Christian VI of Denmark and Norway

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Christian VI af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Konge af Danmark og Norge (1699 - 1746)

Also Known As: "Kong Christian VI"
Birthplace: København, Danmark (Denmark)
Death: August 06, 1746 (46)
Hirschholm Slot, København, Danmark (Denmark)
Place of Burial: Roskilde, Danmark
Immediate Family:

Son of Frederick IV of Denmark and Norway and Louise von Mecklenburg-Güstrow, Dronning af Danmark og Norge
Husband of Princess Sophia Magdalen of Brandenburg-Kulmbach
Father of Frederick V of Denmark and Norway, of Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway; Louise af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Prinsesse and Princess Louise of Denmark
Brother of Christian af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Prins; Frederik Charles Prins of Denmark; George von Oldenburg, Prins af Danmark og Norge and Princess Charlotte Amalie of Denmark
Half brother of Fredrik Gyldenløve; Frilledatter af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg; Christiana Amalia von Oldenburg; Frederik Christian von Oldenburg, Prins af Danmark og Norge; Carl von Oldenburg, Prins af Danmark og Norge and 1 other

Occupation: Konge av Danmark, Kung i Danmark 1730-46, King of Denmark & Norway (1730-1746)
Managed by: Günther Kipp
Last Updated:

About Christian VI of Denmark and Norway

  • Af Guds Nåde Konge af Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers, hertug udi Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn og Ditmarsken, greve udi Oldenburg og Delmenhorst. (In English: By the grace of God King of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn and Ditmarsken, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst.)

Predecessor: Frederick IV Successor: Frederick V

  • Duke of Holstein(in condominial rule with Charles Frederick, a son of his father's paternal cousin, (till 1739) and thereafter with the latter's son Charles Peter Ulrich, 1730–1746)

Predecessor: Frederick IV and Charles Frederick Successor: Frederick V and Charles Peter Ulrich

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Christian VI of Denmark and Norway's Timeline

November 30, 1699
December 10, 1699
København, Danmark (Denmark)
March 31, 1723
Christiansborg slot, København, Danmark (Denmark)
June 19, 1724
København, Danmark (Denmark)
October 19, 1726
København, Danmark (Denmark)
August 6, 1746
Age 46
Hirschholm Slot, København, Danmark (Denmark)
October 4, 1746
Age 46
Roskilde Domkirke, Roskilde, Danmark (Denmark)