Matching family tree profiles for Charles Boulton, II
Immediate Family
About Charles Boulton, II
"Charles Boulton was born c 1735 in North Carolina and served in the Revolutionary War as supply officer for the North Carolina militia and later for South Carolina and Virginia. He married Elizabeth Chickens (Hichens). Charles and Elizabeth had several children, including a Charles Boulton who was born in 1767 in Caswell County, North Carolina."
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor #: A011855
Profile last modified 15 Apr 2017 | Last significant change:
13 Oct 2021
Charles Lent Bolton (1735 - 1803)
Charles Lent Bolton
Born 1735 in Orange County, North Carolina
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling%28s%29 unknown]
Husband of Elizabeth (Hickens or Higgins) Bolton — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Father of Leona (Bolton) Wynne
Died 1803 in Milton, Caswell, North Carolina
20:00: Tommy Bolton posted a comment on the page for Charles Lent Bolton (1735-1803) [Thank Tommy for this]
THE BOULTON FAMILY HISTORY Submitted By Eddie Best, Editor White County, Arkansas, Historical Society. The writer, Peggy Wyatt Wisdom, was an Honorary Lifetime Member of the White County, Arkansas, Historical Society, which she served as secretary for many years.
"Charles Boulton was born c 1735 in North Carolina and served in the Revolutionary War as supply officer for the North Carolina militia and later for South Carolina and Virginia. He married Elizabeth Chickens (Hichens). Charles and Elizabeth had several children, including a Charles Boulton who was born in 1767 in Caswell County, North Carolina."
"Early Records of GA" (Wilkes Co.) Charles Boulton, Sr. B: circa 1735_Orange County, North Carolina_D: 15 FEB 1803_Wed: Elizabeth Higgins/Hickens
CHILDREN: (NOT IN ORDER) 1. Lent Boulton 2. Thomas Meriweather Boulton 3. William Boulton 4. John Boulton 5. Judith Boulton 6. Leona Amy and/or Oney Boutlon 7. Charles Boulton Jr.
Will of Charles Lent Boulton
Will copied and Typed by J.B. Boulton, 22 October, 1983. Transcribed from the copy of the certified copy of the original will of Charles Boulton, Revolutionary War Patriot, Caswell County, North Carolina, made by Mrs. Morton, Clerk of Caswell County, North Carolina, October 10, 1932. In the name of God, Amen, I Charles Boulton of the County of Caswell, N.C. being of sound, perfect mind and memory blessed by God this fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following to wit: I wish all my just debts to be fully discharged. I then give to my beloved wife Elizabeth Boulton the tract of land I now live on with the plantation and mansion house and all other houses, the line beginning on the bank of the Dan River on a Saplin running thence south to or near the sink hole branch to a corner at a pine then comprehending all the land to the county line I likewise give to my beloved wife all my stock of every kind household and kitchen furniture and all my negroes excepting two which are hereafter named during her natural life or widowed. At her death it is my will and desire for my beloved son Lent Boulton to have the land and plantation above named with all the stock of every kind household and kitchen furniture and plantation tools. I do likewise at my death give him his choice of my negroes. I do give to my beloved daughter Judith Thomas one negro girl by the name of Betty during her natural life or widowhood then to be given to her two sons Icobod and John Thomas it is my will and I say she shall not nor her husband be entitiled to any more of my estate, the negroes already given to my different children and will to remain there and not be divided I give to my three sons, Charles, Thomas and William the tract of land or different parcels agreeable to the lines agreed on by them in my life-time, I also give to my son William forty dollars after my estate is divided to be paid out of the legacies of Charles Boulton, Thomas Boulton, John Boulton's children and Obediah Wynn's children I do likewise give to my son John Boulton's sons to be equally divided fifty pounds of Virginia money to be paid out of Charles Boulton Thomas Boulton and William Boulton's legacies after the death of my wife Elizabeth Boulton it is my wish and desire for all my negroes except the two befor named to be equally divided between the following children John Boulton's children and children of Thomas boulton, Charles Boulton, William Boulton, Lent Boulton and Obediah Wynn's children by my daughter Amy and I do herby revoke and disanul all and every other former testament by me before made and do by these presenceratify and confirm this my last will and testament. I also nominate, constitute and appoint William Boulton, Thomas boulton and Lent Boulton executors to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this year and date within mentioned. Charles Boulton (seal) test: Elizabeth Combs (Jurat) James Dix (Jurat)
Charles Boulton, II's Timeline
1735 |
North Carolina
1757 |
Goochland, VA
1758 |
1759 |
1760 |
Orange County, North Carolina, USA
1761 |
Caswell, North Carolina
1763 |
1767 |
Caswell, Orange, North Carolina
1769 |
1803 |
February 15, 1803
Age 68
Caswell County, NC, United States