Historical records matching Christobel Gallop
Immediate Family
About Christobel Gallop
Christobel BRUSHETT - b. 1592, Dorset, England; d. Sep. 27, 1655; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA. She did not arrive in America with her husband, possibly deciding to delay the journey due to either the young age or soon arrival of her son John, the Younger. It may have taken the encouragement of Rev. John WHITE to have her make the crossing with her four surviving children. Gov. John WINTHROP had written to Rev. WHITE on Jul. 4, 1632: "I have much difficulty to keep John Galloppe here by reason his wife will not come. I marvel at the woman's weakness that she will live miserably with her children there, when she might live comfortably here with her husband. I pray persuade and further her coming by all means: if she will come let her have the remainder of his wages, if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his children, for so he desires: it would be above £40 loss to him to come for her." Christobel was admitted to the Boston Church Jun. 22, 1634. Her will, dated Jul. 24, 1655 and proved Oct. 31, 1655, names her three sons and daughter Joane Joy. The name of her father is uncertain, since it has been given as both Edmund and John.
Children of John and Christobel Gallup
- Joan - bap. Sep. 20, 1618, Bridport, Dorset, England; d. Mar. 20, 1690/1, Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA. She was married in Mar. 1636/7 in Dorset, England to Thomas JOY (b. 1611; d. Oct. 21, 1678, Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA). Thomas was a carpenter and millwright. Children of Joan and Thomas JOY: Samuel married Ann PITTS (daughter of Edmond and Ann PITTS); John married Mercy; Thomas; Ens. Joseph married Margaret PRINCE; Ephraim married Susanna SPENCER; Benjamin; Elizabeth married Nathaniel BEAL; Ruth married first John CURTIS, and second John LOW; and Sarah married Hicks DUNNING.
- John - bap. Jan. 25, 1620/1, Bridport, Dorset, England; d. Dec. 19, 1675, Narragansett Swamp Fight, RI.
- William - bap. Aug. 4, 1622, Bridport, Dorset, England; died young.
- Francis - bap. Jul. 27, 1625, Bridport, Dorset, England; bur. there Nov. 18, 1625.
- Samuel - b. about 1627; bap. Aug. 16, 1629, Bridport, Dorset, England; d. 1667; Boston, Suffolk Co., MA. He was married on Jan. 20, 1650/1 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA to Mary PHILLIPS. Children of Samuel and Mary GALLUP: Mary; Hannah; Samuel; Mehitable; William; and Abigail.
- Nathaniel - b. about 1629; bap. Aug. 16, 1629, Bridport, Dorset, England; d. 1669. He was married on Jun. 11, 1652 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA to Margaret EVELETH (d. Aug. 11, 1698, Boston, Suffolk Co., MA), daughter of Sylvester EVELETH. Children of Nathaniel and Margeret GALLUP: Susannah married John BUTLER; Nathaniel; Joseph married first Hannah, and second Elizabeth DWIGHT; Benjamin married Hannah SHARP; Mary.
- John - bap. Jul. 11, 1630, Bridport, Dorset, England; d. young.
of Boston, MA
Source for Christobel Bruschett is Gallup Genealogy 2009 edition, Vol 1 page 4. Her given name and surname are spelled various ways. Her DOB is 1592 (not "circa 1592") and her death date is Sept 27, 1655.
immigration on ship Mary and John in 1630 with family
Excerpted from Gary Possun Glynn's Blog at: http://earlynewenglandfamilies.blogspot.com/2012/02/gallup-family-o...
The Gallup Family of New England John Gallup (Generation 1, America)
Winthrop Fleet of 1630, passenger on the ship “Mary & John” Lineage proven to Winthrop Society by Gary Posson Glynn, 1996 son of John Gallop/Gallup and Mary Crabbe b. 1590, Mosterne, England d. January 12, 1650, Boston, Massachusetts m. CHRISTOBEL BRUSHETT
on January 29, 1617, St. Mary’s Church, Bridgport, Dorsetshire, England
Christoble Brushette arrived in Boston, Massachusetts from England on September 4, 1633, on the
"Griffin" with her children. She was admitted to the First Church, Boston, Massachusetts on June 22,
b. England
d. September 27, 1655, Boston, Massachusetts Will of Christovell (Brushett) Gallop – May 24, 1655 I do give to my son, John Gallop, half of my money which is about 15L and do give him my bed I lie on with one bolster, one coverlet and blanket, also on of my best brass kettles and a sea chest, a great Bible and fine napkins, on Holland broadcloth and half of my wearing clothes. I do give to Hannah, my son’s wife (John Gallop). I give to my daughter Joane Joy, half of my money, one great brass pot with one of my best brass kettles, a pair of white chests, one bedsteed, one flock, two blankets also a pair of my best sheets, pewter candlesticks, one porringer, one pewter platter and fine napkins and half of my wearing clothes. The rest of my good I give to be divided between my sons Samueal Gallop and Nathaniel Gallop, to each of them equally. (Inventory L36.14 - October 31, 1655)
Children of John Gallup and Christobel Brushett: Joan Gallup, married Thomas Joy, 1637, Boston, Massachusetts
The first record of Thomas Joy is found in Boston, Massachusetts on February 20, 1636 when he
purchased land. He was a principle contractor, master builder and architect in Boston, Massachusetts.
About 1646 he moved to Hingham, Massachusetts and in 1648 became a member of the Boston
Artillery Company now the famous “Ancient and Honorable”. In 1657-1658 he built a house in the
market place of Boston, which was at one time the arsenal, court house and town hall of Boston and
the first seat of government in Boston. He was admitted a “Freeman of the Colony” in 1665. (CFUS) JOHN GALLUP (SEE: Generation 2) William Gallup, returned to England with George Dennison and died there fighting for Cromwell. Samuel Gallup, married Mary Philips, November 20, 1650, Boston, Massachusetts Nathaniel Gallup, married Margaret Everly, March 11, 1652, Boston, Massachusetts
JOHN GALLUP (Generation 1) John Gallop/Gallup set sail for Boston, Massachusetts, March 20, 1630 on the “John and Mary” captained by Thomas Chubb. The reason for his departure is speculation: conceivably he may have wished to explore the possibilities of settling in New England; perhaps he may have desired to consider the prospects of engaging in transporting immigrants to the New World. “Seventy-one days later, on May 30, 1630 on May 30, 1630, Captain Chubb nosed the John and Mary into a cove behind Nantasket Beach and dropped anchor off where the village of Hull stands; in violation of his contracts to land his 140 passengers on the banks of the Charles River, he discharged them on the sand dunes of Nantasket. The stranded passengers hired a boat to carry them to Watertown, Massachusetts and subsequently the party removed to unoccupied land in what is now Dorchester, Massachusetts. John Gallup did not remain in Dorchester long. He removed to Boston, Massachusetts and “was one of the earliest grantees of land at the northerly part of town, where he had a wharf-right and house.” The locality was known as “Gallop’s Point” and was the southeast part of the peninsula. He had acquired a ship; was engaged in coastal trade and served as a pilot for ships entering Boston Harbor.
His wife and children had not accompanied him on his trip to the New World. Apparently Christobel hesitated to undertake a long and uncertain sea voyage to an undiscovered country, in spite of urgent encouragement by her husband. “John Gallop was so concerned that he contemplated returning to England.” He had become an important man in the colony and this disturbed Governor Winthrop who wrote to the great puritan leader, the Rev. John White of Dorchester, Massachusetts “I have much difficultye to keep John Gallop here by reason of his wife will not come. I marvayle at the woman’s weakness. I pray persuade her and further her coming by all means. If she will come, let her have the remainder of his wages; if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his children, if so he desires. It would be about L40 loss to him to come for her. Your assured in the Lord’s worke, John Winthrop, Massachusetts, July 4, 1632.” The Rev. Mr. White evidently persuaded Mrs. Gallup and successfully furthered her coming. She and the children arrived on September 4, 1633 on the “Griffin” after an eight week crossing; her husband piloted the ship into Boston Harbor through a new channel he had discovered, the channel running close by Lovell’s Island, a quarter mile east of his Gallop’s Island. He was made a freeman in 1634. He was admitted to the First Church, Boston, Massachusetts on January 6, 1634, his wife Christobel as admitted on June 22, 1634. John Gallop was a pioneer in the vitally important coastal trade between Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. “Within a year after he moved to Boston, there was great concern in the Providence Plantation when his shallop and its cargo of foodstuffs was overdue and Roger Williams wrote thankfully to their friend Governor Winthrop, “God be praised, Captain Gallop hath arrived.”
On, December 6, 1632, John Gallop and his vessel were engaged by the Massachusetts Magistrates for the first naval task force sent out by any New England colony. The French had fortified a couple of outposts and from these footholds the raided Penobscot, carrying off 300 weight of beaver skins belonging to the Plymouth County and they also captured and robbed an English sea captain, Dixy Bull. To add to the troubles, Bull, having been stripped of his cargo, turned pirate and was preying upon Massachusetts fishing and fishing. Captain Gallop’s ship, manned with twenty or so volunteers under command of his friend, John Mason, was dispatched to police these depredations. Head winds and a blizzard forced Captain Gallop to take refuge in Cape Ann Harbor. He was storm bound two weeks, returning to Boston on January 2nd. When Spring came, he sailed forth again, but failed to find his quarry, for Bull had sailed south to Virginia. The General Court of Massachusetts voted L10 each to Gallop and Mason “to pay for any expenditures.”
In 1635, John Gallop was engaged to transport the Cogswell Family from Maine. John Cogswell had embarked from Bristol. England on May 23, 1635; the passage was long and disastrous; those on board were washed ashore from the broken decks of their wrecked ship “Angel Gabriel” at Pemaquid (now Bristol, Maine). John Cogswell and his family were spared their lives. Fortunately, they salvaged a large tent which was pitched upon the beach and sheltered them until help arrived. At his first opportunity John Cogswell took passage to Boston, where he engaged Captain Gallop, who commanded a small bark, set sail to Pemaquid and to transport the Cogswell Family to Ipswich, Massachusetts in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
In 1636, John Gallop, bent on a spring trading cruise, he cast off from his wharf in Boston Harbor in his sloop with his son William Gallup and a hired man as crew. Having rounded Cape Cod he laid course by dead reckoning for Saybrook Point. Off Block Island they sighted a small ship anchored in broad cove close inshore. She appeared to be deserted, there was no watch on deck. Her rigging was loose and her gaff was swung widely to and fro as she rocked in the choppy sea. Gallop hove to and on approaching recognized a pinnace of John Oldham, a coastwise trader, on deck there was a score of Indians laying asleep. He hailed and a couple of Indians jumped into heavily laden canoes lashed alongside and paddled rapidly to shore. There was great confusion aboard the pinnace, but the natives succeeded in slipping the cable and standing off before the wind and headed for Narragansett Bay.
Convinced that Oldham was in trouble, Gallop hauled up alongside and was greeted with a shower of spears and arrows and a volley from several muskets. His sons opened fire with two great duck guns mounted on swivels, no mean armament and the savages took refuge below deck. The odds were too great in risking boarding so Gallop put up his helm and beat to windward, then, coming about, bore down on the pinnace before the wind. The twenty ton sloop rammed the smaller vessel with such force that she heeled over on her bean end and water poured down the hatchway. Panic-stricken, the Indians scrambled on deck; several leaped overboard and were drowned, others his in the hold. Gallop withdrew to repeat his ramming maneuvers.
He had a sudden inspiration to make the next blow more devastating by lashing his anchor to the bow, its sharp flukes pointed outward, thus improvising and iron-clad ran two centuries before naval architects adopted the idea. The pinnace was now virtually adrift, falling off to leeward and when the sloop again crashed into her windward quarter the flukes of the anchor-ram penetrated the hull. The two ships were clamped fast together.
The Gallop boys double loaded the duck guns, but their shots into the hold had little effect and their father loosened his fast and haled up to windward a third time. Several more Indians jumped overboard, bit one, obviously a sachem, stood up on the deck making signs of surrender. Captain Gallup drew up alongside; took the prisoner aboard and bound him hand and foot. Another came on deck, but fearing to keep such wily savages, however securely shackled, together in a tiny cabin, he as thrown overboard. Two other Indians still lurked in the hold, but Gallop and his sons boarded the pinnace and leaving one of the boys on guard with a pistol at the hatchway, they inspected the shambles.
In the cabin they found John Oldham’s head crushed, hacked from his body which lay in the corner, stripped naked, slashed with wounds, disgracefully mutilated. “God give you peace, Brother Oldham” prayed Captain Gallop as they lowered the body into the ocean.
They collected whatever of the murderers’ plunder that seemed worth salvaging, stripping the pinnace of her sails and rig, took her in tow and laid course towards Fisher’s Island. But the wind was rising rapidly. It was soon evident that to save themselves the unwieldy tow must be cut loose. She drifted away towards Narragansett Bay and probably fetched up on the rocks off Point Judith.
In 1636, John Gallop’s name first appears in the town records; “it is ordered that John Gallop shall remove he payles at the yarde ende within fourteen days, and to rainge them even with the corner of the house, for the preserving of the way upon the Sea Banke.”
In 1637, several Massachusetts ships arrived at Saybrook. Connecticut with reinforcements to supplement land operations against the uprising of the Pequot Indians in the area. It was mutually agreed “that the Bay men should pursue the fleeing Pequots in a joint land and water operation.” Gallop may have been the skipper of one of the ships in the little fortilla that brought the Massachusetts troops. We know that his was one of the supply ships that accompanied the land expedition and he was on hand in Fairfield Harbor for Bradford wrote is his history “Those that were wounded were fetched off soon by John Gallop who came with his shallop in the happie hour to bring them vituals and carrie their wounded men to ye pinass where our cheefe surgeon was with Mr. Wilson, being about eight leagues off.”
John Gallop appears on the 1640 Boston Plan of the southeast of Middle Street, near Gallop’s Wharf, as shown on Bonner’s Map of 1722 and Burgiss’ Map of 1729. He is shown on the 1645 Boston Plan indicated Gallop’s Point northwest of the wharf. The Bonner Map of 1722 shows Gallop’s wharf at the food of Wood Lane and Gallop’s Alley between Middle and Fish Streets. The Burgiss Map of 1729 shows Gallop’s Wharf and Island in Boston Harbor as does DesBarres, Map of Boston, 1775.
In his Will, dated October 10, 1649, his widow “is the sole executrix and to her is left all goods and lands with three exceptions. To son, John, who might be expected to be the chief beneficiary, he left the new shallop, to his daughter Joan, my heaffer. He two younger sons shall imploy the bark the first year all for their mother’s benefit and thereafter two thirds for them and one third for her. Upon her death, they will inherit everything if they carry themselves as obedient children otherwise she shall have liberty to dispose of all … as she thinke good.”
The inventory of his Estate, dated December 26, 1649 lists “Owne house and grounds lying in Boston, that is to say ye house and garden together with ye towne shoure upon ye flattes for libery of wharfage granted ye towne; The Isalnd called by ye name of Gallop’s Island; owned vessel and pinnis, called by name of ye Buck. Whole am’t of inventory; L311, 10s, 8d.”
Category: Griffin, sailed 1633
Biography == Christabell Brushett was born circa 1597 England. (year of birth estimated 20 years prior to marriage)
Marriage ===John Gallop married in Bridport, Dorsetshire, 19 January 1617[/8] Christabell Brushett.<ref name=GMB>The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III. (Online database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010), (Originally Published as: New England Historic Genealogical Society. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995). p. 725-728.subscriber$ </ref>
Christobel did not emigrate to America with her husband. She emigratedin 1633 on the "Griffin" with four children. In writing to Rev. John White of England, Governor Winthrop said, "I have much difficultye to keepe John Gallup here by reason his wife will not come. I marveyle atthe woman's weakness. I pray, persuade and further her coming by all means. If she will come let her have the remainder of his wages; if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his children, for so he desired. It would be about forty pounds less to him to come for her."<ref name=GMB />Presently she joined her husband, who piloted the ship "Griffin" with his own family, Rev. John Cotton, Rev. Thomas Hooker, Rev. Mr. Stone, and 200 others on board, safely into Boston harbor in Sept. 1633. "Christovell Gallopp the wife of our brother John Gallopp" was admitted to Boston church 22 June 1634.<ref name=GMB />
Children ===Christabell and John had 7 children (all baptized at Bridport): <ref name=GMB />
- Joan baptized on September 20, 1618. m. by 1637 to Thomas Joy. #John baptized on January 25, 1620/1. m. by 1644 Hannah Lake, daughterof John and Margaret (Reade) Lake. #William, baptized August 4, 1622, supposedly unmarred, predeceased his father.# Francis, baptized July 27, 1625, buried at Bridport November 18, 1625. #Samuel, baptized August 16, 1629; m. at Boston January 20, 1650/1 to Mary Phillips.#Nathaniel, baptized August 16, 1629; m Boston June 11, 1652 to Margaret Eveley [Eveleth]. daughter of Sylvester Eveleth. #John (a second son named John) baptized July 11, 1630; seemingly diedyoung since John calls Samuel and Nathaniel his "two youngest sons."
Death ===Christabell died 27 Sep 1655 (aged 62–63) in Boston, Suffolk County,Massachusetts Bay Colony. <ref name=GMB />
Research Notes ===Some say her parents were possibly Edmund Brushett and Emma Nichols, who were married in 1588 in Powerstock, Dorset, the only marriage record for Brushetts found in Dorset during that era.
<references />
See Also:*Find A Grave memorial #35779331, Created by Linda Mac. [https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/35779331/christabell-gallop]*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Gale Research, Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data - Filby, P. William, ed.. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA.
When Grace Gallup was born in 1610 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, her father, John, was 17, and her mother, Christobel, was 18. She married William Blount in 1641 in Andover, Massachusetts.
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Christobel Brushett (Gallop)
Canada, Quebec Couples
1594 - Mosterton Doresetshire, England
Jan 19 1617 - Bridgeport Dorsetshire, England
Sep 27 1655 - Boston Suffolk,massachusetts
John Gallop
Christobel Gallop's Timeline
1592 |
Mosterton, Dorset, England
1610 |
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
1613 |
1618 |
September 20, 1618
Mosterton, West Dorset District, Dorset, England (United Kingdom)
1620 |
January 25, 1620
Mosterton, Dorset, England (United Kingdom)
1622 |
Bridgeport Pl, Poplar, Greater London, UK
1625 |
July 27, 1625
Bridport, Dorset, ENG
1629 |
August 16, 1629
Bridport, Dorset, England
August 16, 1629
Bridport, Dorset, England