Historical records matching Corporal John Jones Schrack, (USA)
Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half sister
half sister
half brother
half brother
half brother
half brother
About Corporal John Jones Schrack, (USA)
raised by his aunt Angeline Bean (Schrack) in Norristown
A few short years later, his estranged father, Lewis May Schrack†† was supporting the (CSA) while John became a Union soldier... similar to his not so distant relative Pvt. David Matheys Bean, (USA) (1847-1884) and David's father Jesse Weber Bean (CSA) (1817-1905)
†† Lewis May Schrack (FAG 88427584)
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013 PA - Montgomery Norristown Episcopal St John´s Episcopal
Name: John Jones Schrack
Baptism Age: 5
Event Type: Baptism
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1845
Baptism Date: 30 Jan 1850
Baptism Place: Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
Denomination: Episcopal
Organization Name: St John's Episcopal
Lewis M Schrack
Name: John J Schrack
Enlistment Age: 20
Birth Date: 5 Jan 1845
Birth Place: Fort Washington ~• (sic), Indian Ter.
Enlistment Date: 7 Mar 1865
Enlistment Rank: Private
Muster Date: 7 Mar 1865
Muster Place: Pennsylvania
Muster Company: K
Muster Regiment: 100th Infantry
Muster Regiment Type: Infantry
Muster Information: Enlisted
Rank Change Date: 10 Jul 1865
Rank Change Rank: Corpl
Muster Out Date: 24 Jul 1865
Muster Out Information: Mustered Out
Side of War: Union
Survived War?: Yes
Residence Place: Lawrence County, Pennsylvania
Death Date: 1886
Death Place: Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
Title: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865; Record of the men of the 100th PA Infantry: James C. Stevenson; Lawrence County Historical Society, New Castle, PA
In late life, at the time of his suicide, he was a book keeper at foundry in Beaver Falls PA and had been an editor at the Columbus Republican The Indianapolis journal - Jan 12 1886 Page 2
His full sister had connections in Lawrence County PA, near Beaver Falls. She ot lived him by many years and died at New Wilmington, only 28 miles north of Beaver Falls.
After the Civil war, John moved briefly to California and lived near his father and his remaining half-siblings. We see him recorded as an accountant for the 1870 US census of Empire, Stanislaus County, only 50-60 miles from his father's ranch. Lewis M. Schrack was a State Legislator, hotel owner, and mining magnate at this time.
Once John left the West, he was in Indiana and finally in PA.
He died single, by his own hand. (see obits attached). He boarded most often with his sister Mer. Louisa Clark (Schrack) , also of Lawrence County.
Both he and his sister are buried in Grove cemetery.
Corporal John Jones Schrack, (USA)'s Timeline
1845 |
January 15, 1845
Fort Washington? or Fort Washita?, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, (out west)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Washita Fort Washita would make more sense Established in 1842 by General (later President) Zachary Taylor to protect citizens of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations from the Plains Indians, it was later abandoned by Federal forces at the beginning of the American Civil War. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/113099340/amil/ (local color)
1850 |
January 30, 1850
Age 5
St John PE church, Norristown, Montgomery County, PA, United States
Name: John Jones Schrack