Christiane came to Philadelphia in the ship "America" from Rotterdam with her father. The "Letters of William Penn" available at the Old Uppsala Library, has reference to Cornelius van Bom stating he was a local baker.
I, Christian Du Castle, Widow, give Devise and bequeath Unto my Son Samuel My Silver Tankard, one Silver Porringer & Spoon and the Gold Ring with the Seal. Also one feather Bed and Bolster & Curtains, Valins and all other furniture belonging thereunto and one half of his fathers Wearing Apparell. I give Devise and Bequeath unto my son Edmond A Silver Porringer & Spoon and ye Black Trunk. Also the other half of his fathers Apparell. Also One feather Bed and Bolster with Curtains, Vallins and all other furniture thereunto. I give unto my Daughter Christian my Best Cabinet and my Gold Chain or Neckless with my Gold Girdle Bustle and Gold Shoe Buckle. Also a large Gold Ring and ye Silver Porringer marked CDC with the little Silver Spoon belonging to it. And one other Silver Spoon, Two Silver Salts, Six small Silver Teaspoons and all my Wearing Apparell. All ye rest and residue of my Effects... shall be equally divided between my three children above mentiond. And Lastly, I do Hereby Appoint my loving Sister Wenetie Colett and my friend Edward Church..my Executors... for their trouble, give them the sum of five pounds.
(signed) Christian Du Castle (wafer seal bearing indistinct impression)
This will was dated September 17, 1714 and proved November 25, 1714. (Pennsylvania Archives)
By a writing dated November 17, 1714 and witnessed by Samuel Du Castel and Peter Evans, Wyntie Collett renounced her right to serve as Executratrix. No later reference to Samuel Du Chastl has been found.
The inventory of Christian Du Chastel's estate enumerated the articles of furniture in each room of the house.
1672 |
1678 |
Rotterdam, Zuid, Holland, Netherlands OR, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
1694 |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa
1695 |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa
1696 |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
1714 |
September 27, 1714
Age 36
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
???? |
???? |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA