Historical records matching Claudia Sheinbaum - Presidente de México
Immediate Family
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About Claudia Sheinbaum - Presidente de México
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo is a Mexican politician, scientist, and academic who is serving as the 66th president of Mexico since October 2024, the first female and Jewish person to be elected to the position. A member of the left-wing political party Morena, she previously served as Head of Government of Mexico City – a position equivalent to that of a state governor – from 2018 to 2023.
From 2000 to 2006, Sheinbaum served as Secretary of the Environment under later president Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his tenure as Head of Government. Sheinbaum served as Delegational Chief of the Tlalpan borough from 2015 to 2017 and was elected Head of Government in the 2018 election, where she ran a campaign that emphasized curbing crime and enforcing zoning laws.
A scientist by profession, Sheinbaum received her Ph.D. in energy engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). As an academic, she has authored over 100 articles and two books on energy, the environment, and sustainable development. Sheinbaum contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and in 2018 she was listed as one of BBC's 100 Women.
On 12 June 2023, Sheinbaum resigned from her position as head of government of Mexico City to seek Morena's presidential nomination in the 2024 election. On 6 September, Sheinbaum secured the party's nomination over her nearest rival, former foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard. On 2 June 2024, Sheinbaum won the general election in a landslide.
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo was born to a secular Jewish family in Mexico City. Her paternal Ashkenazi grandparents emigrated from Lithuania to Mexico City in the 1920s, while her maternal Sephardic grandparents emigrated there from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in the early 1940s to escape the Holocaust. She celebrated all the Jewish holidays at her grandparents' homes.
Both of her parents are scientists: her mother, Annie Pardo Cemo, is a biologist and professor emeritus of the Faculty of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and her father, Carlos Sheinbaum Yoselevitz, was a chemical engineer. Her brother Julio is a physicist.
In 1986, Sheinbaum met Carlos Imaz, who later became a prominent political figure in the PRD, during his tenure at Stanford University. They married in 1987 and separated in 2016. They have a daughter, born in 1988. Through the marriage, Sheinbaum became the stepmother to Ímaz's son from a previous marriage, whom she raised.
In 2016, she began dating Jesús María Tarriba Unger, a financial risk analyst for the Bank of Mexico, whom she had known at university. In November 2023, Sheinbaum announced her marriage to Tarriba via social media. (Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Acerca de Claudia Sheinbaum - Presidente de México (Español)
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo (Ciudad de México, 24 de junio de 1962) es una política, científica y académica mexicana; actual presidenta de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos desde el 1 de octubre de 2024, siendo la primera mujer en la historia de su país en ejercer el cargo.
О Claudia Sheinbaum - Presidente de México (русский)
Клаудия Шейнбаум Пардо (исп. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo; род. 24 июня 1962, Мехико) — мексиканский политик, учёный и специалист по охране окружающей среды. Избранный на Всеобщих выборах, прошедших 2 июня 2024 года Президент Мексики. Первая женщина — президент в истории страны.
Мэр Мехико (2018—2023). Одна из коллективных лауреатов Нобелевской премии мира 2007 года в качестве члена Межправительственной группы экспертов по изменению климата. 1 июля 2018 года была избрана мэром Мехико от левой партии Движение национального возрождения и коалиции Juntos Haremos Historia. Первая женщина и представительница еврейской общины на посту мэра Мехико.
Шейнбаум — обладательница докторской степени в инженерно-энергетической отрасли, автор более 100 статей и двух книг по вопросам энергетики, окружающей среды и устойчивого развития. Занимала пост секретаря (министра) окружающей среды в местном правительстве Мехико в 2000—2006 годах, когда мэром был Андрес Мануэль Лопес Обрадор. Мэр Тлалпана[%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF.] (2015—2017). В 2018 году включена в список «100 женщин» BBC.
Claudia Sheinbaum - Presidente de México's Timeline
1962 |
June 24, 1962
Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico