.
2. DREUX [Drogo] de Mantes (-[13 Aug] [1035]). "Walterius comes" donated property "prope nostrum castellum…Medanta" to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the soul of "coniugis mee Adelidis filiorumque meorum", by charter to [1006], signed by "Walterii comitis, Rodulfi filii eius, Drogonis filii eius…"[22]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Mantes. Comte d'Amboise. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[23]. He accompanied Robert II Duke of Normandy to Jerusalem and died on the journey[24]. According to Orderic Vitalis, Henri I King of France took back the Vexin after the death of Comte Drogo[25]. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Drogo comes"[26].
m ([1025 or before]) as her first husband, GODGIFU [Goda] of England, daughter of ÆTHELRED II "the Unready" King of England & his second wife Emma de Normandie (-before 1049). Her parentage is stated by Orderic Vitalis, who says that Godgifu went into exile in Normandy with her brother[27] in 1013. According to Orderic Vitalis, her first marriage was arranged by Robert II Duke of Normandy[28], indicating that she probably did not return to England. This information is suspect, assuming that the charter of "Robertus Rex", which names "Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis", is correctly dated to 1025 as Duke Robert did not succeed as duke until 1027[29]. Another possibility is that Drogo's children at that date were born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage. There is no indication of the birth dates of his known children shown below, but the fact that none of them was given a typically Anglo-Saxon name also suggests that Godgifu may not have been the mother of all of them (although she is attested as mother of the son Raoul, see below). "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[30].
Godgifu married secondly ([1036]%29 as his first wife, Eustache [II] Comte de Boulogne. Her second marriage is referred to by Florence of Worcester[31].
Comte Drogo & his wife had three children:.
3. FOULQUES de Mantes .
"Comes Drogo…cum duobus fratribus Fulcone…et Rodulpho necnon uxore cum filiis supra memorati Drogonis" are named in a charter of "Robertus Rex" dated 1030[44]. "Droco comes Ambianensium" donated property to "Sancti Petri Gismoensis" by undated charter, signed by "Droconis comitis, Eotde comitissæ, Falconis fratris comitis, Rodulfi filiii comitis, Gualterii alterius filii…"[45].
4. daughter .
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the mother of "Waleranni comitis [Mellentini]" as daughter of "Gauterus Albus de Albamarla"[46]. Yves de Chartres names "Gualterius Albus" as father of "matrem Gualeranni comitis"[47].
m HUGUES Comte de Meulan, son of GALERAN [II] Comte de Meulan & his wife --- (-after 25 Aug 1005).
[17] Sainte-Croix d'Orléans LXIII, p. 123.
[18] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
[19] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[20] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[21] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[22] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLIII, p. 170.
[23] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLVI, p. 173.
[24] Chibnall, M. (ed. and trans.) The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis (Oxford Medieval Texts, 1969-80), Vol. II, Book III, p. 117, and Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[25] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[26] 'Obits mémorables tirés de nécrologes luxembourgeois, rémois et messins', Revue Mabillon VI (1910-1911), p. 274.
[27] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[28] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. IV, Book VII, p. 77.
[29] RHGF X, L, p. 622.
[30] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLVI, p. 173.
[31] Florence of Worcester, 1051, p. 150.
[44] RHGF X, L, p. 622.
[45] Chartres Saint-Père I, Liber Septimus, Cap. XLVI, p. 173.
[46] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1062, MGH SS XXIII, p. 793.
[47] Yves de Chartres, Epistola 45, Patrologia Latina, Tome 162, col. 57.
Plouigneau is in Brittany, not Normandy
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He built the Castle of Crespy in Valois. He was the founder of Monastery of St. Arunulf, Valois, 1008.
He died between 1017-1024.
Count of Vexin et d'Amiens Gautier II "le Blanc" de Mantes, comte d'Amiens et du Vexin, de Valois, de Mantes's Timeline
940 |
Plouigneau, Normandy, France
970 |
Mellent, Normandy, France
Vexin, Normandy, France
981 |
985 |
Mantes, Normandy, France
1000 |
Mantes (Present Mantes-la-Jolie), Pays de France (Present Region Ile-de-France), France
1027 |
Age 87
1995 |
April 7, 1995
Age 87